What is Auto blogging?

42 replies
Hey guys,
What is auto blogging?
Is there a software package that automatically extracts content from the web?

#auto #blogging
  • Profile picture of the author JakeRhodes
    Autoblogging is where you have a blog set up (typically on Wordpress) that automatically updates itself with content at set intervals from RSS feeds.

    I've got a free eBook that explains how you can set-up an autoblog. It focuses on setting up an autoblog within the hypnosis niche as I wrote it to help out affiliates but the advice holds true for any niche.

    Make Money Online With An Auto Blog

    Hope this helps you.
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    • Profile picture of the author warriorjackie
      interesting things you share with us
      any advantages though
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  • Profile picture of the author duia
    Set up sites that can be updated automatically.
    Usually, this type of sites are created just for making money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    Wordpress related auto blogs tools are very popular. There are many plugins. I have seen many WSO ebooks regarding this subject. It's avery good method to earn money without any effort.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    To give some real results for one type of autoblogging . . . one year ago, I put up 6 websites, each with well-researched key-phrase (good eBay sell-through %, high searches, low competition etc.), with some pages of unque custom-content, and I used autoblogging by DataFeedr, which posts products from selected merchants every day (or however often you set it). Including the course which told me to do exactly this, I spent $500. I had quality physical products, and AdSense on all 6 sites. I spent time and effort creating and uploading video's as per the course, and more recently did article backlinking.

    Total income, from all 6 sites, in 1 whole year = less than TWO dollars. Not a good return on $500 investment. The course I bought was, unfortunately, just lies (as many of the methods posted on this forum are, although some are good). On the other hand, I learned how to create a WordPress Blog, and a few other things, so it was all part of the learning process.

    I also used an Caffeinated-content (an autoblogger) to add a blog to a simple website I had. The result is that that website lost what little traffic it had. Again, zero income.

    It has been said on these forums MANY times that autoblogging is a VERY bad idea now (although it might have worked years ago), and I agree, from my experience. Do a Google search for that topic on this forum, and find the details of why other people say that.

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    • Profile picture of the author dpm
      Originally Posted by Chris- View Post

      To give some real results for one type of autoblogging . . . one year ago, I put up 6 websites, each with well-researched key-phrase (good eBay sell-through %, high searches, low competition etc.), with some pages of unque custom-content, and I used autoblogging by DataFeedr, which posts products from selected merchants every day (or however often you set it). Including the course which told me to do exactly this, I spent $500. I had quality physical products, and AdSense on all 6 sites. I spent time and effort creating and uploading video's as per the course, and more recently did article backlinking.

      Total income, from all 6 sites, in 1 whole year = less than TWO dollars. Not a good return on $500 investment. The course I bought was, unfortunately, just lies (as many of the methods posted on this forum are, although some are good). On the other hand, I learned how to create a WordPress Blog, and a few other things, so it was all part of the learning process.

      I also used an Caffeinated-content (an autoblogger) to add a blog to a simple website I had. The result is that that website lost what little traffic it had. Again, zero income.

      It has been said on these forums MANY times that autoblogging is a VERY bad idea now (although it might have worked years ago), and I agree, from my experience. Do a Google search for that topic on this forum, and find the details of why other people say that.


      In theory, auto blogs sound a great idea, so I set up a couple myself.

      I didn't take long to understand that auto blogs are a complete waste of time as I didn't earn anything.

      It's only by trying this yourself that you'll find out if it is something worth doing. For me, original content for a blog is a must.
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  • Profile picture of the author atwellpub
    Available Software suites, each differing in style, and capability. Also I believe mos of them have a WSO here:

    BlogSense - http://www.blogsense-wp.com
    Autoblogged - http://www.autoblogged.com
    WP Robot - http://www.wprobot.net
    WP Tweetbomb - http://www.wptweetbomb.org
    Best Autoblogger - ?
    Blog Hatter - http://bloghatter.com/
    EZEmpire Builder - http://ezempirebuilder.com/
    WP Mage - http://www.wpmage.com/blueprint/
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  • Profile picture of the author franamico
    Thanks guys,
    Yes many people have had bad experiences with auto blogging...I'm curious though!

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  • Profile picture of the author reapr
    Originally Posted by franamico View Post

    Hey guys,
    What is auto blogging?
    Is there a software package that automatically extracts content from the web?

    UAW offers a free plugin for WP.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Ekenroos
    Originally Posted by franamico View Post

    Hey guys,
    What is auto blogging?
    Is there a software package that automatically extracts content from the web?

    Take a look at this " SEO LinkVine " it autosubmits articles to your Blog.
    You can decide your self how many posts a day and what kind of content.
    Or even if you have a category Blog you can get the content related to that.
    And the best part, it is totaly free!!
    It works fine but i have some configurations to do in WP to make it work as i want with the layouts.
    I run it on a Blog that I am still working with.
    But if you want automated content take a look.
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    • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
      Auto blogging does not help your site long term.
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      • Profile picture of the author Lornaf
        I've had some success with WP Robot and my own original content.

        Don't ignore autobogging completely - it might be worth a shot!

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        • Profile picture of the author da1fitz
          Originally Posted by Lornaf View Post

          I've had some success with WP Robot and my own original content.

          Don't ignore autobogging completely - it might be worth a shot!

          Must agree that although if you just syndicate content or even open it up to SEOLinkvine (which is pretty good in principle) you tend to get unrelated content sneaking in leaving your site looking less relevant. But using WPRobot (as example) adding clickbank ads to your site a couple of times per day can generate some unexpected sales so long as the Robot picks up adds relevant to your niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author JakeRhodes
    What I've seen someone do, which I think is a good idea, is to have a few different categories on their blog - some of which they write unique content for, others in which they use autoblogging.

    This saves the time that would be required to write in-depth articles on many subjects while giving visitors information on related topics they may be interested in.
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  • Profile picture of the author jtrigsby
    So here's my take on autoblogging...

    I use LinkVine a lot! I create niche sites for topics that map back well to active sources on LinkVine. It also has a new (at least new to me) feature that will allow you to map categories from the LV source to categories on your blog, kinda handy.

    Anyway, I don't put any ads on the sites at all, until I have over 100 posts.

    After there are 100 posts on a site, I use a custom install OpenX Ad server to display inline Adsense ads. I make a little off each site ( less than $100/month ) but that's not the real value I'm after with these sites.

    I also use the OpenX server to put text links in the footer of each page. I get my anchor text with the link of my choice on 100+ pages multiplied by dozens of sites. I have several target sites that I "advertise" this way and OpenX rotates the ads for me and automatically adds the links to every new page added by LV. I can also add new target sites to the rotation in one place ( OpenX ) and they enter the rotation on all sites.

    That's how I'm using autoblogging. Hope that helps. If anyone can shoot holes in my theory, fire away... always looking to make it better!

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  • Profile picture of the author Arun Pal Singh
    If you are not writing original content your blog would not go far. While it might brings few bucks one should not bank on autoblogging for building an online presence.
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    • Profile picture of the author exzant
      Originally Posted by Arun Pal Singh View Post

      If you are not writing original content your blog would not go far. While it might brings few bucks one should not bank on autoblogging for building an online presence.
      I thought, writing articles is not 100% coming from our own thoughts, but more comes from rewriting the results from other sources.
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      • Profile picture of the author webmasteruk
        Auto blogging is a sure fired way of getting your adsense account banned and terminated.

        I would like to know why would any one want to scrape some other persons hard work and use it at there own.

        Bone idle and does not want to put quality into the world wide web? Wants to sit back and reep the rewards of other peoples hardwork (like most article directories do!)

        My advice is ok auto blog but do it with your own hand written content and use a cron job or a plugin that will drip feed your own written posts at the time you wish then you will have no problem.

        Sometimes I blastout a numbet of articles that are only for my blog and I have them on a drip feed basis.

        I hope you are talking about wordpress and not blogger?

        There are a number of wordpress drip feed plugins that can help you.
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        • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
          Originally Posted by webmasteruk View Post

          I would like to know why would any one want to scrape some other persons hard work and use it at there own.
          I personally never cared if someone syndicates my content, as long as I get the backlink/attribution. I've gotten quite a few backlinks from people using my content through autoblogging and it's all good with me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Stentiford
    Surely the content wouldnt be right it would look and sound diluted? Am I wrong?


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  • Profile picture of the author WillDee
    I've had some really good experiences with autoblogs. Something to remember is that you need to experiment a lot initially in order to find the best performers so you can maximise your returns, or you'll end up wasting your time and effort on maintaining unprofitable sites.

    Many would probably disagree and say that autoblogs are set and forget and you just need to set up as many as you can, but my experience with the beasties has been that you set up a couple and test, test, test and then discard the ones that don't provide a decent ctr.

    Keep a couple that provide good returns and then tweak the layout, ad positioning and auto-generated content layouts to get good returns.

    I started with around 30 blogs, tried scaling to around 500, and have reduced it to less than ten because managing and patching all of them became a nightmare. The ones I stuck with provide a steady stream of income from adsense, amazon and ad sales. Not enough to retire on, but enough to pay for the geeky toys and stuff I'm always acquiring.

    For what it's worth, WPRobot is probably the best of the packages in terms of flexibility, and it allows you to really tweak things so your blogs aren't obviously autoblogs...
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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora
    Just like article spinning (another heated topic on this forum) autoblogging is a fantastic time saving tool if it is used intellegently.

    Mix rss content with the occasional original contend and some re-written PLR content to create the best of all worlds.

    There is nothing wrong with syndicated content providing it has acknowledgements and retains original links. But for the best results mix in your own stuff as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author tht222
      Originally Posted by Paleochora View Post

      Just like article spinning (another heated topic on this forum) autoblogging is a fantastic time saving tool if it is used intellegently.

      Mix rss content with the occasional original contend and some re-written PLR content to create the best of all worlds.
      Auto blogging is a great way to make money as long as you are one step ahead of pack; 99% of the guys (and girls) out there use RSS feeds or simply blatantly scrape other people's sites and make next to nothing. Not to mention that they are actually breaking copyright laws and get in trouble with their hosts, domain registrars, etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author getreffs
    franamico here a detail article about "Auto Blogging" Is AutoBlog Good or Bad?
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    • Profile picture of the author fire3fly
      I have a network of sites setup for autoblogging. I use WPRobot, and I just love it.

      It auto posts Amazon products, YouTube Videos, eBay, Clickbank, and Articles based on keywords that I select. It's a really simple plugin to use, and I have made sales on all of my blogs from it. It definitely pays for itself.

      I like autoblogging because I can move on to do other things with my time, and still make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I use to get traffic and Pagerank from autoblogs. It was a quick way to handle a lot of blogs at the same time.

    Within the past 6 months Google has deindexed a lot of pages from the last autoblog I had. I have since stopped autoblogging altogether.

    Unique content will serve you a lot better in the long run. Autoblogs are not highly regarded by Google, IMO

    If you do autoblog, make certain you provide attribution to the source. Otherwise, you are just stealing content.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenji
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Sorry, not to the point here, but I went to take a look at Niche Marketing Blogs - we build niche marketing blogs for sale and wondered if that is really you, but of course, it most probably is...that is really cool with that cigar on, nasty.

      Then, if Google de-index auto-blogs from oyur experience, why from that site Niche Marketing Blogs - we build niche marketing blogs for sale , I read you are building blogs with an auto-blog plugin Autoblogged, so why do you still do it if you have evidence that Google de-index auto-blogs?

      I'm learning loads from you all but it gets a bit confusing at times and it is not easy to see through the woods for the tree.
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      • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
        Originally Posted by Kenji View Post

        Sorry, not to the point here, but I went to take a look at Niche Marketing Blogs - we build niche marketing blogs for sale and wondered if that is really you, but of course, it most probably is...that is really cool with that cigar on, nasty.

        Then, if Google de-index auto-blogs from oyur experience, why from that site Niche Marketing Blogs - we build niche marketing blogs for sale , I read you are building blogs with an auto-blog plugin Autoblogged, so why do you still do it if you have evidence that Google de-index auto-blogs?

        I'm learning loads from you all but it gets a bit confusing at times and it is not easy to see through the woods for the tree.
        I started out autoblogging because I had 300 domains with no content on them. Some guy had the same problem and he developed autoblogged plugin for his own domains. Then he started selling the plugin. I bought it to give it a whirl. For awhile it worked very well for my sites.

        Then I noticed that some sites with say 3000 posts indexed suddenly had 1500 posts indexed. It seemed to be a trend. So I deleted my autoblogs and stopped using the plugin. The plugin is offered to my customers who want it. They have to set it up and most of them don't use it. It's their choice whether they want to or not.

        Some people still like to use automatic content whether it's that plugin or other auto-content plugins. I don't anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    I have some blogs where I use my own content mixed with autoblogging techniques and plugins.

    I use some plugins that gives me a nice stream of commissions (used wisely...)

    My favorites are "Amazon Autoposter" where you add a keyword and the amount of articles to display and drip feed your blog with products with full description and your affiliate link in it, "guest blogger" that feed my blog with articles related to a given keyword, great for stuff you blog with content on a regular basis. That mixed with WP Post Footer Library .
    And instead of adsense I use Clickbank's "Hop Ad builder"

    This system doesn't make me rich but gives me about $500/month per blog.
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  • Profile picture of the author createyouwealth
    I believe if you truly want to see some success with auto blogging you need to use it with professional software to help boost and cut out the time it would take to start seeing some income. IMHO, I think seNuke would be the best type of software to use to help boost your auto blogging efforts. All the best.
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    • Profile picture of the author rich_henderson
      The backbone of my online business is autoblogs and they make plenty of money as long as they are setup right.

      All mine are setup with 5 unique posts then after 4 weeks or so I switch them to autoblogging.

      The keys are different kinds of content, so articles, videos, news etc and mixing up the content in posts

      Obviously getting the config of your blog setup properly is very important too

      You can make money autoblogging using free services like AMA, SEO Vine UAW but wp robot is the best option by far.

      In the 5 years I have been autoblogging a lot has changed and now there is absolutely no reason not to do it, the days of it being blackhat are gone if done correctly.

      As for getting banned in the last 2 years I have not had a single blog banned by either google SE or adsense and considering I now have over 1500 it would seem that Google is ok with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    I bought a WSO on autoblogging some time ago. What I got was a simple method of writing your articles and loading them into WP to publish later. This was not my understanding of what an autoblog is. i comlained but never got my money back.

    As has been stated in this thread, autoblogging is taking the RSS feeds of other sites and publishing them to your site. Some say it is an easy way to make money, and others say that they seldom make any money to speak of. Eventually Google realizes that you have nothing to offer and you can't get listed in the serps, so no traffic. Maybe if you had massive amounts of back links you could drive traffic through them.

    Making money on the web is work, this trys to bypass the work part. I don't think it is a method that will being you real earnings. But I could be wrong. That is my opinion though. Take it for what it is worth.

    If there was an easy way to make money, everyone would be doing it, and there would probably be no money in it any more. Don't you think?

    Tim Pears

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    • Profile picture of the author suffolkman
      You either love or hate autoblogging. If you truly go down the autoblogging path, you are probably moving towards black hat techniques.

      If you look at google, then they are a major autoblogger.They pull together data from various sources, not unique content, and present it to us the consumer.

      However, google does not like individuals doing the same thing.

      So if you are going down the autoblogging road, tread carefully.

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  • Profile picture of the author DrewClement
    Autoblogging is not black hat in the sense of the word, as long as you do it right. Stripping links and giving no credit to the content that you use is black hat, but if you offer attribution and give the credit to the original article most webmasters would be happy to receive the link.

    The true key with autoblogging is to use it as a means of promotion, and not as your sole method for income. Combining the techniques of autoblogging with the right software can be a powerful method as long as you combine it with other unique content and promotional tools.

    For instance, creating subdomains with autoblogging software can reap huge benefits in the long term.

    Especially if you put work into the main domain, offer value, and provide unique content on the main site.

    Autoblogs are also great for quickly creating and building up blogs which you can then point to another website of yours for link juice and so on.

    A lot of the "hate" when it comes to autoblogging surrounds the fact that people assume they will make thousands a month from one autoblog on auto-pilot.

    Can you make money on auto-pilot with the right autoblogging software?


    Is it a viable get rich overnight technique that truly takes no work?


    But what is?

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    • Profile picture of the author rich_henderson
      Originally Posted by DrewClement View Post

      Autoblogging is not black hat in the sense of the word, as long as you do it right. Stripping links and giving no credit to the content that you use is black hat, but if you offer attribution and give the credit to the original article most webmasters would be happy to receive the link.
      Three cheers, couldn't have put it better myself

      I am an autoblogger yet I am perfectly happy for people to scrape content from my unique sites as long as they leave any links in the content, fair is fair, and I only teach that very method, playng fair.

      As for sites that have 1000's of indexed posts and then suddenly half the amount, it usually is because the autoposting is overdone. From testing I have noticed that blogs that just get 3 or 4 posts per week do much better than those with more and especially those that post 5-10 a day, which too me is asking for trouble

      Whether my blogs are automated or not I always assume that at some point they are going to get the dreaded human google visit, so try to set my blogs up accordingly.

      If you consider how many autoblogs I have and how long I have had them then I am pretty certain they have had a human inspection and they are all doing very nicely, so i must be doing something right.
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  • Profile picture of the author belfend
    nice thread but how we make autoblog not worth on Search engine google or etc cause now many autoblog was on sandbox

    anyone can want to share
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  • Profile picture of the author abnation
    Autoblogging is a tough one. I do agree with several people in this thread, mainly on the topic of "staying ahead of the pack" and unique content > autoblogged content. In response to the former statement, yes the old methods of scraping, RSS feeds, etc. do not work anymore. One really needs to experiment a lot when it comes to autoblogging. With every other bloke using WPRobot nowadays, it is quite a competitive field. Google coming down hard on autobloggers doesn't make it any easier either. The simple times are over. The latter is also quite true. Nothing will beat user generated, unique content. On the other hand, how many blogs can one manage before one runs out of time, willpower or both?

    Nevertheless, my advice to anybody starting out with autoblogs is, spend some time learning about them, about some techniques that go into content scraping, content posting and automatic content generation. Yes, WPRobot seems very appealing and don't get me wrong it is a great piece of software, yet it is somewhat limited in its abilities. You can generally get a similar result from Yahoo Pipes and a number of freely available autoblogging plugins.

    Autoblogs aren't dead. It is more about the technique itself rather than the concept of autoblogging. Some techniques are certainly as dead as can be. Just research a ton. Check out Yahoo Pipes and start from there. Spend about 3-4 month (easier said than done) really getting into the whole concept and try to develop your own style of autoblogging (again, easier said than done, I know).

    Autoblogging shouldn't be limited to content either. You can practically automate anything nowadays. Off-site SEO can be automated through various techniques and plugins. You can even give a boost to your backlinks through creating various new backlinks automatically. And why rely on Google alone? Yes it is the dominant source of targeted traffic, but why not build up a list of targeted twitter followers, configure your autoblog to post automatic updates to twitter and enjoy targeted traffic?

    All I'm trying to say is that, as technology and methodology evolves, there remains no reason for the death of the concept. Rather one might benefit from updating the techniques themselves. Go out and experiment people!
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  • Profile picture of the author relicah
    Its a plugin or a script etc that pulls connent from a RSS feed etc, that you set the ammount of times a day/week/month/year that it searchs the RSS feeds you have put in, not very honnest but fills out a blog
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  • Profile picture of the author jimcal
    Doing your own work is usually the best bet even though it is more time consuming.

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  • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
    Im looking to auto blog BUT with my own content. ( I just wrote a new thread on this before reading this one).

    What im looking for is software that will allow me to put my own post, videos etc in a calendar setting. So lest say on Sunday I write 7 post total and set them up to be posted once a day for 7 days at the select time/date I choose. So if I set up a post for 12:45pm on Monday, when I go direct to my site at 12:46pm I shall see that post.

    Does this make sense?
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  • Profile picture of the author parklands
    learnt a lot from reading this post thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author snapcontent
    The new generation of autoblogging tools don't suffer from the problems this thread highlights, all of which are due primarily to using duplicate content.

    Imagine you wanted to start a new men's magazine. You steal a bunch of articles from GQ, FHM, Wired etc and republish them. How well do you thin kit would sell? Would it fly off the news stand?

    Better to use unique content.
    Autoblogging with unique content and comments.
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