Whats The Best Way To Get Traffic Fast?

49 replies
I’m really excited; I've just bought this fantastic PLR product.

I couldn't believe this domain was still available...But it was.

So I think I've got the perfect product and a real good domain name, all I need is traffic.

This is where I need your help...

What is the best and quickest way to drive targeted leads to my new site that will buy?
#traffic #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author offlineprofits
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    I think this is the best way to get traffic fast

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    • Profile picture of the author taffie
      I think Pay Per Click, get to know it if you don't already. Done properly, you should see good results.
      Coach | Mentor | Consultant | I work with business owners, marketers, experts, or coaches/ and mentors who want to understand new media or digital marketing better http://tinyurl.com/tdmentorspace
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    • Profile picture of the author Ty Neal
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      I think this is the best way to get traffic fast
      LOL Now that funny, I will say throw a few dollars into PPC if you have any training on it you can get results quick but if you do not know anything about PPC you can lose your hat so to speak
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      • Profile picture of the author mijagi
        Leaving relevant comments on freshly posted high traffic blog posts. You can use forums as well..apply same philosophy as with blogs : )

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    • Profile picture of the author APTD27
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      I think this is the best way to get traffic fast
      Ahh this looks like spam to me, I clicked it only to get a million pop ups!
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      • Profile picture of the author JAIDEEP2959
        Google content network advertising and article marketing.
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        • Profile picture of the author Davy Norton
          Hey ive been getting great traffic from these methods now im trying to brand myself befor i start making money so this is what ive been doing

          1 Forum Traffic
          Forums are fantastic communities of people that share common interests and passion so to get traffic from forums all you do is chat ask loads of questions leave comments and help people answer other peoples questions don’t make it all about you give help you also want to help people not just a person almost every niche will have its own forum and everyone is interested in your subject
          Its important that you dont just join a forum and put your sites out straight away delivery value and you will receive tons of traffic
          You can find forums by going to google and typing your niche in say for me i would put Internet marketing forums lists you get a load of results just look and see which have the most traffic to them
          so add value and you will get traffic
          2 Article Traffic
          Article traffic is one of the most popular traffic methods because its easy and free
          So just submit a short informational article about 500 words related to your niche and put your website / blog on the bottom submit the article to lots of article directories then you will see lots of traffic from this
          3 Squidoo Traffic
          Squidoo is a social community website which allows users to create about themselves you can make it about your product your blog or websites you can have as many lens as you want and all these lens could link back to your blog/websites
          You should write a lens around areas that you have a fair amount of knowledge about and can write with confidence you can also get them write for you if your not great at writing before you write a lens get abit of knowledge by going to google and looking up other people lens and get few ideas
          So thats 3 great easy and free wasy to get traffic and as i am still learning i will have alot more ways to share hope this helps

          Davy Norton
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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      • Profile picture of the author moneyblogger1
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        LOL - "well spotted" ... it may be, but have you ever, in your life had to click so many pop-up windows to exit from a page?!?! Nothing personal, but it's not a site I'll go back to in a hurry, and I wouldn't think many others would, either!

        Hahaha. I have never said "OK" so many times to something that I didn't even want. The voice was like: "Wait!"...."Wait"......."Wait!"....."Wait!"...."Be fore you go". Before I go? You aren't even giving me a chance to go lol.

        Suck a video? Hate creating them? Let us do it for you. Get a custom video for 1/10th the industry standard price: http://www.angulusmarketing.com/Video.html

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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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          • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
            Originally Posted by khay View Post

            Sites like that always amaze me... that can't seriously work... can it??
            Eventually, you get to a point where you'll happily spend money if the site will just STOP POPPING UP WINDOWS! And if you're not so computer-savvy, you don't see any alternative.
            "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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            • Profile picture of the author nicalyngroup
              Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

              Eventually, you get to a point where you'll happily spend money if the site will just STOP POPPING UP WINDOWS! And if you're not so computer-savvy, you don't see any alternative.
              LOL! Kind of like a reverse psychology thing working. But seriously, I use ONE pop-up on my site and that's it. Any sites that use those multiple and repetitive pop-ups just annoy the crap out of me and ensure I would never buy something from them.

              I honestly can't believe they think that would work.

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          • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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            • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
              Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

              The clients of mine who've tried exit pop-ups (though none has ever tried anything quite as heavy-handed as that, of course!), and have done proper split-testing over an extended time-period, have all abandoned them.
              There's an interesting thing here.

              All of my clients have done exactly the opposite.

              Once they do a proper split test and look at the results, they go "crap, exit popups DO convert better" and keep them.

              Now, when you say "an extended time-period," what exactly do you mean? Do you find that there's a short-term argument for the exit pop-up that then diminishes or disappears with time? What kind of time frame are you talking about here?
              "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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      • Profile picture of the author TimG
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        LOL - "well spotted" ... it may be, but have you ever, in your life had to click so many pop-up windows to exit from a page?!?! Nothing personal, but it's not a site I'll go back to in a hurry, and I wouldn't think many others would, either!
        SIDENOTE - Personally I am getting more and more annoyed with the 4 pop-up windows to try and leave a site. It's getting to be a bit overkill.

        Now back to the original question. For fast traffic you have several choices. Some require money and others don't. The paid sources include but are certainly not limited to the following:

        1 - PPC traffic - Works fast once setup but can also be a disaster in the making if you don't know what you are doing.

        2 - Purchase a list blast from one of the people offering to send your ad to their list. Works fast if they have an opening but no guarantee it will generate sales or anything else.

        There are tons of free sources but some of my favorites include the following:

        1 - Forum posting - You mention it is in the IM niche. You could sign up for 5 different IM forums and start posting away but the problem is you need to provide quality postings and build up your reputation before people take your signature serious and that will take some time.

        2 - Yahoo Answers - I still personally love this method because when done correctly you won't get banned and you will quickly drive visitors to your site. The key is to provide quality answers to open questions that were posted in the last 3-4 days.

        Also, you need to be personable. I always end all of my postings with words of encouragement such as "hang in there buddy" or "hope this helps".

        Or you can post little comical endings to your answer such as "I know, my answer is clear as mud right...lol" or "I'll stop my answer here because my wife is looking at me as if I were babbling on the keyword and the last thing you wanted was a dissertation".

        Finally, I always end with "Respectfully, Tim".

        The point is you provide some quality info and come across as a real person and in most cases you end forming an Internet bond with the person that asked the question and other readers of your answer and they end up visiting your site.

        Other free and fast methods include posting something on Twitter and Facebook. For me, Facebook works much better at driving quick traffic but you have to mix the marketing in with the social aspect and finding the right combination can be tricky.

        Hope this helps you out with your thought process -

        Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

        Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Davioli
    Easy! .. Buy the product from your sig

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    • Profile picture of the author Malachi Kelly
      Originally Posted by Davioli View Post

      Easy! .. Buy the product from your sig
      The product in my sig is FREE

      I more wanted the opion of some experienced marketers on other ways to drive traffic - and why...
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    • Profile picture of the author offlineprofits
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      • Profile picture of the author Malachi Kelly
        Originally Posted by offlineprofits View Post

        Now that was funny! I just got it.
        I also thought that was funny, it wasn't my intention...

        The software is good for long term traffic but I wanted something which I could do today and see results today, paid or free

        All ideas are welcome...
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        • Profile picture of the author offlineprofits
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          • Profile picture of the author coluden
            That, my friend, has been the tried and proven way to get awesome traffic from a ready-tp-spend audience.

            When you use your warriorforum sig to promote your service, add some good posts to that sig, and you will get quality visitors. Some people will visit even for the quality of your post, not just the curiosity quotient of your product or service.

            One other way you can get a rush in traffic is to buy ezine advertisments from quality lists like viralurl and listjoe, or something similar. You may end up paying $200 for an advt. that makes you $1000 n 5 days.
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            • Profile picture of the author rontoski
              Originally Posted by coluden View Post

              That, my friend, has been the tried and proven way to get awesome traffic from a ready-tp-spend audience.

              When you use your warriorforum sig to promote your service, add some good posts to that sig, and you will get quality visitors. Some people will visit even for the quality of your post, not just the curiosity quotient of your product or service.

              One other way you can get a rush in traffic is to buy ezine advertisments from quality lists like viralurl and listjoe, or something similar. You may end up paying $200 for an advt. that makes you $1000 n 5 days.
              You bring up the idea of buying ads in Ezines. Is there a list of such Ezines that have a proven track record of producing positive results? If so, where might one find this list? Thanks for the thought.

              Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Make the most of it.

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    • Profile picture of the author thetruth23
      Originally Posted by Davioli View Post

      Easy! .. Buy the product from your sig
      LOL @ Davioli!

      Yeah, so try that or...

      If you need it fast and targeted PPC would be one of the best ways. You just need to write good ads.

      You could also try something like Viral URL. It's not very targeted but you do get exposure to a lot of people fast.

      Probably PPC though...
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    Be very careful with PPC if you have never used it. Set your budget and monitor your ads. Split test to see which one performs best. But there are still the free methods and just being on this forum is a great traffic generator.

    It really depends what niche you are talking about, because if it not IM you would be better in the forum for that particular niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    Ok first,

    Same ways to drive traffic dont always work for all markets.

    My sig, I got a FREE report of 10 days that have worked for me. Test then, one that works, do more of.

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  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    Buy some banner space on high traffic sites - but that can get expensive.

    Find a couple of large forums in your related niche, and pay the forum owner to send out a mass email describing your product.
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  • Profile picture of the author jennypitts
    Malachi, don't fool yourself and don't let others fool you, there really is NO fast way to get traffic. There are MANY ways to get traffic to your site and they all take some time for you to start seeing real results. One of the best methods for increasing traffic in the IM niche is through email marketing. Email marketing entails a number of different tactics like solo ads, contact solo ads, ezines, newsletters among others.

    Now, in order for your email marketing campaign to be effective you need to ensure a few things: 1. The email service is opt in and the owner of the service can GUARANTEE this. 2. The email service is targeted. - if it isn't you will be wasting your time. 3. Preferably the service is to Contact emails. - this means that people who subscribed did so with a contact email. An email account that they use as their contact information, one that they check constantly and IS active.

    I also suggest that you combine free and paid services in order to see the best results. Also remember that it is a matter of trial and error. What works for some people does not necessarily work for everyone.
    Traffic Exchange - Solo Ads - Contact Solo Ads
    Social Networking For Internet Marketers to Increase Traffic to Referral Program or Site.
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  • Profile picture of the author money-magnet
    Easy! .. Buy the product from your sig==== i cant stop laughin lol!!!!i luv this forum
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  • I too was tempted to send him over to his signature, but after I clicked on it I noticed that it is a free download. So, if he is looking for paid services in order to bring in traffic, his software might not be of much service. That goes to show you that trusting software is not an effective way to achieve success.
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  • Profile picture of the author David McKee
    One thing you should do is get rid of those annoying "Wait -blah blah blah" and then if the user opts out you still send them to another page. Bad idea. If they opt out then let them go.

    Are you an affiliate marketer? My site has tons of free stuff and 14,000 pages of Clickbank research. www.affiliatesledgehammer.com
    Buy a Freedom Bulb! Don't let the government tell you what kind of light bulb you can use!
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    • Profile picture of the author agrajtech11
      The best way to make traffic is search engines. If your site will come on top in search engine for some certain keywords then user will visit your site first. Your keywords should be related to your site URL and your services.
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  • Profile picture of the author ipodfans
    1.forum traffic
    2.article traffic
    2.socail traffic
    yahoo answer etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    There are ways to get traffic very fast but it is almost never "targeted" traffic. Traffic that is not targeted is virtually worthless. Stick to all the tried and true IM methods. It takes longer to get the momentum going but long term you will get more traffic and more conversions.
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  • Profile picture of the author tommygran
    I think Pay Per Click!

    PeopleString Leader and Entrepreneur

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  • Profile picture of the author marica theuma
    I totally agree on the advice given to you by David Norton, in fact I was about to suggest the very same sources...remember you have to put in some work, but once
    you do, it's a set and forget traffic.

    marica theuma
    'If you don't know where you're going, how the heck are you going to arrive there!' (my mentor)....deasycashwebinar.com

    Visit my blog:
    marica-theuma.com and leave me a comment!
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank_The_Tank
    I like Adwords. I haven't made a "sale" with them yet, but I've received referalls for some programs I'm on with them pretty easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author JonnyBalfour
    Id be very carefull with adwords, you can blow through $100 in a few days if your not careful. make sure you know what your doing first.

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  • Profile picture of the author Winlin
    Originally Posted by Malachi Kelly View Post


    What is the best and quickest way to drive targeted leads to my new site that will buy?
    Sell your soul to Google, or at least sleep with them... LOL, sorry I couldn't resist.
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  • Profile picture of the author tommygran
    I think PPC

    PeopleString Leader and Entrepreneur

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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    Originally Posted by Malachi Kelly View Post

    I'm really excited; I've just bought this fantastic PLR product.

    I couldn't believe this domain was still available...But it was.

    So I think I've got the perfect product and a real good domain name, all I need is traffic.

    This is where I need your help...

    What is the best and quickest way to drive targeted leads to my new site that will buy?
    If you're after instant buyer traffic, go to the JV forum and purchase a couple
    of solo ads. If what you're saying is right, you'll double or triple your money instantly.

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    • Profile picture of the author summer07
      1. Write a press release announcing that you have launched a new website.
      2. Optimize the press release using 'buying' keywords that will attract your target market. ('Buying' phrases include words like 'buy', 'order', etc., or describe your product/service in very specific terms, like 'small red widgets' rather than just 'widgets'.)
      3. Include anchor links in the press release that point to your site.
      4. Submit the release to free distribution sites -- PRLog.org, PressZoom.com or PRFocus.com, etc., or pay $20 for WebWire If you want wider distribution.
      The press release will usually get posted and indexed by Google within a couple of hours after submitting it to PRLog or WebWire. The anchor links in your press release will drive targeted traffic based on your chosen keywords straight to your site as soon as the PR is indexed.

      If you want to take it a step further and build a list, you can offer a free short report from a landing page on your site, and use a press release to announce the free report, following the steps above.

      The press release will get you fast traffic as well as create targeted backlinks for long term traffic -- win/win!

      Good luck with your launch!


      QUALITY Press Releases
      For discerning professionals
      who invest in long term content marketing
      for Visibility * Credibility
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian Swinburne
    Hate to say it but PPC is the only sure fire way that I have found.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Maggs
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Grant
      Originally Posted by moonfish View Post

      I made some software which submits a new website to thousands of statistical and whois sites, resulting in quick indexing and good ranking for your keyword terms.

      Take a look at the following google search for the broad term blogger squeeze page, no quotes, intitle or allintitle. My blogspot blog is #1 in Google, right below the sponsored results. This was achieved with one run of the software

      Blogger Squeeze Page - Google Search

      This is the method I use for every new site which I create. I've been fully reliant on free traffic generating methods for my online income and now that I make a good living from my online activities, I want to take my business to the next level with PPC.
      Shot you a PM
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  • Profile picture of the author tehnolife
    You can do SEO, you can build your email marketing list giving them an ebook free, forum,articles.Are many ways, use your imagination and you will find!
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  • Profile picture of the author jones1982
    If you know about SEO then it will better to get traffic from search engine that will be targeted traffic too.
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  • Profile picture of the author BonganiS
    If your budget allows you, try using Pay Per Click. It should deliver targeted traffic fast if applied properly.
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  • Profile picture of the author m100k
    Originally Posted by Malachi Kelly View Post

    I’m really excited; I've just bought this fantastic PLR product.

    I couldn't believe this domain was still available...But it was.

    So I think I've got the perfect product and a real good domain name, all I need is traffic.

    This is where I need your help...

    What is the best and quickest way to drive targeted leads to my new site that will buy?
    The quickest way to drive traffic can be done with ppc and media buys. These will give you instant results. But you will end up spending a few weeks losing money before you see a dime in profit.

    When you see profit then you can begin to scale up by running traffic using ppc engines like adwords and msn adcenter together.

    If you are ok with waiting about a couple days to months for long - term self sustaining traffic you should utilize video, article marketing, building lists using article directories, converting twitter traffic (even though the majority of twitter traffic are marketers or bots nowadays) .

    Basically you should take a look at:

    1. How long you are willing to wait for traffic.

    2. How much you are willing to spend on traffic and take it from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Juniord
    Build lots of backlinks to your website. I would be even better if your link is on the home page of the sites your are linking to. Fortunately for you i know just how you can get this done. Simply follow the link in my signature and you will see how to get it done. You will thank me later.
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