How Do You Manage All Of Your On-Line Activity?

6 replies
I have been spending ALOT of time in creating and participating at various forums, video sharing, etc. etc. and although I budget my time that I spend doing this, how the heck do you EFFECTIVELY and EFFICIENTLY manage them all?

Even going through and just picking the top 10 of each still gives me a lot of accounts to manage and keep track of.

I like to create accounts on forums and other sites that I actually use and because of the wide range, from web development, design, marketing, etc. I like to actively participate in, but it is difficult to keep up with the posts and replies, friend requests, pending messages, etc.

I am finding myself more than overwhelmed with this yet I know I really need to do this as part of my business not just to help my business grow, but to also help my customers businesses grow in helping them learn how to manage their accounts and time spent on this much needed marketing activity as well...or is it?

I see there are applications that help, but how do you really choose which one is best?

What have you found that is working the best for you?

Thanks much!
#activity #manage #online
  • Profile picture of the author Jake Howard
    G'day Aaaaarghhhhh

    I found myself in a similar situation recently. What you are suffering from is information overload, and you are wasting too much time trying to do too many things at once, and your time is being spent to sparingly across too many different sites.

    What you need to do is get back to basics. Focus on what it is that you are actually doing, and then prioritise the sites by the ones you spend most of your time at, or the ones that are most useful to you. These are the sites that you want to focus on, because they are more then likely the most informative, and the ones you have had the most success from.

    Before you get rid of all the other sites though, make a list of all the sites, and your login details, that way you have a record of it, in case you ever need it down the track. Also, you may not need them for your day to day stuff, but they may come in handy, if you are launching a new product or service or something. Add all of these sites into your "Favourites" however group them all in a folder, so that you are not looking at them every day, however they are there in case you need to call upon them.

    Only have directly available on your favourites, the sites that you use. There is a lot of useful information out there, but you can't read all of it. So just focus on your main forums.

    Other tips that may help include:

    - Thinking twice before you sign up for something
    - Trying to use a standard set of Usernames and Loggin details.
    - Get rid of those sites you signed up for years ago, but hardly use.
    - Get back to basics and stop procastinating. Instead of actually doing anything, you time is being wasted hopping from one thing to the next.
    - Clean out your favourites list

    Good luck with it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aaarrrggghhh
      Originally Posted by Jake Howard View Post

      G'day Aaaaarghhhhh

      Other tips that may help include:

      - Thinking twice before you sign up for something
      - Trying to use a standard set of Usernames and Loggin details.
      - Get rid of those sites you signed up for years ago, but hardly use.
      - Get back to basics and stop procastinating. Instead of actually doing anything, you time is being wasted hopping from one thing to the next.
      - Clean out your favourites list

      Good luck with it.
      @Jake, PERFECT, thank you. I do have a daily to-do list and time management in place and I only spend certain hours in the forums and on social sites but it still just seems like a lot 'to do' and trying to determine what is really necessary and what is not when there is such great information available. Was wondering if others go through this too

      Thanks much! Leah
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  • Profile picture of the author esr
    Limit your "forum time" each day. It's easy to spend hours on certain forums, but it's just not ultimately conducive to making money.

    True, you can learn a lot, if you learn too much too fast, you'll end up suffering from the previously mentioned information overload. And THAT can stop you dead in your tracks, as I'm sure MANY on this forum can attest to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaarrrggghhh
    Just received this and this looks promising so I thought I would share it here:

    What's In My Toolbox

    I thought it would be useful for me to share the tools (most free, some with a small charge) that I use on a daily basis when doing online marketing stuff. Most of these will be familiar to people, but I think new affiliates and affiliate managers will benefit from having a list for reference.

    The Firebox Affiliate Blog: What's In My Toolbox
    "What Can The Source Publishing Do For My Business?"
    We Grow Your Business On-Line
    >> <<

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  • Profile picture of the author tyroneshum
    Learn to outsource Aaaaarghhhhh.

    Managing your business needs while it grows would really allow you to do more things than you used to and working out all these things by yourself will lessen your productivity and focus to "dollar productive" needs.

    I suggest you outsource first the admin tasks where participating on forums and managing your videos will be worked out for you. and oDesk are good sources to hire your first virtual assistant. Alternatively, I could help you start with outsourcing and I'm happy to offer my sig for you to check out.

    Good luck and if you need more help, just send me a message.
    Follow me on my 90 Day Challenge to rank no. 1 on Google
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    It is hard to manage and keep up with all the forums and blogging. What's in my toolbox is very interesting. Thanks for sharing it with us!
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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