Totally stuck with creating a sales page - need advice

15 replies
I need some advice on how to create (or have created for me) my first sales page.

I have found the type of layout that I am interested in, it can be view here this is not my site.

Can someone please let me know how I would go about creating my sales page using this type of layout?

This is a major sticking point for me and I would be very grateful for your advice.

Thank you my fellow warriors... :p
#advice #creating #page #sales #stuck #totally
  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Hey David,

    What about it is causing you the problem?

    It's a very basic layout. (BTW I hated all the popups that get forced on you at that page).

    I'm sure many warriors could throw up a page like that in a few minutes if you need it done.

    The writing is as important as the layout but that layout should be really simple, if you can't do it yourself just find a warrior to do it, I'm sure it's a quick, easy and cheap job.

    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author David_Nilsson
      Originally Posted by precious007 View Post

      You need some .html skills to get a sales page done,
      if you can't manage it then you can always hire someone
      to get it done for you.

      Both the content and graphics.

      I'm not sure what you're asking though..

      Thanks for the quick reply.

      What I am asking is how do I make it myself or who can I hire to make the graphics for me, is this a templete or was this designed by a designer? I have seen this same layout on a couple of other sites by the same owner.

      I have no html skills.

      Originally Posted by Lindy100 View Post

      If you are interested I have an excellent video which shows you how to set up a squeeze page and a thank you page from where you can download the video/mp3. Once you have this skill you can use it again and again. The video has been created by a well respected internet marketer. See details below.
      Thanks mate, I already have a opt-in page teamplete and thank you page templete from Frenk Kern, it's just the sales page that I am stuck with.

      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      Hey David,

      What about it is causing you the problem?

      It's a very basic layout. (BTW I hated all the popups that get forced on you at that page).

      I'm sure many warriors could throw up a page like that in a few minutes if you need it done.

      The writing is as important as the layout but that layout should be really simple, if you can't do it yourself just find a warrior to do it, I'm sure it's a quick, easy and cheap job.
      Yes I agree the the copy is very important, I am happy to hire a copy writer to do this for me. It's the page it self that is causing the problem.

      Maybe I should just ask a designer if they can do this for me. Is there any things that I need to know before I hire a designer?

      Thank mate for the help..
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Hey David,

    This really should be easy for a web designer.

    If you don't get it quickly sorted out - PM me and I'll do it myself for you.


    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author David_Nilsson
      My misson today, after I go to sleep (it's 2:50am here) is to find a designer from the WF who will do this for me.

      I wish I had asked this question 3 weeks ago rather then banging my head and wasting time.

      Thanks again Andy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Debbie Songster
    Thats a basic 2 column html page with a header and footer
    The layout is easy - its the content you need to concern yourself with
    Probably the best thing for you to do instead of fretting about it is create the contents in a Word document
    Lay it out like you would like to see it including headings, colors, fonts and font sizes. Those are all easy to do in a Word document. Then find someone to assemble all those components into an html page for you.

    Getting back in the grove after taking a year off following a family tragedy.

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    • Profile picture of the author David_Nilsson
      Wow, it all is starting to become clear to me that I had made this alot harder then it should have been.

      Thanks Debbie for the great tip about using word document.
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      • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
        Originally Posted by David_Nilsson View Post

        Wow, it all is starting to become clear to me that I had made this alot harder then it should have been.

        Thanks Debbie for the great tip about using word document.
        You could do this in about 5 minutes by viewing the source code and pasting it into any text editor and then adding your own images etc...

        I'm not saying you should - just that it should be an easy thing to do

        nothing to see here.

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        • Profile picture of the author David_Nilsson
          lol, I love your way of thinking Andy.

          I just googled "how to view soucre code". This is so way cool, it feels a little bit naughty but I have saved the source code and I am in the process of downloading a free text editor (Nvu).

          I have learned so much by asking this question.
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          • Profile picture of the author zenmack
            Here is a free link on building a sales letter:

            12-Step Foolproof Sales Letter Template

            The worlds best dating coach

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            • Profile picture of the author Alton Hargrave
              You have several choices. You can hire someone, but that is the most expensive method and that could take the most time and in the long run, wind up being quite a process. You could learn how to make a sales page yourself. With that in mind, you could borrow a page you admire and swap out the content and images to that of your own. You would learn a lot by this method that would pay off next time. Or, you could purchase a software that takes you through the process of building a sales page. You would not learn as much, but it is easier to do by far.

              I would avoid excessive "bells and whistles" such as popups and other gimickry. And use simple colors such as a white background and black text. I would avoid animation, flashing neon lights, and if you use sound or video, set them to only come on when the visitor activates them.

              You can be more effective with a subtle approach that will catch the interest quickly and cause the visitor to take an interest in the subject. If you pounce upon the visitor like a desperate used car salesman in a plaid suit, they will make for the cyberdoor.

              I think you picked a good example of an effective sales page. I hope you have good luck.


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              • Profile picture of the author David_Nilsson
                You could learn how to make a sales page yourself. With that in mind, you could borrow a page you admire and swap out the content and images to that of your own. You would learn a lot by this method that would pay off next time.

                I do like the sound this option, as once I get this first salespage up and running I have about another 8 that I will need to do. With each one only needing small changes to them.

                Would I do this by using software like Dreamwaver?
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    You can do it in DW, Frontpage, XSitepro, MSWord, Notepad, Wordpad - any text editor.

    I like a free web page creation software called Kompozer

    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
    It' nothing that Youtube can't solve. Check out Youtube for tutorials on creating website. If you're worried about paying for software, then don't. Just go to Google and search for "NVU" it's an HTML Editor, and is extremely easy to use. Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
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    • Profile picture of the author David_Nilsson
      I am in the process of downloading NVU right now and I will have a play around with it tonight (before LOST comes on).
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