2 hrs a day-what should I prioritise please?

13 replies
Hello, due to circumstances, I find that my window of opportunity to "work" is on average 2 hrs a day and this is mostly by night! As I am new to internet marketing and am concentrating on list building for the moment, I would greatly appreciate your advice on what 2-3 strategies (out of the many options out there) I should focus on to build a list. I would really appreciate your advice. kind regards Orla
#daywhat #hrs #internet marketing #prioritise
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    In the broadest sense I would focus on these 3 areas. (credit to Jimmy D. Brown)

    1.Traffic - any form of direct traffic generation. Tactical forum participation, blog commenting, participating in the social media aspects of your market, etc.

    2.Offers - creating content, finding offers to promote, creating products (free reports), etc.

    3.Conversions - improving conversions, split testings, analyzing your stats and data.

    Much love,
    Gorilla W.

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    • Profile picture of the author Orla Kelly
      Brilliant-thanks so much-I will concentrate on the forum participation, blog commenting and social media aspects of my market first. Wishing all good things your way now and always. kindest regards Orla
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Nguyen
    And while you're at it, do some article marketing aswell and submit to EZ.
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    • Profile picture of the author Orla Kelly
      Thanks Michael-I will aim to do a few a week and submit to Ezine Articles. I really appreciate your wisdom. kindest regards Orla
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  • Profile picture of the author Caragui
    1. Find keywords
    2. Build the site
    3. Do backlinks
    Join Me In My Internet Marketing Journey at Nomasir Marketing

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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisHunt
      Take a step back and look at this in the context of your life.

      Find a micro niche (small, big enough to turn a profit), get a site up and learn the traffic generating techniques appropriate for that niche.

      ...otherwise you'll be learning techniques that you don't need and may not EVER need.

      It starts with traffic so you can then testing.

      That to me is your 'critical path'.
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      • Profile picture of the author Orla Kelly
        Chris-really cool. My life has alot of complication at present so I do need to get my context right. Yes I do need to focus only on what is relevant to my niche-This is something I didn't consider. Kindest regards, thanks so much Orla
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    • Profile picture of the author Orla Kelly
      Hi Caragui-very interesting. I am an environmental scientist by background-not too competitive market-def. something in my head to do! Really appreciate your time. kindest regards Orla
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  • Profile picture of the author cpa-money
    write a lot of articles first.
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    • Profile picture of the author Orla Kelly
      Thanks so much for your input-kind regards Orla
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  • Profile picture of the author ydsimple
    For sure you must use article marketing, as it is free way to build lots of targeted traffic to your landing page or whatever you might have in there.

    Choose those keywords firstly that has less than 10,000 competing sites for phrase match competition and more than 1,000 monthly global searches.

    Once you will find those keywords start writing articles with those key words, at least one per day and you should start seeing results rapidly fast, by the end of the week or faster, I am using this tactic myself and some of my articles can appear on googles first page in less than 24 hours.

    Remember – finding the right keywords will make you succeed faster, yes it can take some time of yours to find them but at the end of the day it does worth it, trust me.

    Wish you success and hope that helped.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    Hi again Orla, this might help in regards to the traffic/social media aspect.

    Amazon.com: Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day...Amazon.com: Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day...

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    • Profile picture of the author Orla Kelly
      Fanastic-its great to have something recommended! I think this is the way I want to go-combined with articles and God knows video if I get brave!
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