Is there a way to see same-day Amazon clicks/sales?

2 replies
I have a site promoting a product, with text and image links to the Amazon product page. The only way I know of to see clicks and sales is through Amazon's earnings and orders reports, which only show data through yesterday.

Is there a way to see today's activity? When I google, I find people saying things like "I had two sales today." How do they know this?

Thanks, -- Patey
#amazon #clicks or sales #sameday
  • Profile picture of the author RichMag
    Originally Posted by patey88 View Post

    I have a site promoting a product, with text and image links to the Amazon product page. The only way I know of to see clicks and sales is through Amazon's earnings and orders reports, which only show data through yesterday.

    Is there a way to see today's activity? When I google, I find people saying things like "I had two sales today." How do they know this?

    Thanks, -- Patey
    Id like to know this as well but to be honest, I dont think there is. I usually find out at around 7am (est) the following day. They have been a bit late the past few days though.

    During XMAS, you will have days that they wont update your stats until almost 6pm (est). Obviously at that time of year it is expected.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
    No, not on Amazon. Other networks let you see the sales made that day, so perhaps these people are talking about sales from other networks.
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