Affiliate Levels, Against TOS?

by ation
3 replies
Say I'm apart of some affiliate programs that are offering $3.00 per e-mail submit.

Could I create a landing page of my own, team up with another affiliate and offer $2.50 per e-mail submit.

And thus get an e-mail address + $0.50 for every customer who signs up on the third-party affiliate.

Or would this be against the terms and conditions of the affiliate network?
#affiliate #levels #tos
  • Profile picture of the author Nigel Greaves
    Check with the company running the offer as most don't allow incentivised traffic. Which is because it's generally worth less to them. Or worthless depending on your point of view

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  • Profile picture of the author ation
    This would be considered incentivized traffic? I was just going to make a landing page with an e-mail submit which redirects.. so I'm not offering an incentive to anyone. Still, would it be considered that?
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  • Profile picture of the author Nigel Greaves
    Originally Posted by ation View Post

    Could I create a landing page of my own, team up with another affiliate and offer $2.50 per e-mail submit.

    And thus get an e-mail address + $0.50 for every customer who signs up on the third-party affiliate.
    You're offering to pay someone $2.50 to fill in the submission form is how I read that. Are you saying that you're trying to create a middle-man senario where you are setting yourself up to appear as the CPA company?

    If that's the case I think they would still object as most of the companies want to interview applicants on the phone to avoid taking on problems.

    The only ways to know for sure would be to run it by your affiliate manager or, alternatively, try it and lose your commission if you get caught. Personally I would try Plan A first!

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