Would this Business Model Work?

5 replies
I have worked in the aquaculture and fisheries industry for many years and have deep knowledge in areas such as fish biology, disease management, water quality management, intensive recirculation system design, etc. Stuff that what make any good IMer's eyes glaze over but there would be a lot (aquaculture is a 70 bl per year industry) of people who would gobble my knowledge up.

I am very interested in trying to integrate this knowledge with IM somehow.

If you had my knowledge how would you monetize it?

Create an authority site and attract advertisers?

Create a paid membership site and drip my knowledge out to subscribers?
#business #model #work
  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    I would start a blog, dishing out small tid bits of advice, welcome questions from people for you to cover, then gather the most common questions and create an info product that addresses them, not too in depth though, just a 'newbies guide' of sorts, and build up from there, throwing out more advanced volumes as the demand increases.

    A paid membership site will be good once you have a kind of community vibe, it doesn't always have to be that way of course, but to make a very healthy income, I would advice testing the waters (pun not intended) with some smaller products first then scale up when you know that you've got a winner on your hands.

    I would kill for your knowledge, you could make some very serious money if you wanted to.. and the great thing is that you realise it too
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  • Profile picture of the author jamespitt
    I'd take a step back - put together all that you have learnt to put together a 'Fish Ponds' franchise. If you can offer that as a package to people, you can charge them a lot of money for it.

    You then use your online skills to sell that package to people. Maybe you don't want to go for the full 'franchise' for now, but it'd be a good target to aim at.

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  • Originally Posted by adesbarats View Post

    I have worked in the aquaculture and fisheries industry for many years and have deep knowledge in areas such as fish biology, disease management, water quality management, intensive recirculation system design, etc. Stuff that what make any good IMer's eyes glaze over but there would be a lot (aquaculture is a 70 bl per year industry) of people who would gobble my knowledge up.

    I am very interested in trying to integrate this knowledge with IM somehow.

    If you had my knowledge how would you monetize it?

    Create an authority site and attract advertisers?

    Create a paid membership site and drip my knowledge out to subscribers?

    Hmmmn... how about corporate consulting as a microniche under the agriculture and fishing niche? Ebooks, videos, white papers, reports and the like would be good promotional tools.

    Also mentioned is smallscale to midscale business generation consultancy, strat planning and risk management services as a microniche covered by the agriculture and fisheries niche?

    How about people who need info and various affiliate products to take good care of their pet fish as a microniche under fish biology, disease management, etc.? How about your own products for this microniche?

    Reckon once these microniches have been ironed out, that would be a good time to plan the offline and online business and marketing model.

    Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamian
    I would suggest first you need to figure out exactly what kind of business model that you want to operate your business then dig deep and make your niche as narrow as possible otherwise even with your years of knowledge you'll face very mass scale of competition because this industry is huge. It is more profitable to be a big fish in a small pond than a small undefined fish in a big pond. So try to come up with your own sub niche Good Luck!

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    • Profile picture of the author adesbarats
      Thanks - all very good suggestions.

      Another thing that was interesting to me was to offer something like SEOMoz does but instead of tools and support for SEO, they would be tools and support for Aquaculture. I could offer neat little tools like unionized ammonia converter, carbon dioxide estimator, alkalinity estimator, stocking density recommender, heating and cooling estimator, make-up flow estimater, recirculated flow estimator, etc, etc.

      And expand into some really high tech tools like a recirculation design creation tool whereby you input certain key parameters and it literally spits out a complete system design in 3D Solid Works along with a complete materials list.

      This type of service would be geared mainly toward the other consultants in the industry. They could use these tools to make their work easier.

      So, instead of fighting with all the fish in the great big pond, I provide a service to them!

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