Would Like Some Feedback on My New PLR Subscription Services Pretty Please

27 replies
You have to give me some credit for not using a crazy headline like "Smurfs A-Go-Go" to get you in here. And now I hope you will take that credit and apply it to the fact that this thread is going to look like a giant bag chock full of blatant self promotion.

But it isn't.

I started a PLR Subscription service this morning--three of them actually, each one in a different niche. And while, practically, I knew I wouldn't sell out of subscriptions within minutes of posting my first advertisement for it (on DP of all places because? It's free to do that there), part of me kind of hoped I would. But I haven't had a single bite yet. And, frankly, I don't yet have the $$ to post it in a Classified Ad (have to save all of my pennies for rent--which I'm hoping these subscriptions will help me pay).

So, if you don't mind: Erin Farley Freelance PLR Memberships

Take a look. Tell me what I'm doing wrong. Should I spell things out better? Should I offer more? Am I charging a price so low you're afraid that what I am going to offer is going to be pure crap? What do you think of what I am offering?

Any feedback would be appreciated. I got a lot of great help last year in the Copywriting Forum when I was having trouble with my freelance site so I thought I would try my hand on this board since I need help with my offer.

Don't spare my feelings (but if you actually make me cry I'll expect you to order a content package or sales letter). Tell me what you think. Pretty please?
#feedback #plr #pretty #services #subscription
  • Profile picture of the author salamandar

    Your ad looks OK. I note the copyright is set at 2007 - maybe an oversight?

    I'd imagine that you will get takers, although perhaps you should make a much bigger deal of your ability to write original material at a suitable price ($15 - $20 each? More for special articles.) I believe there would be more takers for custom writing because there are many services out there already offering standard packs. In addition, your rent will get paid faster without you wearing out your fingers.

    Sorry this is so short but it's still fairly early here. I'll add material if I come up with anything else.

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    • Profile picture of the author Gail_Curran
      Hi Erin, here are a few suggestions.

      Put a pic of someone banging head on desk at the top of the page to remind readers how much they HATE writing content.

      The type on the web page butts up against the left margin in my browser, looks a bit awkward.

      You might list all the titles of the first month's articles just to whet the appetite.

      The statement "Subscribe to one of my PLR Subscription Lists" is offputting. I want to buy a valuable membership, not join another dang list.

      What about a prominent link to a sample of your writing. (I know there's a link at the top of the page but...)

      In general, a bit more formatting (color, size, bold, spacing) to emphasize important points might be helpful. The text is a little hard to absorb the way it is currently formatted.

      Best of luck,
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      • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
        Personally I would sell each subscription on a separate domain with a sales page for each. You're not really selling your service - right at the moment there's nothing that makes me want to bite (and I do buy plr so I could be a potential customer). As marketers we're used to sales pages with relevant graphics, and all the info clearly laid out, particularly the benefits. Even order buttons would probably increase your conversion rate rather than just having a text link.

        I also wouldn't put health and lifestyle together but maybe that's just me. I would stick with just health - fitness, diet and nutrition, and maybe some of the health topics with high gravity on Clickbank.
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  • I was put off by the "PLR Memberships cost $9.95 per topic per month" just for the fact you can get PLR memberships for about the same price and have access to boat loads of topics for one low price. Might be something you want to reconsider.
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  • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
    You will get more conversions by offering a free trial for 30 days. That way people can see what they will be getting with zero risk. If you are good at writing, they will keep the membership. If you are a hack and terrible at writing they will cancel. But they will risk nothing for trying you out.

    What concerns me is the fact that you are selling copywriting services and yet you can't handle writing copy for your own services.

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  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    Thanks for all of the input everyone!

    The text against the left side thing: that is annoying and I don't know why it did that. Perhaps it happens when you use the "paste from Word" function in Wordpress (something I don't usually use). I'll be trying to fix it today.

    The Subscription Title is awkward. I wasn't sure what to really call these things. The recurring payment makes it more of a subscription (at least in my head that makes sense) but the stuff I'm offering (newsletter in addition to content, discounts, the extra stuff I might offer that I'm not sure about yet) makes it feel like a membership. I went with the more obvious word but I can see that I chose wrong.

    As far as putting each membership on its own domain with more of a sales letter approach is an awesome idea, but right now it isn't feasible--cost or time wise. Maybe in a few weeks once the bills are paid The same goes for the 30 day free trial (which I was actually thinking of doing but can't afford it quite yet)

    Using just health instead of health & lifestyle is a good idea. I can see how the category name is too broad for most (though I kind of liked it that way because it gives me more wiggle room on the keywords and topics I choose from each week).

    And oh! Gosh! The buttons! I wanted PayPal buttons there but for some reason my stupid Wordpress wouldn't let me use the "HTML" side of the content window and I couldn't add them. Trust me, I know those text links are lame But! They are better than nothing, at least for now

    Oh and I did change my footer to read 2010 I'm never sure what dates to put in there. The site has been live since 2007 so... but I did change that because I agree it makes it look like my page is outdated and that, perhaps, things are no longer relevant.

    What else... I hadn't thought of linking to samples right from that page but you're right, it would make it easier for people to find at least one example of my writing.

    Basically I chose to try to put this together because these are my favorite topics to write about. For me, writing the articles and doing the research for the newsletter will be fun. Sure I could toss all of it up on niche blogs with advertising, but the memberships seem like a better way to give people useful information and build my business (since maybe when people see the quality of my PLR, they'll hire me for custom jobs).

    Oh and I do actually create custom content (articles, blog posts, etc) as part of my regular content and copywriting business (the larger site that the PLR memberships are a part of). Want to hire me?

    Honestly you guys, thanks for the help. I'll look at ways to implement everything you've suggested. Like most things, the reality is always more complicated than the
    initial idea
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

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  • Profile picture of the author Big Al
    I think you need more copy to explain and sell your services. I find it a little un-specific - I know you mention the different markets you cater for in your membership site but it took me (and maybe it's me) twice to realize that.

    Not sure if you have any but some social proof is going to go a long way and any testimonials how amazing your services are and at a stupid price of only $10 would help a lot.

    Any chance of risk reversion with a guarantee?
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    • Profile picture of the author theimdude
      Make it a $1 for the first month and take it from there.
      Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

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  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    What you're offering looks good. I even just bought something. You've got the steak there, but I'll go back to comment on the sizzle later.

    Project HERE.

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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    A $1 trial is a great idea -who can resist $1 for all that content and then you get to Wow them with your writing skills and keep them as subscribers for the full amount.

    It's really hard to read the sales page the way it is though with all the text centered. It needs to be left justified.

    And then maybe if you broke up the page with heading for each of your memberships and then below that the specifics of each.

    It looks like a really good deal what you are offering but I think if you made the sales page "read" better you might get more signups.

    Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author fsweet
    WebSite looks kinda foo-foo
    Better with colors with more authority
    Better graphics would be helpful
    Opt-in Box should be higher on page
    You could try giving the first month for $2.95 or something low to get more interest

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  • Profile picture of the author wbrant
    To me it looks fine ans an information page telling about the three sites you provide, but thats it, I expected the links to lead to the actual sales pages of each service. I'm a big fan of sales pages looking like a sales page, big headline that tells me right away what its all about. nice big graphical order button bulleted list of benefits and all that.
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  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    Thanks for all of your help everyone!

    Cash Cow: I actually centered it because when I had it justified to the left it was smashed right up against the edge of the page which, believe it or not, made it harder to read. I'm going to try re-typing it in sometime in the next few days and see if that helps (my original copy was pasted from Word, which tends to make things go haywire in my installation of WordPress).

    You guys are all so great with your advice! I do love the idea of the discounted membership and I will probably put that in place soon. For now I need to concentrate on making the rent Anybody want to hire me?

    Honestly though: I know I've pushed the "thanks" button on your individual posts but I do appreciate all of the suggestions and critiques you all have given. Thanks for lending me a few minutes of your time!
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2163858].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    Actually--while I'm thinking about it, what do you guys think of the actual price of the memberships? Is $9.95 too low? I'm kind of afraid of running up against "she's only charging that much? She must suck at what she does if she can't bring in more than that" mindset. At the same time I don't want to over price what I'm offering either. It's a fine line.

    And I won't entertain ideas that a monthly fee of $9.95 is too high. This is not *other* forums
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by erinwrites View Post

    Take a look. Tell me what I'm doing wrong.
    I actually have your PLR site bookmarked. Here are the major issues from my perspective... they're probably not what you think.

    You are going to produce a small amount of content (40 articles and 4 newsletters) a month. This makes the chance you'll produce something I actually want content about very, very small. I don't have a massive network of blogs that publish any damn thing. I have focused, defined niches where I can effectively serve my target market.

    Your site is new. I know from experience that a lot of people start a site like this, then lose interest and stop delivering... or, worse, outsource to an inferior writer. I sort of like to know there's enough sitting there right now for the site to be worth several months of subscription, so if anything goes wrong, I can jump ship without feeling cheated or shortchanged.

    You require rewrites to publish. My major interest in your PLR site is that it is you. I'm very impressed with your work, with your particular voice and unique character. If I rewrite your articles... well, it's not you anymore, it's me. (Well, both of us together, really. Which is certainly an appealing mental image in theory, but the reality is more like one of Doctor Frankenstein's creations, and I don't know if I'd bet on it being Elsa Lanchester.)

    But yeah, I saw your site open for business, and it's bookmarked. You had my attention and interest... it was desire that held things up.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    Cash Cow: I actually centered it because when I had it justified to the left it was smashed right up against the edge of the page which, believe it or not, made it harder to read. I'm going to try re-typing it in sometime in the next few days and see if that helps (my original copy was pasted from Word, which tends to make things go haywire in my installation of WordPress).
    I think it might get mashed up when yo left justify it because you don't have the formatting set right? I know sometimes if you don't have the padding set correctly in tables etcc, then there is no space at the edge of the page.

    I think your pricing is good - actually I was wondering if you are even charging enough for it to be profitable for you.

    Even if your membership fills up, you'd be writing the articles for only $12.xx each (unless my math is wrong which is entirely possible as I have been celebrating the holiday with Sam Adams...) If it only gets partially filled that's even less.

    Also, CDarlock brings up some good points.

    I know I have joined many PLR memberships in the past and almost all of them have fizzled out because the owner loses interest or whatever. Which is why I hardly ever join any now ... but if I did, I'd probably be worried that it is new too. Not sure what you can do about that though.

    Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    CDarklock: You actually inadvertently pointed out something that I really need to change: I'll actually be writing 120 articles every month: 40 per niche membership. That might not be clear to each person who reads it. So "you" (aka members) wouldn't be getting articles from across those topics, they would be getting them within whichever niche membership they signed up for. As far as requiring rewriting that is only if you plan on selling it yourself (which a lot of PLR buyers like to do). If you just want to use it on a site, you can use it as-is. I'll make sure to clarify that when I get a moment to hop over there and fix it

    Cashcow: Yeah the formatting thing I think was a copied from Word Doc issue. The other pages on my site don't seem to have that problem (I made sure of that when I installed the theme I'm using--I know just enough coding to pummel WordPress into doing what I need it to do lol). As for profitability in the (unlikely) event that I sell out all three memberships I'll be bringing in just under $1500 a month which isn't a whole lot, but I will have some time to really focus on copywriting and other projects as I bring them in. I chose these niches and this idea mostly because I really like them and enjoy writing within them and wanted the excuse to do it without trying to either sell the articles individually, spamming forums with individual PLR pack offers or putting everything up on sites like Associated Content or Buzzle or Ezines. It seemed like a good way to join together what I like to do: writing about that stuff and what I need to do: earn X amount each month to get the bills paid.
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2164037].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by erinwrites View Post

      CDarklock: You actually inadvertently pointed out something that I really need to change: I'll actually be writing 120 articles every month: 40 per niche membership.
      But my $9.95 still only buys one niche, right? If so, that's reasonably clear... but these are some broad niches. Like if I sign onto your health niche, I'm primarily interested in muscle building and fitness - and I have some very specific diet recommendations that are pretty radical to most people. So if you do a bunch of recipes one month, my subscription fee is probably wasted.

      Looking over the various things that you cover, it feels like it's at best a 50/50 shot as to whether you'll deliver something within the niche that I want... and that worries me, because it effectively cuts my expected return in half. It's still a good deal, but I'm concerned that the coin flip might come up tails for several months in a row - or, worse, that you won't share my interests at all and my membership will be nearly worthless.

      As far as requiring rewriting that is only if you plan on selling it yourself (which a lot of PLR buyers like to do). If you just want to use it on a site, you can use it as-is.
      This makes a massive difference for me. Food for thought: some people pack a bunch of articles onto a site and then sell the site; do they need to rewrite? What are their terms and considerations?
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    Yeah - much nicer to be able to know the money is coming in than the stress of having to find people to write for. And if you love writing those topics than all the better!

    If you can't get your formatting working feel free to give me a shout - I'm not a great programmer but I seem to usually be able to poke at things enough to get them to work.

    Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    I definitely see your point Cdarklock but at the same time, from my side of it, I wanted to keep things open enough that I wouldn't run out of material after a month. This is why I'm offering the newsletter, the discount and the occasional treat (not sure what that will be yet, I'm thinking of extra content, bigger discounts or gift card/codes when I can afford them, I'll probably change it up to keep things interesting).

    I wanted to avoid the exact problem of losing interest and dropping the ball which is why I kept the niches wide but I totally understand where you are coming from and it is a really valid point. Also I think I will take recipes off of there because it just seems silly now. That's hitting publish before you stop brainstorming for ya!
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2164079].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by erinwrites View Post

      I definitely see your point Cdarklock but at the same time, from my side of it, I wanted to keep things open enough that I wouldn't run out of material after a month.
      Yeah, it's definitely a double-edged sword. A schedule would be really helpful; if I could see what was coming up, it would demystify things and provide that promise of continued material that I like to see on a new service like this.

      It would also be really cool if you kept an archive of previous packages, so if I didn't happen to be in the belly dancing niche last year, but I get into it this year... I can go back and download the relevant articles.
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    Cdarklock, you are a GOLDMINE of great ideas! Not so much the schedule thing because I already had thought of that, but the keeping of the packs... except for the whole 50 memberships thing. I think that I would only feel comfortable keeping the packs from the months (which, frankly will probably be all of them given today's shoppers) that the memberships weren't full--that way I don't have to go back on the whole "limited competition" part of what is one of my better selling points I think (aside from the fact that I'm awesome lol).
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

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  • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
    The problem is this... PLR memberships are only good for instructional/how to materials. Content for sites won't work in that regard. You only get the content you specifically want if you either write the content yourself or find a writer to write that content for you and only you. Not you and 49 other people.

    At best your membership will serve as inspirational material for other writers with writer/idea block or for those who don't care and want to just slap any old thing up on their niche sites.

    Honestly I would opt more for something along the lines of an outsourced, qualified research assistant. Something where I could say "this is what I want to write about" so go and find me info on "sub topic a, b, c, etc.".

    But I prefer writing my own material and doing my own research no matter how painstakingly slow it might be to do that. It is just a matter of quality control.

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    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by jjpmarketing View Post

      PLR memberships are only good for instructional/how to materials.
      Sounds like a failure of imagination to me.

      PLR is research that someone else did, which means I don't have to do it.
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2164170].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        Sounds like a failure of imagination to me.

        PLR is research that someone else did, which means I don't have to do it.
        I was speaking in terms of not getting the specific info you needed, and that it isn't custom tailored for you specifically.

        Also I mentioned earlier that it could be used as inspirational material.

        Besides I have just as much if not more imagination than a 1960's poet tripping on LSD in San Francisco.

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  • Profile picture of the author erinwrites
    I can safely say that one of the reasons I decided to start these (though I think I'll disable the PayPal links until I get the bugs worked out) was so that I wouldn't be limited to just "how to" or "tips" articles. I've been hired to write PLR for others before and you're right, that is what most think it should be fore.

    But I've never really been one for tradition, the status quo or, you know, respecting authority
    I put words on the Internet.
    Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)

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  • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
    I guess I should clarify another point... when I spoke of PLR on How To/Instructional material... I was referring to Video PLR.

    On another note, you could use the 9.95 memberships you have to quickly put together a lot of video content.

    In fact, you could probably get more conversions by finding a voice over artist and video person to put this together for you.

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