The Ultimate Clickbank vs. Amazon Thread - Pitch In Your Thoughts!

23 replies
Lots of discussions on ol' Clickbank and Amazon, so I'd just want to roll them up into one big discussion (okay, maybe a debate) on which one is superior. So here we go, Clickbank vs. Amazon: The Ultimate Showdown:


The dildo, um, I mean dillio: Clickbank is the world's largest digital product supplier. While most of their products are instantly downloadable e-books, they also have some cool software (I.E., Micro Niche Finder). Most e-book and software creators turn to Clickbank to handle their sales because of their sheer ease of use both for them and the customers. Affiliate marketers are also directed to start with Clickbank because of the same ease of use and the immediate acceptance.

The Good:

High commissions (up to 75%)
Customers don't have to wait for their product
Potential is there for $100 days with only a handful of websites
Can get satisfying knowing that you've played a part in solving someone's real problem

The Bad:

Way too much preselling to do
Way too much trust building to do
Have to really do deep niche research to find out who your audience is
People, for the most part, aren't ready to buy
Refunds are given 100% no questions asked, thus there are fraud issues involved
Lower conversions
Super high competition


The dildo, um, I mean dillio: Amazon is one of the largest online retailers on the world wide web today. They started off as a simple bookstore, but quickly turned into the online version of Wal-Mart (which is the world's largest offline retailer). Alright, Wal-Mart's online too, but no matter where you are in the world, there is at least one Wal-Mart within no more than an hour from you. But back on track, Amazon has the well known brands and merchandise anyone can ask for, unlike the relatively unknown Clickbank.

The Good:

People come to Amazon for one thing - to BUY!
Preselling and trust building are almost a non-issue - Amazon has you covered!
Higher conversions
Niche research is virtually nonexistent as well
Lower competition

The Bad:

Ridiculously low commissions (as low as 4%)
The tracking cookie Amazon inserts on someone's computer only lasts 24 hours
Will need dozens of sites to reach a respectable income level
Because of low commissions, some products aren't worth promoting
Residents of Colorado, North Carolina, and Rhode Island aren't allowed in their affiliate program

So yeah, which is your preferred affiliate program of choice? Mine, as I've stated in other threads, is Amazon because of the ease over Clickbank, but let's all have fun discussing (or debating).
#amazon #clickbank #pitch #thoughts #thread #ultimate
  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    I know that this is not on your list, but my experience has been once I find a product I like, places like CJ allow me to make much more money than Amazon does. I've been able to far exceed income exactly because of the low commission rate you mentioned with Amazon. For sheer product depth, though, Amazon can't be beat.

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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
      Amazon all the way. Still have yet to earn anywhere near as much money from Clickbank affiliate as I have Amazon.

      I will say this. There are TONS of awesome affiliate programs and products out there aside from Amazon and Clickbank. You got to dig, but you can find some really nice hidden gems out there.

      I know it's been said, but it's so crazy how every day I find a new affiliate program or new niche to enter in...seems it never ends
      Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
      Click here to learn how to make money online in your bath robe and gym socks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Icanwrite
    Clickbank for sure. 1 sale of clickbank, though it needs a lot of pre-selling would reap you far better results ($$$$wise) than Amazon ! Instead of selling 100's of products, you can achieve same financial goals with just 1 product sale of CB. Just my 2 cents.
    Adventure travel blogger & outreach expert -
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  • Profile picture of the author theemperor
    I have clickbank and amazon sales. I have made barely enough on Amazon for a cup of coffee. Clickbank on the other hand is doing me proud!

    Obviously the clickbank commissions are bigger, meaning that you can afford to spend more time/money promoting the offers as an affiliate.

    Clickbank is where the serious money is. Remember to make $100,000 this year on Amazon you need to shift $2.5M worth of Amazon goods.

    Or you could shift $150,000 worth of clickbank goods for the same commissions (based on typical 66% commission you get once you've paid the CB fees).
    Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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  • Profile picture of the author madison_avenue
    There is a difference in the product quality on the two sites. Amazon products are from respectable established companies are are of good quality and value.

    Clickbank products are not all from established companies, anyone can write and ebook and start selling, some products can be of poor quality and value, some have rather a scammy feel. With exaggerated promises and testimonials.

    I would have no problem promoting anything from amazon but I can't say the same about clickbank.

    If I want to promote a product from clickbank, I am much more selective, I always check out the product first, to make sure it is good quality and value for money.
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  • Profile picture of the author brieat
    Use them both, whatever your niche maybe. In some niche you would like to amazon, like high end stereo systems where it would fetch your decent money. With that said, I just stick to clickbank because I just promote products that sells and sells well (reverse phone lookup and instant background checks)
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    • Profile picture of the author Wayne OS
      Originally Posted by brieat View Post

      Use them both, whatever your niche maybe. In some niche you would like to amazon, like high end stereo systems where it would fetch your decent money. With that said, I just stick to clickbank because I just promote products that sells and sells well (reverse phone lookup and instant background checks)
      brieat is right. I build sites for both. Whatever sells well and I can find good keywords I promote... Not that one is better than the other. They both have differing negatives and plus points as you have mentioned.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
    As you know already, Amazon works best for me. And so do all networks that allow me to promote physical products.

    I'm not saying Clickbank is bad, just that physical products work better for me.

    And regarding what you wrote:

    Will need dozens of sites to reach a respectable income level
    I disagree with that. If done properly, you can make a very nice income from just one site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah Russell
    Can I vote for both? Clickbank for digital, informational products and Amazon for physical item sales.
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    • Profile picture of the author theemperor
      Originally Posted by Sarah Russell View Post

      Can I vote for both? Clickbank for digital, informational products and Amazon for physical item sales.
      No you have to choose - balanced views are not allowed in this thread :rolleyes: - if you can only choose one to do for a year which one and why?

      I choose Clickbank for reasons I mentioned earlier in the thread.
      Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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  • Profile picture of the author Walter Gane
    Am a newbie when it comes to clickbank affiliate product but i have try
    both Amazon and clickbank in the last two month, l think they are okay
    but you need to promote the products very well to yell result.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    People TRUST Amazon.

    So it is easier to make a sale.

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author juansaldivar
    With Amazon you need volume, lots of it if you want to make some decent money. You must have a solid SEO strategy and lots of sites. And on Clickbank you get paid 75% commissions, you don't need that many sales to make good money and the more people know you and trust you the easier is to sell them more in the future.

    The thing is seeing a backend strategy is also important, not just making a quick sale. If you can maximize the value per user/customer, you are going to make way much more than your competition.

    It's not just about the frontend, it's important the backend as well.

    If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

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  • Profile picture of the author Underground SEO
    I prefer clickbank by far, much more profit for same effort.
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  • Profile picture of the author Biggy Fat
    Great discussion/debate here you guys! Reason why I didn't add a "both" option in there is because it would be a little inaccurate to say that both work good (and the majority would vote for that). I wanted to have a "If you could have only one what would it be" type of thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
    The only thing I ever sold on Amazon was CHLOROFORM - WHICH WAS ILLEGAL!

    But damn, the conversion rate was extremely high before they took down the product in Amazon.

    So I have like $6 sitting in my Amazon account from 2009.

    I could never figure out how to make money off Amazon after that.

    Clickbank all the way for me baby!
    Want a 13 Part FREE Internet Marketing Course - Taught By A PREMIER CLICKBANK SUPPER AFFILIATE? Did I mention taught through VIDEOS?
    Yup, I'm not hyping things up for you. Click here to check it out!
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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    Amazon (and eBay). When it comes to promoting other people's things, I do much better with physical products too. I think it's because I can get more interested in 'stuff' (especially if I don't have to clutter my own place up by buying or stocking it) than I can in the latest cure for thrush or the shuddersome prospect of getting an ex back. I don't really think you have to be 'passionate' about what you're selling, but a bit of enthusiasm can go a long way.

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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  • Profile picture of the author Biggy Fat
    Anymore people have any insight to this?
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  • Profile picture of the author TimG
    30 days ago I would have said Clickbank but right now I am starting to lean towards Amazon.

    However, I'm reaching that conclusion based on not making any money from Clickbank from some specific niche topics which are doing quite well with Amazon as my monetization model so to some degree I think it is niche specific in terms of which site does better.

    Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

    Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
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  • Actually, small correction: Clickbank is not the world's largest digital supplier (if by digital supplier you mean processes and delivers digital goods). However, they may be the most well known in Internet Marketing circles because of the number of information products (e-books/video courses, etc) they process.

    Re: Refunds -- that seems to be a trend among all digital retailers, not just clickbank.

    As for amazon vs clickbank, I'd say whichever you make more money at/what you are best at. For me, at the moment I'd say between the two, Clickbank simlpy because I understand the process a bit better than amazon.

    Originally Posted by Biggy Fat View Post

    Lots of discussions on ol' Clickbank and Amazon, so I'd just want to roll them up into one big discussion (okay, maybe a debate) on which one is superior. So here we go, Clickbank vs. Amazon: The Ultimate Showdown:


    The dildo, um, I mean dillio: Clickbank is the world's largest digital product supplier. While most of their products are instantly downloadable e-books, they also have some cool software (I.E., Micro Niche Finder). Most e-book and software creators turn to Clickbank to handle their sales because of their sheer ease of use both for them and the customers. Affiliate marketers are also directed to start with Clickbank because of the same ease of use and the immediate acceptance.

    The Good:

    High commissions (up to 75%)
    Customers don't have to wait for their product
    Potential is there for $100 days with only a handful of websites
    Can get satisfying knowing that you've played a part in solving someone's real problem

    The Bad:

    Way too much preselling to do
    Way too much trust building to do
    Have to really do deep niche research to find out who your audience is
    People, for the most part, aren't ready to buy
    Refunds are given 100% no questions asked, thus there are fraud issues involved
    Lower conversions
    Super high competition


    The dildo, um, I mean dillio: Amazon is one of the largest online retailers on the world wide web today. They started off as a simple bookstore, but quickly turned into the online version of Wal-Mart (which is the world's largest offline retailer). Alright, Wal-Mart's online too, but no matter where you are in the world, there is at least one Wal-Mart within no more than an hour from you. But back on track, Amazon has the well known brands and merchandise anyone can ask for, unlike the relatively unknown Clickbank.

    The Good:

    People come to Amazon for one thing - to BUY!
    Preselling and trust building are almost a non-issue - Amazon has you covered!
    Higher conversions
    Niche research is virtually nonexistent as well
    Lower competition

    The Bad:

    Ridiculously low commissions (as low as 4%)
    The tracking cookie Amazon inserts on someone's computer only lasts 24 hours
    Will need dozens of sites to reach a respectable income level
    Because of low commissions, some products aren't worth promoting
    Residents of Colorado, North Carolina, and Rhode Island aren't allowed in their affiliate program

    So yeah, which is your preferred affiliate program of choice? Mine, as I've stated in other threads, is Amazon because of the ease over Clickbank, but let's all have fun discussing (or debating).
    Pick a product. Pick ANY product! -> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Park
    I receive checks every 2 weeks from Clickbank but I don't remember ever selling Amazon though I did try. But from many warriors, I hear they make a handsome commission by selling Amazon products. So I guess they do sell very well if you did it right. But for me, I still prefer CB over Amazon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew M
    This kind of reminds me of a comic I once saw who made a crack about how "this is 2010 and we STILL can't have Coke and Pepsi in the same room"

    When you enter a market, why not test both or run them side by side? I like Clickbank myself, but when I find a solid amazon product to promote, I have found that the two can be quite complimentary.

    I do like the relative ease of Clickbank though, all aforementioned cons admittedly noted.



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