Frustrated with Philippine outsourcers. Need advice.
Then about a month ago I started hiring writers on per hour basis. I've tried about 4-5 outsourcers now through GAF and oDesk.
The problem is that for the first 4-5 days, I get real quality work done, with great turnaround and as per my requirements; but after that, ALL of them lost the momentum. Either they stopped responding to emails or came back with some excuse such being sick, going to the hospital, no power in city etc.
I don't think that I'm doing anything to frustrate them.
- I clearly mentioned the pay rate in job description.
- If they don't know anything, I send them learning material and ask them to bill for study/research time
- I thank them and encourage them.
- For the last guy I even raised the hourly rate just after 1 week of work.
- I've Paid on time for hours worked.
I want to hire someone full-time. But from this experience, I don't know how I can find someone reliable.
Any advice is appreciated.
PS. Sorry to point the finger at Philippines. It's just I haven't oursourced to anywhere else.
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