Is sales management software like DLguard necessary?

32 replies
Hey wise warriors,

Is a sales mgmt software like DLguard, which is also a download protector necessary to run a blog that sells info products? I thought an autoresponder took care of the mgmt part...

And if one is necessary, which do you recommend?

Thanks a bunch!
#dlguard #management #sales #software
  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Hi Louise,

    Is DLGuard nessessary? No. Does it save you tonnes of time, help protect your products, help create a smooth sales process (including automatic autoresponder signups), and help better manage things like resending download links to old customers, etc.? Yes, it sure does!

    It's like any business tool - are business tools nessessary? No, but they sure make life easier and help your business run smoother and more efficient if you're using them.

    Autoresponders are more for contacting customers by email. You still use your autoresponder when you have DLGuard.

    DLGuard will automatically add your customers to your autoresponder list at the point of sale - all invisible to your customer, which makes things a lot smoother and so less steps (or hoops) for them to complete.

    The management side of DLGuard is anything from checking if a customer has actually bought from you, though to what they've bought, and the ability to resend download emails, right through to viewing sales stats, sales page visits and sales conversion rates for all of your products.

    If you have any questions or would like me to clarify any of this, I'm happy to help!

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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  • Profile picture of the author Louise M
    Hi Sam
    Thanks for responding. Are you the creator of DLGuard?

    I just visited your site again. I'm very attracted to the sales automation part of all this.
    Have a few questions, though. I'm not very technical and new to IM, so I'm trying to wrap my head around this...

    Can you use this service for any affiliate product? Or does it have to be strictly CB? …so I guess I would have to register my affiliate stuff or my own e-books there and then DLG gives me a separate link for each prod?

    And did I get this right, DLG handles the sales of the product once the customer clicks on the prod link (provided by DLG)? so all credit card paymts and pay pal?

    Does this apply to any digital prods, including free ones?

    Also, I recently signed-up with you would provide purchasing customers to my aweber list? this is done smoothly and easily?

    Thanks for your help, just want to justify the cost...have not made my first sale yet!
    Signature Starting An Online Business Doing What You Love!
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    • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
      Originally Posted by Louise M View Post

      Also, I recently signed-up with you would provide purchasing customers to my aweber list? this is done smoothly and easily?
      As an end-user, I can answer that one: Yes, and yes. As I recall, that was one of the easier things to setup in DLGuard.

      Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

      Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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    • Profile picture of the author JacksonPollock
      Originally Posted by Louise M View Post

      Hi Sam
      Can you use this service for any affiliate product? Or does it have to be strictly CB? I guess I would have to register my affiliate stuff or my own e-books there and then DLG gives me a separate link for each prod?

      And did I get this right, DLG handles the sales of the product once the customer clicks on the prod link (provided by DLG)? so all credit card paymts and pay pal?

      Does this apply to any digital prods, including free ones?
      No one seems to be touching this part, so I will throw out what I think is the case. DLGuard is for protecting files YOU host for people to download from YOU, not clickbank or any other third party site.

      I don't know about DLGuard, but there would be little point to it if you weren't hosting the end product yourself.

      So if you're just giving Clickbank links, there is no need for DLGuard. Clickbank sellers handle everything for you. You don't need any additional piece of software or any additional script if you're doing affiliate sales via Clickbank.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    I use DL Guard.

    You can get by without it BUT...

    You will have trouble scaling and managing things as you grow. After buying DL Guard my downloads business got a whole lot easier to manage from a customer service, sales tracking and growth perspective.

    It paid for itself FAST.

    Sam any word on DLG Pro??? I am waiting quietly over here
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  • Profile picture of the author Fairuz Talib
    I have been using dlg since version 2, and I'm still using it. Currently I'm exploring Rapid Action Profits just because it's able to handle affiliate program (heard that dlg pro will handle affiliate program as well.. is it true Sam?), but some good features of dlg are not in RAP..
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Originally Posted by Louise M View Post

    Hey wise warriors,

    Is a sales mgmt software like DLguard, which is also a download protector necessary to run a blog that sells info products? I thought an autoresponder took care of the mgmt part...

    And if one is necessary, which do you recommend?

    Thanks a bunch!
    Download protection software usually generates a weird-looking expiring
    download link for each sale. This makes the download available long
    enough for the customer to get it, but not long enough for the link
    to get indexed or passed around. Some scripts also block downloading
    from more than a couple of IPs I think, but most people will be honest
    and just download their purchase.

    In truth you cannot prevent your digital products from getting shared
    around, but you can build security into your own business.

    I find running stuff through a management script makes things easier,
    plus gives the ability to have one-time-offers, coupons and play
    lots of other games to boost response and revenue. Just running
    your transactions through Paypal doesn't give you that power... though
    there is a "one click PayPal upsell" script out there - it was kind of hot
    about a year ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Hi Louise,

    Yes, that's right - I'm the owner and developer of DLGuard. And no worries, I'm happy to help!

    Firstly, DLGuard is just for selling your own products - not affiliate products. Was there something in particular you needed to promote your affiliate products? Let me know and we can discuss it if you wish!

    DLGuard currently integrates with over 15 payment systems - Clickbank is one of them, but you can use any of the others, or a combination of multiple payment systems if you wish.

    It's quite flexible that way, you don't need to lock yourself into just one payment processor, and it also opens up the ability to sell through payment systems that aren't often supported in systems like this.

    And did I get this right, DLG handles the sales of the product once the customer clicks on the prod link (provided by DLG)? so all credit card paymts and pay pal?
    Yes, DLGuard handles the sales, though it doesn't actually process the payments. The payment processor you choose will still process the actual payment.

    So basically this is what happens:

    DLGuard gives you a sales link for your product. You copy and paste that onto your website.

    When someone clicks on that sales link, they go to the payment processor you're using (eg. Paypal, Clickbank, etc.). They pay the money, and the customer is then transfered back to DLGuard.

    DLGuard will check the sales details to make sure everything has been paid for correctly (and not "hacked"), and if the sale is valid and the correct payment has been made, DLGuard will display a secure download page automatically populated with the download links to the product(s) the customer bought.

    This download page uses a standard HTML template, and so is fully customizable. So basically you can make it look like the rest of your website, if you wish. Or if you don't really want to, then DLGuard will use the default template that comes with DLGuard. It's up to you!

    This process is basically the same for every payment system, including the Free ones. Naturally the free ones don't take sales details, but it does request the customer's name and email address.

    Also, I recently signed-up with you would provide purchasing customers to my aweber list? this is done smoothly and easily?
    Yes, DLGuard fully integrates with Aweber, and I've worked closely with Aweber to make sure this process works smoothly.

    It's a quick setup. Aweber have instructions here, if you're interested:

    How Do I Integrate DLGuard with AWeber? :: AWeber Knowledge Base

    And no worries, I understand the need to justify the cost - that's a smart business move!

    One of the other things you'll get when you buy DLGuard is my help. I like to fully support my customers, and so if this is all new to you I'm happy to spend some extra time with you going through the setup, and even discuss things like future business direction that'll impact your setup choices.

    I hope this helps, let me know if you'd like me to clarify further!

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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    • Profile picture of the author Louise M
      Thanks Sam
      With everyone's positive feedback and your help, I'm thinking DLG is a wise investment.

      Since it's for my own prods, I'll wait till I'm at that stage. Right now, I'm focusing on affiliate. But I will definitely revisit this when the timing's right.

      Thanks for the detailed info. Very helpful!!!

      Signature Starting An Online Business Doing What You Love!
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Hi Brad and Fairuz,

    Yes, DLGuard Pro is on it's way! I know a lot of people have heard that before, so I'll clarify what's going on behind closed (or not so closed) doors:

    As you know, DLGuard has grown a LOT since it's humble days of CB Download Manager. A tonne of new features have been added, including a fully shopping cart and membership system - so basically three products merged into one.

    Adding an affiliate program is like merging a fourth product into the one.

    So it's been time for a lot of housekeeping. I've been going through the "backend" of DLGuard, consolidating the methods of handling payment processor and product setups.

    This needs to be done before I add the affiliate program. Why?

    Two reasons:

    1) It will cut down a LOT of extra work and redundant coding I'll need to do


    2) It will allow the user interface (ie. what you do) side of the system to be much simpler.

    One thing I really value in DLGuard is keeping the interface easy to use and uncluttered. As more and more features are added, this, by the laws of physics, becomes harder.

    So I'm in the middle of making changes that'll make the adding of PRO easier, but also using PRO (and Standard) easier as well.

    There's going to be some extra little spin-offs that you might like too, but I won't get into that on a public forum just yet

    I hope this helps explain what I've been up to, and also help you rest assured that it's not "vapor-ware", it is a high priority and currently under-development project.

    The affilaite side of it is actually coming along quite well. I'm really happy with the layouts of the affiliate areas, and the ability for you to customize the whole affiliate area, even for different affiliate programs within the same install.

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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    • Profile picture of the author psresearch
      Originally Posted by samstephens View Post

      As you know, DLGuard has grown a LOT since it's humble days of CB Download Manager. A tonne of new features have been added, including a fully shopping cart and membership system - so basically three products merged into one.
      Well, this thread has been enlightening. I had no idea that DLGuard could do so much nowadays. Thanks for the update!
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Sam, does it integrate with any other autoresponder services besides Aweber?

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Hi Dennis,

    Yes, DLGuard also integrates with GetResponse directly.

    I also have integration scripts for DLGuard clients that will link DLGuard to:

    AutoResponse Plus
    Email Marketer
    List Mail Pro
    SendStudio (which from memory is the old version of Email Marketer)

    I'm currently working on a script for MailChimp too.

    Which autoresponder are you using?

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by samstephens View Post

      Hi Dennis,

      Yes, DLGuard also integrates with GetResponse directly.

      I also have integration scripts for DLGuard clients that will link DLGuard to:

      AutoResponse Plus
      Email Marketer
      List Mail Pro
      SendStudio (which from memory is the old version of Email Marketer)

      I'm currently working on a script for MailChimp too.

      Which autoresponder are you using?

      I'm using Aweber now, but for upcoming needs I'm leaning toward giving Imnica Mail a try. I see you've already hooked up with Richelo.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author TiffanyLambert
    I'm a HUGE DLG advocate, Louise!

    Before using DLG I found my download links on free sharing forums. So those ClickBank links are NOT expiring links like DLG gives you.

    I use it to run all of my sites - including my PLR and eBook sites alike.

    And Sam, I'm drooling over your post saying DLG Pro is coming along nicely...

    What will I do once I quit stalking you about that? I'll be like a lost puppy.
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    What will I do once I quit stalking you about that? I'll be like a lost puppy.
    So will I!

    Maybe I can promise you a shiney new product, and then withhold it for a few years?

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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  • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
    I would say "yes" it is very vital to have some type of protection. People these days are unethical, and love nothing more than to get your hard work for free. The extra investment is 100% worth it.
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  • Profile picture of the author ina696
    Hi, Sam. Is (or can) Download Guard be integrated for use with Imnica Mail? That's Richelo Killian's autoresponder.

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    • Profile picture of the author Richelo Killian
      Originally Posted by ina696 View Post

      Hi, Sam. Is (or can) Download Guard be integrated for use with Imnica Mail? That's Richelo Killian's autoresponder.


      Sam and I have touched base on this in the past, but, both our schedules precluded us from following up so far.

      I will be sure to chase Sam on this again, and I know he will be more than willing to work on this.
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Hi Louise,

    No worries at all, Louise, I'm glad I could help!

    Best of luck with your affiliate promotions, and when you're ready I'm more than happy to answer any other questions that may have popped up!

    Hi Ina,

    I don't currently have an integration script for Imnica, but I'm sure it'll be straight forward - especially with Richelo's willingness to help. Projects always go a LOT smoother when the service provider is interested and helpful!

    Are you a current DLGuard owner?


    Hi Richelo,

    We should catch up again - I'll send you a PM.

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Happy to shed some light, Mark!

    DLGuard (and The Software Formally Known As CBDM - or TSFKACBDM for short) is over five years old now. I've had some excellent feedback from a lot of happy clients, and that's really helped DLGuard grow into what you see today.

    Development costs are now well into the six figures - luckily I do it myself, as I'd hate to have signed that cheque

    If you have any questions about new features, etc., let me know!

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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  • Profile picture of the author Damien Roche
    I must say, the INSTANT I am a product creator - I will be purchasing DLGuard.

    I have worked with many clients in the past who use the software so although I'm not a customer, I have experienced Sam's unmatched customer support first hand.

    Great guy, great product, worth every penny.
    >> Seasoned Web Developer (CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby) <<
    Available for Fixed Fee Projects and Hourly ($40/hr)
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    I'm using Aweber now, but for upcoming needs I'm leaning toward giving Imnica Mail a try. I see you've already hooked up with Richelo.
    No worries Dennis - and yes, I'm chatting with Richelo so I'm sure we'll have something soon!

    Great guy, great product, worth every penny.
    Thanks Damien, I really appreciate that!

    Do you mind if I used your whole post as a testimonial for other developers who may be looking for an easy solution for their clients? If that's okay, just let me know your website URL I can attribute it to!

    I have a question, Sam. Can you guess what it is? <evil grin>
    Haha. Ummm. Are you wondering if I'd like a refill on my coffee? If so, then yes Tiff, I'd love one, thank you!

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2163849].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Sam - we've chatted in another thread about DLG before. I can't recall the feature, but there was something I wanted that you were building into the pro version, hence, I've waited. If you have a list of folks to notify when the pro version is releases, add me to it. PM me, or if you'd prefer my email, PM me for that.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Hi Dennis,

    No worries, if you like you can follow DLGuard on Twitter:

    DLGuard (DLGuard) on Twitter

    ...or me directly:

    Sam Stephens (samstephens) on Twitter

    I'll announce DLGuard on both of those. I'm also hoping there'll be a bunch of people talking about it on here

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Just a quick note: I've now got the ImnicaMail script ready to roll!

    It's free for any DLGuard users - just open a support ticket to request it!

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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    • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
      Originally Posted by samstephens View Post

      Just a quick note: I've now got the ImnicaMail script ready to roll!

      It's free for any DLGuard users - just open a support ticket to request it!

      Hi Sam,

      DLGuard is an excellent product and has helped me to go
      to bed safe in the knowledge that my downloads are being
      handled on auto-pilot. Neat.

      Will you be integrating DLGuard with the Infusionsoft
      autoresponder too?

      P.S. If you want a reliable beta tester on that - just PM me.

      Dedicated to your success,



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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Hi Shaun,

    Great to hear you're enjoying DLGuard!

    And yes, DLGuard is already integrated with Infusionsoft Autoresponder!

    I've just emailed it over to the email you've got registered at DLGuard (the paypal one at the domain that starts with "authentic" - let me know if it comes through okay!).

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Infusionsoft integration, too!

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2436641].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author vinug
    Originally Posted by Louise M View Post

    Hey wise warriors,

    Is a sales mgmt software like DLguard, which is also a download protector necessary to run a blog that sells info products? I thought an autoresponder took care of the mgmt part...

    And if one is necessary, which do you recommend?

    Thanks a bunch!
    As far as I know these softwares are helpful.They guard against someone visiting your download page and downloading your product illegally.

    Imagine if you have a down loadable product and visitors are able to download it without purchasing.

    Download protectors prevents this from happening.
    Your online store for Trendy Printed T shirts
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2436685].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zenmack
    This is what I need to install on my own products. My market is full of internet nerds who figure out how to hack things real quick.

    And this is not true:

    "Thanks: 0"

    I have thanked a lot of people for info and products but it never shows up!

    The worlds best dating coach

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