Stupid AU primise minister implements Great Firewall of China in Australia...

3 replies
=> Computerworld - No opt-out of filtered Internet


Fact is they're releasing the news so it sounds beneficial for everyone.

But in 2 words, its (or will eventually become) really a: China Clone

Someone ki** the prime minster please.
#australia #china #firewall #great #implements #minister #primise #stupid
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    This shows how out of touch from reality the Aussie government is.

    From what I've read in the past, they're trying to combat illegal material by mass censorship, a plan that will never work.

    In true government style, however, they've decided to go with the "Stick fingers in ears and yell La-la-la-I-can't-hear-you" motion.

    This is what happens when people who know nothing about computers or technology try to make a name for themselves.

    If they want to combat illegal internet activities, then pour the money they're busy spending on censoring and slowing our internet down into cyber crime units that can actually make a difference.

    Or we can all revolt, and vote Liberal back into power.

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