The correct way to arrange 3 pricing levels

4 replies
I'm putting together an offer for 3 different levels of a service. Here's what I know:

I want to price the bottom tier, the 'Silver' package at $27.
I want to price the top tier, the 'Platinum' package at $97.
I want to make as much money from the offer as I can.

The question is how much should I price the middle tier, the 'Gold' package at to accomplish this? Also, how much 'value' should the packages deliver to accomplish this? The service levels differ primarily in the number of submissions allowed, so they can be directly equated from one package to the next (unlike say, content, where each item could have a variable value).

So if Silver is 100 submissions and Platinum is 1000 submission, should Gold be 300, 500, 700? That has to be figured in with the price.
#arrange #correct #levels #pricing
  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by Ben Roy View Post

    The question is how much should I price the middle tier, the 'Gold' package at to accomplish this?
    $67 and 300 posts.

    So Silver is 27 cents a post, Gold is 21 cents a post, and Platinum is 9.7 cents a post.

    Most people are going to buy Gold, because when offered three choices, people take the middle one.

    Anyone who does the math on it will see immediately that the Platinum offer is the best deal, and that they don't save all that much on Gold. Gold is still a better deal than Silver, though, so if they can't afford Platinum they'll still go for Gold.

    Alternately, $67 and 500 posts makes Gold 13 cents a post. Same scenario, but people are more likely to think they won't need Platinum. It may satisfy your desire to be more "fair" about things, though.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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    • Profile picture of the author Ben Roy
      Ok, interesting take. I was thinking either 67 or 77, with the idea being to make the 97 package so insanely good compared with the middle that people basically have to take Platinum. Maybe that was backwards.
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      • Profile picture of the author jglover
        Nothing wrong with that either...

        "don't have to get it right...just have to get it going."

        heck look at Microsoft Windows...they STILL haven't got it right.
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  • Profile picture of the author jglover
    I'd go 500 at a $47 price point...

    I tend not to over think things though.

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