I'm so tired of Clickbank... Any Amazon folks out there?!

43 replies
I'm getting fed up with the extensive pre-selling required in most low competition CB niches, and the extensive backlinking required in the more competitive "desperate buyer" niches.

Summer is about hit, I graduate high school, and I'll have full days to put into IM... And I'd really like to try Amazon out. I've heard a lot from people like Josip Barbaric and such making good money as an Amazon affiliate, producing 1-2 niche sites per day. I feel like with Clickbank I get caught up with the details, adcopy, opt in rates, CTR's etc... I'm not afraid of working hard, but I just want to simplify my approach so I'm working SMART, and have an easier-to-follow plan of attack.

So my question is...

Building 1-2 niche Amazon sites per day for the summer (so lets say taking into vacations, etc, I can make 100 niche sites in the next 90 days), can I achieve $100/day by the end of the summer do you think?
#amazon #clickbank #folks #tired
  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Originally Posted by Branlan17 View Post

    I'm getting fed up with the extensive pre-selling required in most low competition CB niches, and the extensive backlinking required in the more competitive "desperate buyer" niches.

    Summer is about hit, I graduate high school, and I'll have full days to put into IM... And I'd really like to try Amazon out. I've heard a lot from people like Josip Barbaric and such making good money as an Amazon affiliate, producing 1-2 niche sites per day. I feel like with Clickbank I get caught up with the details, adcopy, opt in rates, CTR's etc... I'm not afraid of working hard, but I just want to simplify my approach so I'm working SMART, and have an easier-to-follow plan of attack.

    So my question is...

    Building 1-2 niche Amazon sites per day for the summer (so lets say taking into vacations, etc, I can make 100 niche sites in the next 90 days), can I achieve $100/day by the end of the summer do you think?
    Congrats on graduating from high school! No matter what you are marketing, you should focus on building a list. This is where the money is at. Build it, nurture it, and sell to it.

    As for wanting to do this full time... great, but don't lose sight of the fact that you are only 18 once. Work hard and play hard. There will be plenty of time to cut out the playing later.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author Alton Hargrave
      Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

      Congrats on graduating from high school! No matter what you are marketing, you should focus on building a list. This is where the money is at. Build it, nurture it, and sell to it.

      As for wanting to do this full time... great, but don't lose sight of the fact that you are only 18 once. Work hard and play hard. There will be plenty of time to cut out the playing later.

      I agree with all this except the part about only being 18 once...I have been 18 three times already. It doesn't feel the same though! LOL

      I never did like selling with ClickBank. I am in the middle of making Amazon sites now, but no results so far. I don't understand, it has been nearly two days already.

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  • Profile picture of the author stevecl
    If you put the work in i'm sure you will see results. This was a good thread about making money with amazon. http://www.warriorforum.com/main-int...ssociates.html
    Good Luck

    I started with nothing and still have most of it left!

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  • Profile picture of the author Underground SEO
    I wouldn't personally advise going to amazon, the rewards are just not high enough compared to clickbank.
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    • Profile picture of the author DeadGuy
      Originally Posted by fryerben View Post

      I wouldn't personally advise going to amazon, the rewards are just not high enough compared to clickbank.
      Agreed. Unless you can come up with some staggering new strategy. A 4% commission is pretty thin. Since you are one of the few Warriors that will have the summer off, please write a report for us. "How I Spent My Summer Vacation"... and bought a Ferrari.

      You are making this work at home stuff way harder than it is. Ready for some sanity? Clear your head and start over.

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      • Profile picture of the author Branlan17
        Originally Posted by DeadGuy View Post

        Agreed. Unless you can come up with some staggering new strategy. A 4% commission is pretty thin. Since you are one of the few Warriors that will have the summer off, please write a report for us. "How I Spent My Summer Vacation"... and bought a Ferrari.
        Hehe THAT would be a story to tell

        However, I think a lot of you would be surprised with the amount of young Warriors around here. Some are open about it, while others keep it on the DL (maybe to not get stereotyped or to not invite any negative stigma when approaching JVs or offering services?).
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      • Profile picture of the author apsuper
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        • Profile picture of the author MisterMunch
          Originally Posted by apsuper View Post

          amazon only pay you 4%, that is not much to me,there products are cheap, so you will not make to much money with them
          Amazon pays you 6% when you sell more than seven products. When you have worked a few months on your amazon business you should be able to sell these 7 products the first day.

          Their products are cheap, so you will sell more of them. People throw in books, cd's and DVD's you have never heard of. Buy TV's when you promote fishing equipment. Amazon is fun and full of surprises and opportunities.
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        • Profile picture of the author Biggy Fat
          Originally Posted by apsuper View Post

          amazon only pay you 4%, that is not much to me,there products are cheap, so you will not make to much money with them
          Simple solution - promote higher end products. In the $200 to $500 range. Think people won't spend that much on Amazon? I've sold two of a $240 product and three of a $200 product.

          And yes, the commission may be crappy, but it is the sheer amount of conversions you'll get as opposed to Clickbank and all of the preselling/trust building you'd have to do.
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        • Profile picture of the author TheNewGuy2010
          Originally Posted by apsuper View Post

          amazon only pay you 4%, that is not much to me,there products are cheap, so you will not make to much money with them

          Just like any affiliate program......once you PROVE you can move volume. Commission % can be NEGOTIATED. Don't think Amazon does not pay attention to who's moving volume. Don't fool yourself.

          It's been a long time since I had a 4% commission. It's not hard to move hundreds of products from Amazon everyday!

          The sales page converts like crazy.
          Retired Internet Marketer.
          Gone Fishing....
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    • Profile picture of the author TheNewGuy2010
      Originally Posted by fryerben View Post

      I wouldn't personally advise going to amazon, the rewards are just not high enough compared to clickbank.

      LOL............oh yes they are!

      Amazon is a volume based business. Amazon has people making $100,000 a month. Go ask Jeff Johnson

      I have lots of Amazon sites and adding to it. Trust me, Amazon is very profitable.

      For the sake pf competition.......please stay away.
      Retired Internet Marketer.
      Gone Fishing....
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  • Profile picture of the author Rich Struck
    You would be better off to have a handful of really good sites rather than 100 crappy ones. Been there, done that.

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    • Profile picture of the author joetheseo
      Originally Posted by Rich Struck View Post

      You would be better off to have a handful of really good sites rather than 100 crappy ones. Been there, done that.
      I don't know, My "little crappy ones" still bring in a good bit of revenue
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    • Profile picture of the author TheNewGuy2010
      Originally Posted by Rich Struck View Post

      You would be better off to have a handful of really good sites rather than 100 crappy ones. Been there, done that.

      Or better yet, have 100 great sites. Been there doing that.
      Retired Internet Marketer.
      Gone Fishing....
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  • Profile picture of the author Branlan17
    In the thread in which Josip outlined how he did Amazon he was up to about $400/day by making 2 exact match mini sites per day, then doing some bookmarking and one-way-links/free traffic system submissions after indexing.
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  • Profile picture of the author edwinkoh

    how about trying out paydotcom or doing CPA offers?

    Clickbank isn't the only affiliate network out there, and since you already have the skillset in place, might as well make the best outta it and continue on this path?
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  • Profile picture of the author MisterMunch
    I am going towards a combination of Amazon and AdSense myself. I find that the eBooks that do well, soon become spammy topics, and that it is much easier to build backlinks to physical products than digital products (looks more normal).

    I never use product name keyword, but more general keyword (like not using "BMX 224XD-i" but "Kids Cross BMX").

    I think one of the difficult things to understand in the begining is that your % will get up to 7 % and more pretty fast once you get a little size on your projects. It is often hard to see only 4% in the biginning but your average commission will very soon be 6% or more and that is pretty OK.

    You also should not focus to much about not getting credits for all the sales. Some of the sales are not completed and you will not see commisions. Forget about that and keep focusing on getting more traffic to Amazon instead.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    Daniel Brock is an Amazon affiliate that does quite well. He is selling a product in a WSO that you might like. I found it very informative and helpful. When I looked at it a moment ago it stated closing today, so if you are interested, check it out quickly. And if you have any questions, Daniel is very helpful.


    Tim Pears

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  • Profile picture of the author Biggy Fat
    I really have to disagree with all of the Clickbank worshippers out there: Amazon is much, MUCH better than Clickbank. I'll start a thread on it when I get the chance, but basically, with Amazon, there isn't that much preselling to do - they ALREADY want to buy. While the commission is much lower, the competition is much lower and the conversions are much higher.

    How do I know this? I made nine sales on my first month with Amazon, and I have a ready to flip site for instant cash.
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  • Profile picture of the author Branlan17
    Hmmm. I feel like I might try and get my newest CB site up to a sale/day from SEO traffic then try and use that money to support buying domains each day for amazon products.

    Do you suggest a minimum threshold? For example only $50+ products? Or do you promote some that are cheaper too to get your % up each month?
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  • Profile picture of the author MoneyMad
    What about health product affiliate programs?
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  • Profile picture of the author Zach Booker
    This has already happened in a few states - more soon to follow:

    Amazon kills affiliate program in Colorado thanks to taxes

    I would never recommend anyone, who isn't experienced enough at SEO to get high rankings on certain keywords, to go with Amazon or eBay.

    Edit: If amazon kills their affiliate program in your state there are ways to get around it. But at the end of the day, like I said before, unless you are able to get high rankings for big keywords Amazon is a waste of time.

    Your getting 6% on physical product sales. That should be enough said. CPA or certain Clickbank products are the way to go if you're into the whole SEO thing. Just think outside the box in terms of keywords for your products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Rhome
    The thing that bothers me about the so called pre-selling/trust building for Clickbank products is that most of the time the story is FAKE, everything's fake. I've done myself and feel slutty. It quickly drives one sense of ethics down the tube. I find hard to believe how it seems to bother so few people.

    With physical products, no such issue.

    There are lots of other affiliate networks to sell stuff than Amazon though. CJ.com, etc.
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    • Profile picture of the author MisterMunch
      Originally Posted by Jay Rhome View Post

      The thing that bothers me about the so called pre-selling/trust building for Clickbank products is that most of the time the story is FAKE, everything's fake. I've done myself and feel slutty. It quickly drives one sense of ethics down the tube. I find hard to believe how it seems to bother so few people.

      With physical products, no such issue.

      There are lots of other affiliate networks to sell stuff than Amazon though. CJ.com, etc.

      This is my experience also. With Amazon products you do not have to sell as much and you certainly does not have to come up with stories about how you got your ex back.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikram73
    I guess it's just different strokes for different folks. I started on Clickbank, moved onto CPA and other stuff and went back to doing PPC to ClicKbank on top of everything else and it's worked really well.

    I don't have to pre-sell anything. I do AdWords to a landing page/mini-site that is content rich about my particular niche to a page dedicated to the CB product. I usually include bonuses to bribe people into buying from me.

    That's it. Works well. I've settled on a few CB products and am selling them through AdWords & Yahoo for months. No issues - steady profits.
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    • Profile picture of the author Fran_C
      It's true that clickbank products take a lot of work, but writing good articles seems the best way to get some faster results...

      Amazon sounds really tempting and I clicked over to the WSO but it's now closed!

      Branlan17 good luck to you ... there aren't many jobs out there and if you keep on trying
      you will find your way to making some money ... there are quite a few young people
      who are successful marketers! Google Glen Alsop (might be 2 l's) he just turned 21 and a millionaire, not that you should be setting your goals that high, but you might get some good ideas from him ... he writes real long posts in ViperChil ...

      Well, good luck whatever you do!

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  • Profile picture of the author Sco
    Congratulations on your upcoming graduation. Good job!

    Sounds like you're thinking and working hard to succeed. It will happen for you.

    I'm not a huge fan of creating Amazon-only affiliate sites. Payout is low and conversion can be tricky. That's just me. The idea of building lists around "smart" niches and offering Amazon products periodically makes good sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author southpaw
    Hey Brandon,

    Can you drive any "real estate investing" related traffic?

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  • Profile picture of the author joetheseo
    Originally Posted by Branlan17 View Post

    I'm getting fed up with the extensive pre-selling required in most low competition CB niches, and the extensive backlinking required in the more competitive "desperate buyer" niches.

    Summer is about hit, I graduate high school, and I'll have full days to put into IM... And I'd really like to try Amazon out. I've heard a lot from people like Josip Barbaric and such making good money as an Amazon affiliate, producing 1-2 niche sites per day. I feel like with Clickbank I get caught up with the details, adcopy, opt in rates, CTR's etc... I'm not afraid of working hard, but I just want to simplify my approach so I'm working SMART, and have an easier-to-follow plan of attack.

    So my question is...

    Building 1-2 niche Amazon sites per day for the summer (so lets say taking into vacations, etc, I can make 100 niche sites in the next 90 days), can I achieve $100/day by the end of the summer do you think?
    I can give you this advice...
    If you don't think, and just BUILD... you will be ahead of 99% of Internet marketers
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  • Profile picture of the author mmaeb
    Amazon is good, but there is a huge downside to it and be aware of this (from Amazon themselves when I broached the subject with them):
    If you belong to either, all, or some of Amazon's Associates programs,
    Amazon.com in the US, Amazon.co.uk in the UK, Amazon.de in Germany,
    Amazon.fr in France, Amazon.ca in Canada, or the Amazon.co.jp in Associates Program,
    you would need to create Affiliate links to each item out of each program's associates Central for your site to gain referral fees.

    make sure your targeting the right country with the right associate ID for that country - if a buyer is looking at products on your site with your Amazon.com id (US) and then goes to their local site - say Amazon.ca (Canada) and buys, you do not get a penny/cent,
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    • Profile picture of the author jan roos
      Originally Posted by mmaeb View Post

      Amazon is good, but there is a huge downside to it and be aware of this (from Amazon themselves when I broached the subject with them):
      If you belong to either, all, or some of Amazon's Associates programs,
      Amazon.com in the US, Amazon.co.uk in the UK, Amazon.de in Germany,
      Amazon.fr in France, Amazon.ca in Canada, or the Amazon.co.jp in Associates Program,
      you would need to create Affiliate links to each item out of each program's associates Central for your site to gain referral fees.

      make sure your targeting the right country with the right associate ID for that country - if a buyer is looking at products on your site with your Amazon.com id (US) and then goes to their local site - say Amazon.ca (Canada) and buys, you do not get a penny/cent,
      Problem solved.. WordPress › Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer WordPress Plugins

      I'll teach you how to make money like a Mamba.

      Sign up for the free money mambas newsletter!

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  • Profile picture of the author actionplanbiz
    amazon guy here! but not too great just yet. good conversions (8-7%) but low commissions...

    just need to drive more traffic or make more niche sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author Branlan17
      Originally Posted by actionplanbiz View Post

      amazon guy here! but not too great just yet. good conversions (8-7%) but low commissions...

      just need to drive more traffic or make more niche sites.
      That's impressive to me given that 1-2% is decent for a CB affiliate.
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      • Profile picture of the author joetheseo
        Originally Posted by Branlan17 View Post

        That's impressive to me given that 1-2% is decent for a CB affiliate.
        Ya.. but think about it.

        You're getting $20 bucks for selling 1 CB product.. If you've got all day, i HIGHLY recommend learning how to write a good CB offer as the FIRST thing you do.

        I work a lot with Amazon and I'm telling you, the commissions are ****. I make several times as much with Clickbank, Adsense and CPA..

        Amazon - The person has to TAKE ACTION within 24 hours, or your cookie is gone!

        Adsense - A person has to CLICK once and you could possibly see the same revenue as Amazon if the person bought from you.

        The only plus side to Amazon is that you get referrals from ANYTHING they by within 24 hours.

        Someone didn't buy my product, but went on to buy 3 pairs of underwear, and I got paid for that...
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        • Profile picture of the author jan roos
          Originally Posted by joecrupie View Post

          Ya.. but think about it.

          You're getting $20 bucks for selling 1 CB product.. If you've got all day, i HIGHLY recommend learning how to write a good CB offer as the FIRST thing you do.

          I work a lot with Amazon and I'm telling you, the commissions are ****. I make several times as much with Clickbank, Adsense and CPA..

          Amazon - The person has to TAKE ACTION within 24 hours, or your cookie is gone!

          Adsense - A person has to CLICK once and you could possibly see the same revenue as Amazon if the person bought from you.

          The only plus side to Amazon is that you get referrals from ANYTHING they by within 24 hours.

          Someone didn't buy my product, but went on to buy 3 pairs of underwear, and I got paid for that...
          I get around $21 for selling one $300 amazon product because my commission rate is 7%. Now the difference is that my amazon product converts at almost 4%. I am talking about 4 % of people that hit my website buys and not 4% of the people that clicks through to Amazon. I doubt you can do that with clickbank as an affiliate. Maybe you can but I couldn't. That's why I dig Amazon. High conversions even on expensive products.

          I don't worry about the 24 hour cookie thing too much although it would be nice to have a longer cookie.


          I'll teach you how to make money like a Mamba.

          Sign up for the free money mambas newsletter!

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          • Profile picture of the author FredJones
            If Amazon had a longer cookie then it would be a no-brainer over Clickbank.

            Thank goodness it does not have a longer cookie and thus most people go into Clickbank and CPA - so for me Amazon still remains a no-brainer !!

            I do have Clickbank things and those do sell, but Amazon is far more addictive and you need to keep making pages and do some SEO (usually not much) to see a steady growth in your profits.

            It is a volume game, as someone has already pointed out.
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            • Profile picture of the author joetheseo
              Originally Posted by FredJones View Post

              If Amazon had a longer cookie then it would be a no-brainer over Clickbank.

              Thank goodness it does not have a longer cookie and thus most people go into Clickbank and CPA - so for me Amazon still remains a no-brainer !!

              I do have Clickbank things and those do sell, but Amazon is far more addictive and you need to keep making pages and do some SEO (usually not much) to see a steady growth in your profits.

              It is a volume game, as someone has already pointed out.
              I agree it's so interesting how Amazon profits work. It's like.. you don't even have to sell the product, because they're going to buy something anyways.

              Amazon profits around the holidays = SKYROCKET... just wait. That's when you worship the 24hour cookie.
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  • Profile picture of the author troy23
    Forget affilliate programs......it's a slow and painful way to get rich. Create your own product, web site, continuity program etc and watch the money come in.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheNewGuy2010
      Originally Posted by troy23 View Post

      Forget affilliate programs......it's a slow and painful way to get rich. Create your own product, web site, continuity program etc and watch the money come in.

      Not everyone is trying to get rich.

      Also, a lot of people have substantial incomes from affiliate marketing. All kinds of stuff works online, some pay better than others.

      You can spend a lifetime reading everyone else’s opinions, and in the end it will leave you nowhere if you don’t work hard and stay focused on your goals!

      Grab 1 thing a nail it to the floor. I'm doing that with Amazon.

      What matters is what works for you.
      Retired Internet Marketer.
      Gone Fishing....
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      • Profile picture of the author colinceres
        Originally Posted by TheNewGuy2010 View Post

        Not everyone is trying to get rich.

        Also, a lot of people have substantial incomes from affiliate marketing. All kinds of stuff works online, some pay better than others.

        You can spend a lifetime reading everyone else’s opinions, and in the end it will leave you nowhere if you don’t work hard and stay focused on your goals!

        Grab 1 thing a nail it to the floor. I'm doing that with Amazon.

        What matters is what works for you.
        I've been trying to make it as an affiliate for about 5 years with little or no success. I was recently shown a technique that has produced my first clickbank cheque. Don't try and send your prospect straight to your affiliate sales page. Use a blog or better still a video squeeze page and there offer them a free e-course, resource report or mp3 audio. You can expect at least a 75% opt in. A good percentage will be repeat buyers. Keep them sweet and you'll so those $$$$$$. I hope this helps.
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        • Profile picture of the author TheNewGuy2010
          Originally Posted by colinceres View Post

          I've been trying to make it as an affiliate for about 5 years with little or no success. I was recently shown a technique that has produced my first clickbank cheque. Don't try and send your prospect straight to your affiliate sales page. Use a blog or better still a video squeeze page and there offer them a free e-course, resource report or mp3 audio. You can expect at least a 75% opt in. A good percentage will be repeat buyers. Keep them sweet and you'll so those $$$$$$. I hope this helps.
          I think this was supposed to be directed at someone else.

          BTW, congrats on your CB sales.
          Retired Internet Marketer.
          Gone Fishing....
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  • Profile picture of the author stevecl
    well, one of my amazon sites made a sale today - not what i'm selling but i`ll take it :-)

    I started with nothing and still have most of it left!

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  • Profile picture of the author tahersaid
    try to make sales in clickbank coz amazon is hard to get affiliate except at events like christmas or haloween or mother's days
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    • Profile picture of the author TheNewGuy2010
      Originally Posted by tahersaid View Post

      try to make sales in clickbank coz amazon is hard to get affiliate except at events like christmas or haloween or mother's days
      Are you saying it's hard to get sales from Amazon?

      This is not true at all. Amazon is one of the most successful affiliate programs online. For good reason.
      Retired Internet Marketer.
      Gone Fishing....
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