Need A Good WordPress Theme For My Review, News And Tips Website

19 replies

I need a good wordpress theme for my review, news and tips site. Does anyone have any recommendation, either free or paid version?

#good #news #review #theme #tips #website #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author mattalways
    How about something custom? I think that's the only way to go if you're serious about it. I can show you a few that I've developed.

    Quit wasting your money! If you need a website, get me to do it right! I'll probably even do it for less! Design/Development/Software, I'm your guy!
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    • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
      Use the Atahualpa theme and then you can, in effect, design your own theme.
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      • Profile picture of the author d9nm9rks3o
        I took a look at it... didn't really like the feel but thanks for the recommendation.
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    • Profile picture of the author d9nm9rks3o
      Where can I see it? How much do you charge?
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    • Profile picture of the author d9nm9rks3o
      Originally Posted by mattalways View Post

      How about something custom? I think that's the only way to go if you're serious about it. I can show you a few that I've developed.
      Where can I see it? How much do you charge?
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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Baker
    Ultimately start with a paid or free theme then when you begin to get a more established site / sales I highly recommend getting a custom designed theme.
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  • Have you looked at elegant themes? You pay a yearly subscription fee and have access to many top quality themes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheila Atwood
    For a free theme I like Cutline...very clean and easy to work with.

    For a purchased theme I have started using Flex theme by iThemes.

    I think you would like both of these themes.
    WordPress Freak

    WordPress For Business and Personal Use

    "You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself in any direction you choose." -Dr. Suess
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    • Profile picture of the author mattalways
      Originally Posted by Sheila Atwood View Post

      For a purchased theme I have started using Flex theme by iThemes.

      I think you would like both of these themes.
      How much are these themes? They are used by others right? Why would you pay for anything that is not completely custom?

      Even if it looks really cool, how much value does it actually have if other people are using it too? I've never understood why people buy templates. At least customize the heck out of it if you're going to take this route.

      If you have money to spend, I'd say have someone just make you something custom!

      Quit wasting your money! If you need a website, get me to do it right! I'll probably even do it for less! Design/Development/Software, I'm your guy!
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      • Profile picture of the author PerfectedWeb
        How much are these themes? They are used by others right? Why would you pay for anything that is not completely custom?

        Even if it looks really cool, how much value does it actually have if other people are using it too? I've never understood why people buy templates. At least customize the heck out of it if you're going to take this route.

        If you have money to spend, I'd say have someone just make you something custom!
        Custom themes cost way more than premium themes. People doesn't like the idea of spending $500+ on a custom theme for a project they're not certain will make money.

        If you have basic design skills and know how to use photoshop, I would recommend you buy a premium theme from StudioPress and customize it to your needs.
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        • Profile picture of the author mattalways
          Originally Posted by PerfectedWeb View Post

          Custom themes cost way more than premium themes. People doesn't like the idea of spending $500+ on a custom theme for a project they're not certain will make money.

          If you have basic design skills and know how to use photoshop, I would recommend you buy a premium theme from StudioPress and customize it to your needs.
          In my experience, if you aren't willing to jump all of the way into this, you're not going to succeed anyways. There is no point in doing things if you're not going to put everything you've got into it.

          Maybe you don't need the flashiest custom theme? Maybe just a simple custom theme for $200 - $300. I would rather have a simple nice looking custom theme, than a flashy theme that you're going to find all over the web!

          Quit wasting your money! If you need a website, get me to do it right! I'll probably even do it for less! Design/Development/Software, I'm your guy!
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  • Profile picture of the author OLOORE
    If I read your question rightly, you do not mind whether its free or paid wordpress theme.That tells me you are prepared to part with a justified amount to have a good package. So,I'll suggest you first and foremost download the free Atahualpa wordpress theme. Find your way around it but if frustrations becomes prevalent, utilize the paid tutorial from rosstrees. It should help you get familiarised with web designing. By the time you've gathered enough insight, you can begin to target the customised themes. Then you'll be sure that you wont wake up one morning ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT ALL THE SAVINGS ARE GONE, with nothing substantial to show for it.
    However, if you want to spend some good time learning, I'll quickly add that you try a couple of free themes first. You really do not have anything to loose.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaarrrggghhh
    Sounds like either of these may work for you, they are premium themes:

    FlexSqueeze Theme - Insanely Easy Sales Pages in WordPress

    This one may be overkill for what you are looking for, but you can get an idea of the features:


    Hope this helps! Leah
    "What Can The Source Publishing Do For My Business?"
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    • Profile picture of the author Byrt M
      Thanks - I am checking out Flexsqueeze now - it looks amazing. $127 for unlimited domains is a good investment, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Justin Wheeler
    Surprised nobody has mentioned Thesis. Personally I love it and it is very customisable. If you want to really make it kick ass you can hire any number of thesis customisers out there to give you something pretty unique.
    I sometimes review products and offer bonuses at
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  • Profile picture of the author MaryT
    i suggest you start with a free one and you make it have an original look,

    so it's doesn't look like any others blog, i have some great success with really simple affiliate blogs

    if you buy one, go for the simple ones

    the more important is the content you put inside

    my 2 cents
    Mary T

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