newbie needs advice on finding niche

27 replies
Dear experiences IMs, please let me pick your brains...

Looking for your advice regarding finding a profitable niche:
What niches do you think are moneymakers? And/or a tip on how to determine a profitable niche?

thanks so much for the help!!!
#advice #finding #newbie #niche
  • Profile picture of the author Cash37
    Things where people are willing to spend money to get rid of a problem
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  • Profile picture of the author l23bc
    Do something That you are intrested in because if you found a profitable niche that is tedious or no intrest you can get bored. I think thats why i enjoy making movie sites for CPA marketing as there are great intrest to the films or celebraties.

    Hope that helps.

    No Link here or Nothing to Promote Just a Old Happy Warrior User reading Topics

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    • Profile picture of the author Louise M
      Thanks Andrew,
      I'll have to check out your sites and see how you tie it all together.
      Signature Starting An Online Business Doing What You Love!
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  • Profile picture of the author petelta
    You can start by looking in the broader niche categories and see where you want to go from there. You have choices like fitness, insurance, travel, forex, and education. They seem to all have enough smaller niches to target and will bring in the money.

    Dig into these things and choose which you like the best. For example, I am highly involved in many niches in the fitness industry. One of my niche sites is dedicated to fitness and health for diabetic children. It's very targeted and lucrative. There's a market for parents wanting the best for their children. I bring those parents an answer to keep their children as healthy as possible.

    Those are the niches you want to be a part of. Bring a solution to a problem. You can either make your own product or just be the middle man.

    Do searches in these broad categories to find out good targeted niches. YOu can search google, amazon, ebay, magazines, etc. There are lots and lots of places to find the right market for you.

    TEESPRING Student Rakes In Over $116k In Less Than 3 Months
    Niche Pro Profits - How I raked in OVER $120k in 9 months with authority niche sites...

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    • Profile picture of the author Louise M
      Thanks Travis for the detailed feedback...there's a lot of info out there as to IM, but they all seem to gloss over finding the right niche, which seems like a pretty important step.
      Signature Starting An Online Business Doing What You Love!
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      • Profile picture of the author petelta
        Originally Posted by Louise M View Post

        Thanks Travis for the detailed feedback...there's a lot of info out there as to IM, but they all seem to gloss over finding the right niche, which seems like a pretty important step.
        It's just one of the first steps involved in creating a business. It's very important. Choosing the right niche can cut the time to see results big time.

        Once you start to do it a lot though, you see potential markets everywhere. I see something I would consider making a website for everyday just walking around town it seems like. You start to see people with a need all around.

        TEESPRING Student Rakes In Over $116k In Less Than 3 Months
        Niche Pro Profits - How I raked in OVER $120k in 9 months with authority niche sites...

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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Money, Health, Love.

    Without a full smile on these ones, human can't rest.

    Thats why these are some the most profitable niches. EVER.
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimG
    Why not just look at the signature files of people posting in here.......Plenty of niches to be seen and I assume they have done their niche/keyword research and are either making money in the niche or have plans to make money in the niche or they wouldn't be using their Warrior Forum signature for backlink love.

    Just today I found 3-4 new niches that can easily be dominated and I would have never thought of them were it not for the links in the signature files.

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  • Profile picture of the author PerryStark
    Here is some advice, first list the niches you are more passionate about because in the end these are the niches you are going to build a business on. Second think if the niche you choose has people that had a rabbid passion or a desperate need, this is crucial because it would be easy for them to take action a.k.a buy your stuff and third think if the niche you choose has a back-end opportunity, which means that you are not dealing with a one shot transaction, that you can have them as lifetime customers selling them stuff over and over again. That are my two cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author pianochris
    I agree - do something you know something about. It'll be easier and you'll take more of an active role in developing it into something.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gravc
    Profitable niches are everywhere personally I don't agree that you have to have an interest in something to make money from it. I guess it matters if you are writting a million articles but it doesnt matter at all if you are planning to pay for traffic.

    The main thing is finding out what people want to buy and then doing your research on keywords then selling that info to people who want to buy it.

    How you approach keyword research is going to vary depending on whether your planning to spend money on your marketing or whether you are planning on generating organic traffic.

    You can find niches EVERYWHERE my personal favorite place to find niches is on daytime TV shows. They often talk about weird and obscure niches but the reason they make it onto TV is because they are becoming popular amongst a very specialist group. Also when a niche is being discussed on a TV show often it is at the point when it is up and coming as oppossed to when everyone else has already jumped on the bandwagon.
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    • Profile picture of the author Louise M
      Thanks for the TV tip. Never thought of that.
      Signature Starting An Online Business Doing What You Love!
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      • Profile picture of the author nizldy
        Originally Posted by Louise M View Post

        Thanks for the TV tip. Never thought of that.
        I got a great tip from one of Tiffany Dow's videos where she mentions getting niche ideas from the many magazines you'll see while standing in line at the grocery store.

        Side note: Why do they always have a woman's magazine with these two topics on every cover?

        (1) Newest Weight Loss Secret (fill-in-the-blank).....
        (2) You, too, can make this ultra-rich cake in no time at all.....

        so cruel....
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    • Profile picture of the author dpiper
      Daytime TV!! Great idea! Thanks!

      My favorite niche research is cruising the magazine racks in bookstores and perusing the cover titles. Doing the same in the local library, especially using the back issues, always gives me more niche ideas than I can use.

      What titles jump out and grab me?

      If you see a topic in a magazine it is almost guaranteed to have a buying audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author franamico
    A good way to see if a niche is good is too look for forums on that specific topic. Also Google your main keywords and look at the sponsored results. If people are investing in PPC for those particular kewords, then the niche is hot.

    I that, I would also add a "long tail" research to see if you can find a subniche with less competition
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    • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
      In terms of product-based niches, I like to look at product directories and find top sellers which leads me directly to the top niches.

      Then, I'll start a site, set up a lead capture with an angle that comes close to the top selling product, offer that product for sale on the back-end (meanwhile I have collected the lead) and over a relatively short period of time, come out with my own product to capture more of the profits.

      Pretty simple formula, but it works like crazy!

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      • Profile picture of the author GowebMkt
        Originally Posted by jbsmith View Post

        In terms of product-based niches, I like to look at product directories and find top sellers which leads me directly to the top niches.

        Then, I'll start a site, set up a lead capture with an angle that comes close to the top selling product, offer that product for sale on the back-end (meanwhile I have collected the lead) and over a relatively short period of time, come out with my own product to capture more of the profits.

        Pretty simple formula, but it works like crazy!

        Can you give me some examples of 'Product Directories'?

        I was looking at for there highest ranking products...make sense?
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    How do you pick a niche? This question is one of the most asked questions. If you have a hobby or something that you know a lot about think of the keywords associated with it and using a keyword tool type in your keyword and see how many people are searching for it. This will give you some idea of how hungry the market is out there or vice versa. Just because you can be passionate - does not always mean that other people will be. Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author bestIMtools
    Make a list of the things you know or would like to learn. Check on the Google Keyword tool some keywords related. Then check for competition and searches a month.

    My criteria is at least 8,000 searches a month and some competition. If there's Google Adwords ads, it means there's money to be made.

    After that it all depends on what and how you market to monetize on your niche.

    Invento Marketing | Dominican Republic Boutique Ad & PR Agency

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  • Profile picture of the author reynor
    You know what Louise...
    Don't spend more than an hour to find a niche.
    You can always try another one if the niche doesn't work...

    My trick, go to clickbank.
    Rank the products by popularity.
    The ones on the top are best-sellers.
    They are the best niches.

    Sure you get lots of competition but you are pretty sure that these are the products that people buy.... these are the products that sell like pancake.

    Signature --> Learn SEO in 7 days or less even if you are a newbie.
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  • Profile picture of the author alexbbbh
    Some good niches: travel, health, financial, dating.

    How to spot a good niche? Look at what people are having problems with. Look at what people are passionate about. Use amazon, ebay, magazines, forums, clickbank to analyze a big market and find profitable sub markets within it (niches).

    How to determine profitability? Look at how many paid ads(ppc) there are for the search term you want to target. Look using google keyword tool at search number and cost per click. Check if there are forums, magazines, trades for that specific niche.

    Hope it helps,
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam James
    You will always do better if it something your passionate about, I started with internet marketing now I have the tools to go out and dominate any niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author schu31
    There are alot of profitable niche market's out there..It comes down to what products you enjoy marketing?.. and it also sounds like you are looking for a good mentor which is great.. Look to clickbank and what products are being promoted and Then try and take into account traffic options as some ways can be very costly and hard to maintain.
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  • Profile picture of the author manwalksintoabar
    I just watched a Kim Roach video about scoping out for niches that are already successful.

    Very interesting.


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  • Profile picture of the author Brian Swinburne
    Weight loss. Everyones putting weight on so there is a huge market in programmes to take it off.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    I've seen one too many of these posts lately.
    I know it's hard to be a newbie..but this needs to be said. It sounds rough, but I don't mean it to be......It's a serious question and you need to listen to it and understand what I am telling you instead of taking offense ...and this is for anyone with this question.

    Building a business a lot of your life. If you can't focus long enough to choose what you are going to do, that isn't a very good start. To achieve a business, to get anywhere - you have to be able to be focused. You have to be able to focus even when you are 1/4 awake, and you have to be able to focus when there are distractions running you 24/7. How are you going to focus to build if you can't even focus long enough to decide what you want to do...what field is the right one for you.

    If you're new we don't know the first thing about what is right for you to do. We can offer help to people who come in and say "This is what I want be, what I want to do. I need help figuring out how to get there." Now that is a question that shows that you have the focus to get from a to z. It gives us a point at which we can actually help someone out with questions a little bit.

    What do YOU find interesting? What do you know a lot about? What can you do for hours a day that won't drive you absolutely batsh*t? Any niche can be a hot niche if you work it right.......just because you pick a niche and stick up a website doesn't mean you will succeed. You have to be able to work with the material and the target. Because if they aren't buying, you will have to know how to work that thing into a direction that will sell.

    So.....what do YOU think your niche should be?

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
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