Offline Ideas for a Church?

27 replies
I just received a call from a local church that wants a website, to be specific, a modern looking website. They were tired of their older looking website, so they gave me a call.

This will be my first church, so I figured I would ask fellow warriors who have done some marketing for local churches, what services you offered them?

I'm sure that almost anything that applies to a local business will apply, but I just wanted to get some warriors talking.

#church #ideas #offline
  • Profile picture of the author Kelly Verge
    Depending on the size and finances of the church, they could be anywhere from broke and begging to willing and able to market just like a regular business.

    For a smaller church, I set up a blog using the Studiopress Church theme. They like the look and the blog aspect helps keep the site more current.

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  • Profile picture of the author warriorkay
    Many churches would love to be able to include
    audio and video sermons on their sites, so it's
    important to have that at the back of your
    mind when you go to them.

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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    The option to sign up as a member and upload certain content is useful for a church website. A church is after all a community and it should logically follow that the website also be a community site or have a community-driven portion.
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  • Profile picture of the author filiks
    one of the basis for the existence of churches is to evangelize,

    therefore if you are trying to create a site for them, just like warriorkay said they will need to have audio and video sermons on their sites, they also will love to have feed backs from members and would be "converters" to send a message,prayer request and donation etc

    above all you need to ask them what they will like to include in their site
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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    Doesn't quite sound like your asking for ideas related to anything "offline" ... website design is about as online as it gets =P


    PS - As an actual beneficial comment: What MAIN purpose does the Church want for this site? To attract new people or communicate with existing ones?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Flask

      PS - As an actual beneficial comment: What MAIN purpose does the Church want for this site? To attract new people or communicate with existing ones?"

      This is a very valid point.

      Essentially, what is the main objective of the church? What message does the church want to communicate?

      The church (the members) need to decide to whom will their message be for and how best to present it.

      Some ideas to include in a site would be:

      Pastor's/Minister's page
      Youth Group and Ministry
      Events Calendar
      Church Committees Info and Updates
      Missions and Missionary News
      Community Involvement
      Sunday School Programs and other classes

      I'm currently brainstorming ideas for my church. This will be my project through the summer months.

      Hope this helps you some...

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
    Whatever you recommend, just don't recommend online video service and online tithe payment processor.
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  • Profile picture of the author jwil
    It's a good idea to brainstorm a wish list of what the congregation would like to be able to do online, what goes on in the church life that is easily communicated online. You could also find other chruch sites that have good features you'd like to use.

    Adding components that help to show visitors to the site the personality and atmosphere of the church life. This will break down barriers for those who feel awkward about going to church but decide to try out church.

    You could mix Social Media with the site, or add a free Bible correspondence course that can be delivered by autoresponder, or a video series that is designed to meet needs. Facebook is really good for youth to connect through.
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  • Profile picture of the author GoGetta

    I think a newsletter via email would be pretty effective! Obviously this gives the church opportunities to advertise and notify subscribers of events and services. They could also use email for donations and making money for the church as well.

    I suppose as some have mentioned, you will have to see what they want and what they are working with budget wise!

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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Ambrose
    You can't get much more modern than ChristChurch London |

    Hope you can get ideas to help your church

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  • Profile picture of the author Kelly Verge
    What they have... what they need... what they want.

    These answers shouldn't come from a forum. They should come from the client, just like with any other business.

    I sat down with the staff of the (small) church I worked with and we brainstormed ideas to include.

    As far as services, I'm doing the hosting for this church and I have them on a support contract. They're still in the learning phase so I'm doing periodic training.

    Yes. Larger churches might want email lists, a social engine, mobile integration, etc. That's why I said it really depends on the church.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      Originally Posted by Kelly Verge View Post

      What they have... what they need... what they want.

      These answers shouldn't come from a forum. They should come from the client, just like with any other business.
      and its the first rule of professional designers. Asking a board with IMers to find out what a church wants in a website is like asking a bunch of nightclubbers how to dress Mother Theresa.

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      • Profile picture of the author tush
        Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

        and its the first rule of professional designers. Asking a board with IMers to find out what a church wants in a website is like asking a bunch of nightclubbers how to dress Mother Theresa.
        Wait Wait Wait..... some of us here are very holy and by the way, this is the best place to ask from, who knows, the pastors can really know what these "nightclubbers" love. Once they offer these services, then they can turn this group back to God
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    • Profile picture of the author Christian Sawyer
      Originally Posted by artwebster View Post

      Did you think about asking the church what IT wants?
      I definitely agree. I just wanted to get some ideas to bring to the table for them!

      Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

      Thanks Kim! I'll give those a good look.

      Originally Posted by Kelly Verge View Post

      What they have... what they need... what they want.

      These answers shouldn't come from a forum. They should come from the client, just like with any other business.

      I sat down with the staff of the (small) church I worked with and we brainstormed ideas to include.

      As far as services, I'm doing the hosting for this church and I have them on a support contract. They're still in the learning phase so I'm doing periodic training.

      Yes. Larger churches might want email lists, a social engine, mobile integration, etc. That's why I said it really depends on the church.
      I am meeeting with them Monday, so I just wanted some cool ideas to bring to the table. This is a medium sized church, so I think they would be open to a lot of ideas.

      An email list is actually a great thing for a church, because we all know Churches try to pursue new members. That's why they have you fill out that form when you go. I think adding an email list on top of the phone call you receive, will increase the response rate.


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  • Profile picture of the author JonMills
    Ask the client. If they dont know, then expectations are not going to be too high

    I would ask them to show you sites they do like, what they like about those sites and then ask them what their short term and long term goals are.. do they want to add sermons to the site, do they want broadcast video live or just provide it after

    there are a lot of factors to consider, but I would start by asking them what they have seen that they like and what they have seen that they dont like. This will allow you to guage immediately dos and donts
    Signature Persuasion at it's best! Organize your entire online business - Super affiliates give it the thumbs up!
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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    Podcasting is *huge* with churches make sure you incorporate that aspect into the site design. It is a way for them to extend their audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    Your best bet would be to ask them for a website that they
    admire and would like to model. A lot of your problems
    would be solved there.

    My church's website is 'templated' so I didn't design but I
    just started making changes by adding streaming services
    (using Ustream). Have a long way to go still but getting

    Punta Gorda Seventh-day Adventist Church

    -Ray Edwards
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    • Profile picture of the author Christian Sawyer
      Originally Posted by Raydal View Post

      Your best bet would be to ask them for a website that they
      admire and would like to model. A lot of your problems
      would be solved there.

      My church's website is 'templated' so I didn't design but I
      just started making changes by adding streaming services
      (using Ustream). Have a long way to go still but getting

      Punta Gorda Seventh-day Adventist Church

      -Ray Edwards
      I think having a live stream of the services would go over very well! I'll definitely be running that by them.

      This is off topic from the church aspect, but I think I could apply this live streaming to some clubs I'm affiliated with. Is there a way to charge viewers for viewing the live stream?

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      • Profile picture of the author Raydal
        Originally Posted by Christian Sawyer View Post

        I think having a live stream of the services would go over very well! I'll definitely be running that by them.

        This is off topic from the church aspect, but I think I could apply this live streaming to some clubs I'm affiliated with. Is there a way to charge viewers for viewing the live stream?

        You can password your streams so that only paid members get
        access to it. That's what I do for my coaching members.

        Here's a forum you can check for all the information you'll need
        about church streaming--hardware, software etc.

        The Church Media Community

        -Ray Edwards
        The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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        • Profile picture of the author Christian Sawyer
          Originally Posted by Raydal View Post

          You can password your streams so that only paid members get
          access to it. That's what I do for my coaching members.

          Here's a forum you can check for all the information you'll need
          about church streaming--hardware, software etc.

          The Church Media Community

          -Ray Edwards
          Thanks Ray.

          The only problem with using one password for a club is that I'm sure it would get passed around town.

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          • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
            Have a welcome letter they give to anyone new who turns up at the church that welcomes them, tells them who to contact and how when they need anything, what's going on and encourages them to join the chuch email list.

            Perhaps make some online videos of sermons and embed them on the site as a teaching series of some kind.

            Send email subscribers to one video at a time.

            Kindest regards,
            Andrew Cavanagh
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  • Profile picture of the author reelgraphics
    Hi if you are thinking of using an existing CMS I suggest Joomla or wordpress with regards to designs and functionality look at services that offer this to churches like Buildachurchwebsite etc.

    Do ask them for examples of sites they like and features they would like to have on their site. Sermon speaker is truly a great extension on joomla and wordpress also has something similar.
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