Why is software not sold in classifieds or WSO's?

16 replies
Does anyone know why so little software is sold in this forum(resale rights origin or other)?
#classifieds #software #sold #wso
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I've seen a good bit of software being sold, both in WSOs and in signatures and Classified. I'm working on some software now to sell pretty soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author rewarding88
      I have purchased some software rights (very limited number of sellers) but have not marketed them because I am not a programmer and would be stumped with the many questions that might be asked.

      Are you creating software or reselling it? (If I might ask)
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Because most people here are not programmers and prefer to sell information.

    I've sold software here and others do - but we're in a minority as it's easier to throw together some information than to create a new tool or service.

    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mikedb

    many software owners made software for getting sites ranked and they are not allowed anymore on this forum. That is why you will see less sold.


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    • Profile picture of the author rewarding88
      Hi Mike, I'm somewhat of a newbie and not sure what you mean by using the software to get their sites ranked. Also, why are they not allowed on the forum anymore? What did they do wrong?

      Can heavily discounted resale rights software be sold on a WSO? or in the classifieds?

      The rules in the WSO section seem to say that if it doesn't viotate the TOS of the software creator it can besold as a WSO?
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      • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
        Originally Posted by rewarding88 View Post

        Can heavily discounted resale rights software be sold on a WSO? or in the classifieds?

        The WSO section is for unique products/services that you have created/own and are offering at a reduced cost to warrior members cheaper than anywhere else.

        It is NOT just a market place where you can sell anything you can get your hands on or buy rights to.

        If you didn't create it - you can't sell it. That includes rewritten PLR stuff.

        Promoting tools or services that use tools which breach other website terms of service are also not allowed.

        This forum does not promote unethical/spammy techniques or tools that just make the internet experience worse for people instead of adding value.

        I don't make the rules, but I've been here a while and that's my understanding of them.


        nothing to see here.

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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by rewarding88 View Post

        Hi Mike, I'm somewhat of a newbie and not sure what you mean by using the software to get their sites ranked. Also, why are they not allowed on the forum anymore? What did they do wrong?

        Can heavily discounted resale rights software be sold on a WSO? or in the classifieds?

        The rules in the WSO section seem to say that if it doesn't viotate the TOS of the software creator it can besold as a WSO?
        Basically, it was backlinking products that were banned and that's because they violate other site's TOS by their use. Throwing out thousands of spam backlinks all over the Net is not good business and creates a big headache for the victim's to clean up.

        As for WSOs ... you can only sell original products that YOU create.
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        • Profile picture of the author rewarding88
          Thanks sbucciarel.

          So, if I understand correctly sales of software on a WSO has to be an original product.

          Am I correct in assuming that a quality resale software could be sold in the classifieds?
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          • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
            Originally Posted by rewarding88 View Post

            Thanks sbucciarel.

            So, if I understand correctly sales of software on a WSO has to be an original product.

            Am I correct in assuming that a quality resale software could be sold in the classifieds?
            Yeah ... you can sell it in the Classifieds as long as the software doesn't violate other site's TOS.
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          • Profile picture of the author Kurt
            Originally Posted by rewarding88 View Post

            Thanks sbucciarel.

            So, if I understand correctly sales of software on a WSO has to be an original product.

            Am I correct in assuming that a quality resale software could be sold in the classifieds?
            I believe it's within the rules to post resale software in the Classified section. But you'll do better if you come up with something original to add, like a in-depth how-to or a complimentary report.

            And I've sold software and scripts as WSOs for almost 8 years.
            Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
            Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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            • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
              Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

              And I've sold software and scripts as WSOs for almost 8 years.
              I knew there was someone else right on the top of my head.. just couldn't put a name or face to it!

              It was Kurt!!


              Bare Murkage.........

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            • Profile picture of the author rewarding88
              Thanks Kurt. Great idea to add a review or "how to use" report.

              I am making the assumption that all the software you sell as WSO's is original, or is there a "loophole" of some sort? Loophole might not be the right word.

              Lastly, several of you have commented that the resale rights software cannot violate "other sites" TOS. What other sites are they referring to? What would be some examples of violations.

              Sorry for being such a newbie, but I sure don't want to get banned. I love this forum and have bought a lot of helpful WSO's.
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              • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
                Originally Posted by rewarding88 View Post

                Lastly, several of you have commented that the resale rights software cannot violate "other sites" TOS. What other sites are they referring to? What would be some examples of violations.
                Software that is considered black-hat, software that automates spamming other sites such as forums (creating thousands of worthless profiles for a link), software that automates posting to or accessing another site if that site's TOS says that no automation is permitted. Things like that. If in doubt, just ask the help desk if your ad will pass.
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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    I think Thomas Belknap sells software... and a quick Google search reveals various other software sold as WSOs


    Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    BigMike also sells software. He's got a bunch, I think.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    Originally Posted by rewarding88 View Post

    Does anyone know why so little software is sold in this forum(resale rights origin or other)?

    Because unlike with info products good software is impossible to fake and bad software is easy to spot
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