It's important to know what you want

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I learned what I think is a valuable lesson from Fatwallet, a community supposedly based on saving money. In reality, many people suggest that they spend more because of the great deals they find, but that's probably splitting hairs.

Anyway, there's something that you learn after spending some time there, or on sites like Woot. Many of the deals are not available for long at all. If you think about it too much (or some times at all), you're liable to miss out entirely.

This isn't to say that you should make hasty decisions. But if you know what you want, how much it is worth to you, and how much it normally costs, you can take advantage of some amazing opportunities.

I got to thinking about this after reading the thread about people buying Twitter domains. As soon as I read it, I jumped over and registered the domain. I have no clue if I'll really use it, but to me the opportunity is worth more than the $7 it cost me. There are too many times that I've hemmed and hawed about something only to miss out.

I wish I could tie this up into a little neater package that applied very directly to an IMers life, but I guess you get to enjoy it in it's more 'raw' state.

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