9 replies
Does anyone know exactly how 'guaranteed sign up' services work? I am looking for targeted traffic to perform a sign up action on a one page submit.
#guaranteed #sign #ups
  • Profile picture of the author craigc1980
    I wouldnt waste time on those.

    I have used those services and never had luck with them.

    All i did was waste tons of money.

    Im sure there is good ones out there i just found the bad ones i guess.

    After tracking my stats i found that these sign ups were not targeted to my niche at all.

    Also had several spam complaints
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  • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
    Those sign ups come from various "get paid to" websites. Meaning you "the advertiser" pays XYZ.com for 10 "guaranteed sign ups", then XYZ.com tells their "members" that their is a "new assignment" to do (which is sign up to your offer for $0.022)

    Anyhow it's just a bad way to get started, not to mention it can cause you to get banned almost instantly.

    Best Regards,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2123276].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
      Originally Posted by UFG View Post

      Those sign ups come from various "get paid to" websites. Meaning you "the advertiser" pays XYZ.com for 10 "guaranteed sign ups", then XYZ.com tells their "members" that their is a "new assignment" to do (which is sign up to your offer for $0.022)

      Anyhow it's just a bad way to get started, not to mention it can cause you to get banned almost instantly.

      Best Regards,
      That's a very succinct description of what happens. I never fell for
      the guaranteed sign-ups offers, but I wasted lots of money buying
      worthless leads. A rip-off imo.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2123297].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
        Originally Posted by Loren Woirhaye View Post

        That's a very succinct description of what happens. I never fell for
        the guaranteed sign-ups offers, but I wasted lots of money buying
        worthless leads. A rip-off imo.
        Don't feel so bad, I fell for it as well. It all sounds soo good when you first start off in marketing. Sometimes you just have to learn the hard way.

        Best Regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author Pmcgrathm
    Thanks guys for the responses! Anyone had any luck with 'guaranteed sign ups?'
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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    The best way to do this is use your sig file here . Offer a dollar each for any Warrior that will sign up and stay signed up for a specific time .

    At least if you have warriors sign up you will have quality to start out with.

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  • Profile picture of the author cscarpero
    Waste of money.

    I'm an online marketer and mortgage loan officer.

    Connect with me at www.Scarpero.com

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    • Profile picture of the author nilius2
      Once used properly and with relevant site it will work...
      It is not suitable for CPA for example, many people making mistakes on this. GSU is for biz opps only, in some occasions would work with other sites such free to sign up sites/blogs etc with possible upgrade after tour is taken.
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