800 impressions, 2 hops, no sales, how can I do better?

by Chris-
8 replies
Hi everyone,

I'd like to learn how to improve my response with ClickBank . . .

I've put a link which reads "*** Learn how to make money from YOUR art (or photography)! Click here ***", on a bunch of different art webpages. That link is below the page title and brief description, and is in a large font, the same size as main section titles on the page.

That link goes to another page of mine which lists basic details of 4 different ClickBank products, 1 on how to sell your art, 1 on how to sell your art on eBay, and 2 on how to sell your photography. For each product, I use a few sentences to describe the product benefits (similar to the listing of the product in the ClickBank seller-listings, plus a bit more adapted from their sales page).

From about 800 impressions of the above link (counted from AdSense impressions of the same pages) I got 2 hops (no sales). I presume it is possible to do better?

I would very much welcome any ideas on how to get better results with this! Thanks in advance

#800 #hops #impressions #sales
  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Well, you have a link on "a bunch of different art webpages."

    It's difficult to say much because there's not much to go on. For
    example, art webpages to me suggests sites for people who want
    to look at art. They wouldn't be artists who want to find out how
    to sell their artwork. But that's an assumption.

    Sounds to me like you're targeting the wrong people. If you're not
    targeting the wrong people, then it could be the placement of your
    link, or ad. Anyone would need a bit more info so they could provide
    a bit more specific advice.

    But I'd make sure you're advertising to artists, at least, and not people
    searching to 'look at art' or buy it.
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  • Profile picture of the author richjerk321
    You have a variety of different products being promoted, so they are not targeted or being funneled through one source.

    Sell one product at a time to the targeted audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    OK, thanks to the two replies so far. I understand what you're saying.

    Where I am starting from is, I've got a variety of different art pages, some lists of links about a particular type of art, some blog posts on a very specific art subject, some more general art information etc etc.

    As you say, specific is good . . . I am getting some affiliate sales of posters, for the pages on very specific types of art, but was trying to add additional monetization to the whole range of pages. I'd guess that a reasonable percentage of those comming to a page about a type of art, are artists themselves, so I am attempting to monetize that fact, but as you say, maybe that's too vague to work well. AdSense doesn't make much on such pages, so I was trying an alternative.

    Yes, I do understand about being very specific in getting targeted traffic for a particular niche, but I've got some much more general pages, such as links to artists, which are getting a decent amount of traffic and I would like to monetize that better than AdSense, but maybe that's impossible.

    Thanks anyway!

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  • Profile picture of the author richjerk321
    Nothing Is Impossible.

    Don't think Adsense, think Money because then you open up your perception to a lot more opportunities.


    I'm ranking in a VERY COMPETITIVE market where I could NOT make any Money if I only focused on adsense. This niche was specific for people who wanted free stuff like music videos, etc. I put up sexy/racy adult banners (not graphic porn) and they redirected to celebrity sextape blog, which had a PPI (pay per install), and now I'm averaging $150-200 per month with the website so far, and I'm only ranked about number 8 out of MILLIONS. Imagine when I move up to number 1-3. The money would go from $150-200 to $500+
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  • Profile picture of the author Zentech
    Your ad copy kinda sucks, to be honest. It's generic and doesn't compel anyone to click. How about something more like this:

    Starving Artist Wakes Up To Discover $1800 in His PayPal Account, Dedicates His Life To Helping Other Artists Stop Eating Ramen.
    * Stupid Offer: Killer Sales Letters ***$897*** Just For Warriors. Ethical Clients & Legit Products Only. *
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris-
      Originally Posted by Zentech View Post

      Your ad copy kinda sucks, to be honest. It's generic and doesn't compel anyone to click. How about something more like this:

      Starving Artist Wakes Up To Discover $1800 in His PayPal Account, Dedicates His Life To Helping Other Artists Stop Eating Ramen.
      Excellent!! Thanks very much . . . I'll try that right now!!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Mizel
    That's some great copy, but I gotta tell you, artists are a horrible market and are not worth your time, especially as a newbie with little experience...

    1. They don't value marketing, and in fact, they resent it.

    2. They think they can do it on their own, and won't invest money in courses, books, or trianing, unless it's a technical product to make them a better artist.

    3. They don't have any money.

    I've worked with this group for a while, and overall the results were disappointing. I say try a different niche.


    Your First Paid Traffic Campaign

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris-
      Originally Posted by Jonathan Mizel View Post

      That's some great copy, but I gotta tell you, artists are a horrible market and are not worth your time, especially as a newbie with little experience...

      1. They don't value marketing, and in fact, they resent it.

      2. They think they can do it on their own, and won't invest money in courses, books, or trianing, unless it's a technical product to make them a better artist.

      3. They don't have any money.

      I've worked with this group for a while, and overall the results were disappointing. I say try a different niche.

      OK, thanks for your comments!

      I'll keep that in mind when building new sites.

      However, I don't seem to be making the main point of my question clear enough . . . I have ALREADY GOT pages with decent traffic (more than all my other targeted niches put together) about general art subjects, so the question is how to find the best monetization for those existing pages (why waste all that traffic?). I guess I should have made that clearer in the first place.

      Thanks very much anyway

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