Is your Website Business for Sale?

23 replies
I found this site today - it may not be news for most of you but it sure is news to me. I am rather upset by this but I'm not sure which part of the whole thing offends me so much.

How do you feel about this? Do you have any thoughts on this?

Do you feel this kind of thing (and it is one BIG BIG site-look at bottom sitemaps!) gives an accurate picture of what Your business is really worth because if you check one day it will be HIGH and another day it will be low-balled - I checked. One site 58 days ago said it was worth 51G - today it was/is said worth 16G - pretty huge difference...

http://www.websiteoutlook. com/

(I put a space after the period)

Do you feel this site truly gives an accurate assessment of YOUR business is worth?

Do you feel this should even be allowed? (ha)

I really would love to see some input regarding this site.


(P.S. Which also leads me to social networking and everything THAT entails, as in, NOTHING about you/us is private anymore AT ALL. Nothing.)

Investigative Resources LLC
UK Mobile Phone Trace Service
#business for sale #website for sale
  • Profile picture of the author privateye2500
    P.S. Please let me hear some thoughts on this Warriors! Please.


    Investigative Resources LLC
    Thank you for your valuable business!

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  • Profile picture of the author privateye2500
    I can't get in there now either but when I do, I am going to look up the forum and see what they say it's worth.

    Gotta be interesting right!?


    Investigative Resources LLC
    Thank you for your valuable business!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[15720].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeLantz
      Seems like a good way for someone to try and steal your niche...

      And no, on my most valuable site the valuation is off by quite a bit. It is only showing about 25% of what it is worth.

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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
        Originally Posted by MikeLantz View Post

        Seems like a good way for someone to try and steal your niche...

        And no, on my most valuable site the valuation is off by quite a bit. It is only showing about 25% of what it is worth.

        And a good site for Me (you) to steal other peoples niches >>>

        Mike Hill
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  • Profile picture of the author ExRat
    Hi Melanie,

    This tickled me -

    NOTHING about you/us is private anymore AT ALL. Nothing.
    When I saw your sig -

    Investigative Resources LLC
    UK Mobile Phone Trace Service
    Sorry, couldn't resist

    Well, all I can add is that my own personal appraisal of Website Outlook is that the site is worth $0 as I can't get it to work.

    Roger Davis

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    • Profile picture of the author privateye2500
      Originally Posted by ExRat View Post

      Hi Melanie,

      This tickled me -

      When I saw your sig -

      Sorry, couldn't resist

      Well, all I can add is that my own personal appraisal of Website Outlook is that the site is worth $0 as I can't get it to work.
      You are right! That IS pretty funny! LOL and you don't know the half of it! rotfl!:p


      Investigative Resources LLC
      Thank you for your valuable business!

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  • Profile picture of the author imb
    The value it gives may be usefull only for the "technical" value of the site (pages/traffic/backlinks/etc) but for the website's actual business value (operations/expense/income/etc) not at all.

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    • Profile picture of the author trafficwave
      I think that if someone were trying to sell a web site, this might be interesting to play with but selling a business is an entirely different matter. The "value" of a domain name, traffic, eyeballs, etc... will be determined by a number of factors beyond the sterile stats displayed on this site or any other.

      The business itself relies on how well that site monetizes the traffic and exposures it is receiving.

      If you're wanting to just sell a domain name, this might be a moderately useful tool for giving you some guidelines. But if you're wanting to sell a business, there will be many many more factors to consider including overhead, gross revenues, history of the company, goodwill (if any), etc...

      Brian Rooney, CEO Email Marketing AutoResponders
      Email Marketing Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author ArtDeco
    All the appraisal sites that I've seen seem to deliberately overstate the value of small sites (perhaps hoping people will link to them from their blog or directory?) while being way low on the big sites value. Don't get upset about it, but don't believe it either.

    Nope. Nothing to click here yet.

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    • Profile picture of the author ploked
      it does not matter what any of the "valuation" sites say a website is all comes down to being worth what someone will pay for it.

      get plugged in @ and get stoked about social media.

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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    Unadulterated crap. Why do people even bother with this crap nonsense?

    LOL... the last time I checked, businesses were valued based on their cash flow and profitability. A multiple of sales or earnings. Earnings per share... P/E ratios... you know... business and money stuff ...

    This web tool knows what my accounting looks like based on.... ????

    I might have 100 visitors a week with a 75% conversion ratio for a $1000 product because of the targeted niche.
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