Would You Focus On Top 5 Article Sites or Submit To Many Article Sites As You Can?
I know that when submitting articles to article sites, it would be much better to submit it to as many directories as you can for maximum exposure and backlink purposes. But what if you are just promoting a squeeze page on your resource box for list building purposes, would you still submit it to many article sites or you can just rather focus on at least the top 5 article sites? I'm currently submitting to 20+ article directories, and I'm not getting enough views and clicks on the lower level sites compare to EZA, articles base, and other high-traffic sites. Should I just focus on submitting to just the top 5 sites to save time as well?
Your comments will be highly appreciated.
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---7 Stages to Become a Resale Rights Expert---
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---7 Stages to Become a Resale Rights Expert---
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--->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)