Where's the best place to sell a website (within 2 weeks).

by Chris-
23 replies
Hi all,

just looked at the "website outlook" website-value-generator, and was surpised how much an old site of mine is worth . . . $876 to be precise!

The thing is, I don't know enough to make money from it, and had given up on it, and now it's due for renewal in just over 2 weeks, so what I want to do is sell it for something like the above figure, ASAP!

Any comments on where is the best place to such a website quickly?


#place #sell #website #weeks
  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    And another quick question . . . are the value estimates on websiteoutlook.com, fairly realistic? . . . if so, then it looks like I'd be much better off making websites to sell, than attempting to get an income from them myself

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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    No, they're not fairly realistic. You can only use them as a guide, but your site could likely be worth a lot less. If you are not making any money from it, buyers will not be interested. They'll want proof of traffic and earnings from your site before they'll buy it.
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  • Profile picture of the author RokNStoK
    Hi Chris,

    Trust me... there is no 'automated solution' to value your website.

    In addition, your constraint of pushing the site on the market within 2 weeks will further devalue your website on the open market.

    If you're serious about selling the site then market it directly to people already in that line of work. It's most likely worth only a few dollars to anybody else.
    Free One-Way Link Exchange
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Thanks for the comments so far.

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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    I do not trust those kind of sites but if you are looking to sell a site Flippa is the way to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fadiz
    try flippa.com
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    • Profile picture of the author All Night Cafe
      First before you worry about selling make sure
      you have 3 or 4 months of provable income.

      Take that figure and multiple by 3 or 4 times
      and that will get you closer to a price you
      can actually sell it for.

      And I guess you have to consider, no one
      might be interested at all.
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      • Profile picture of the author Votoshka
        According to websiteoutlook.com my website is worth about $1900 errm... but I really don't think I'd get that for it right now It has some PR but not much traffic and doesn't really earn any income. So honestly, I don't know how accurate such things are.
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  • Profile picture of the author Flipfilter
    Hi Chris,

    We index four sites

    1) Flippa.com - good for general sales and higher ticket valuations but currently experiencing a supply / demand problem meaning new sites with no revenue or traffic WILL more than likely fail to sell

    2) Digital Point - values are a lot lower than Flippa, but there is no listing fee and you will sell a site here; it's just a question of how much!

    3) Webmasters Markerplace - I dont think there's a listing fee but dont know too much about the policy here. Not an auction format but a surprisingly high clearance rate.

    4) Website Broker. Fairly well established but valuations on some sites are crazy putting off serious buyers. It is however still worth a look.

    Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Safade Billy
    Adding to Justin's list

    5) WF Classifieds
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Corners
    Flippa is probably the best place to sell your website. I've sold lots of sites myself and made some good money. It's easy and they have added plenty of features since opening the site.

    The Easy Way to Create High Converting Sales Funnels...

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  • Profile picture of the author tyroneshum
    Heard of Flippa.com from John Yeo and it seems to be a good shot for flipping websites although I haven't planned of that yet since I'm eager to manage all my websites at the moment and make money from them even longer. I have put much efforts as well as my staff into it and before selling, I would rather have to think of it twice since I hate regrets.
    Follow me on my 90 Day Challenge to rank no. 1 on Google
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  • Profile picture of the author ButterflyGarden
    Here is a good article about buying, selling and valuing domains - Buy, Sell, Value a Website

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Website generators are completely worthless. Does your site have traffic and revenue? If not, it's little more than a start-up unless it has some incredible design and great options or maybe a huge list and twitter following.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris-
      Thanks for all the replies . . . very much appreciated!

      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Website generators are completely worthless. Does your site have traffic and revenue? If not, it's little more than a start-up unless it has some incredible design and great options or maybe a huge list and twitter following.
      Sorry, but that's not logical, because that assumes I am as effective at making income as every other person in the world, and that's simply not the case. I might have made zero on it, yet it still might be able to generate a fortune for someone who knows what they are doing, and the fact that it's got some long-term backlinks and is one year old, might be worth something to someone who knows how to make good profit from such a site, even though it might not generate much income the way I use it.

      Thanks for your comment anyway.

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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by Chris- View Post

        Thanks for all the replies . . . very much appreciated!

        Sorry, but that's not logical, because that assumes I am as effective at making income as every other person in the world, and that's simply not the case. I might have made zero on it, yet it still might be able to generate a fortune for someone who knows what they are doing, and the fact that it's got some long-term backlinks and is one year old, might be worth something to someone who knows how to make good profit from such a site, even though it might not generate much income the way I use it.

        Thanks for your comment anyway.


        Ok ... that's just my experience with over a hundred Flippa listings and another hundred elsewhere. I just listed a dynamite site that has over 1,000 backlinks, a matching Twitter acct with over 3,000 followers that is 2 years old and gets a lot of traffic, but is not monetized. Guess what. No sale.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    OK, I understand what you're saying. Thanks for the info!

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  • Profile picture of the author Safade Billy
    Oh ! Another hot source which I use myself is selling offline. If your niche deals with something that can mom/dad or small businesses can utilize, but there are requirements that sites has to meet.

    Other sources
    1. Classifieds such as Tradingpost.com.au
    2. Buy/sell businesses - http://business.domain.com.au/

    These are Australian based , but you can find for other regions. Once again these sources are useful only for certain type of sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author ishboo
    I think Jim Cockrum would say EBAY! Hello?

    Wow, I can't believe nobody said that. Don't just sell the website, but build an email list out of it using Jim's methods at his site SilentSalesMachine.com Hope this helps because it would seriously be the absolute best way :-)

    Then, you would have a list of people interested in buying sites like that and could be a website broker yourself or sell other "Done for you" intellectual properties. Like templates, resell rights products, master rights, plr software rights, etc.

    Hope this helps and remember to think long term. You can easily turn what you are letting go of into a nice six figure business
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    Some people sell websites on eBay but I think Fippa is the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author ErnieB
    It says my one site has an "Estimated Worth $6256.1 USD". I sure wish i could get even close to that out of it, lol. ( more reallistically maybe worth $1200 )

    Conversely it states my membership site has an "Estimated Worth $438 USD". However this site earns me almost $200 in residuals each month so i know its worth more than that!

    So those types of sites are FAR from reliable indicators. BUT flippa is one of the best sites to sell websites on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    Thanks very much for all the comments.

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