Awesome tool for Mining Local Gold
This tool is free (for a limited # of uses at a time) and will give you valuable information on where any website ranks for keywords. You simply enter the url and it spits back all the keywords that site ranks for. I've never seen a more cool tool than this:
While messing around with a bunch of my own websites, I had an idea for using this to get business locally.
1) search for a keyword to find out who is #1 on google for that phrase.
for example: chicago dui attorney
Then take that #1 website url and enter it into seo digger.com to find out ALL the keywords that site ranks for on the first page of google.
2) then go over to yahoo.com and enter: link:thesitename.com to find out how many backlinks are showing pointing to that site you just found ranking #1 for your keyword.
You do this to see how hard it will be to outrank that site for the keyword. If it is a reasonable number, say less than 250, (or even 500 or less) than you have a pretty good chance of outranking that site with another site (i.e. your client!) with article submissions, blog posts, youtube videos, 3 way links, etc. with links pointing back to your potential client's site. all the stuff we know how to do but the majority of local businesses don't.
3) go back and copy and save the results from seodigger.com for the keywords that rank 1-10 for the url you are trying to outrank to save for later.
4) Then construct a direct mail letter to any and all competitors in that town for that keyword phrase letting them know how their well their competition is ranking for chosen keywords that THEY should be ranking high in google for. Chances are most won't be near the first page of google, so this will be easy.
In the case of the chicago dui lawyer example, there would be hundreds of prospects that wouldn't mind ranking #1 for that term. Let them know in the letter that your research suggests that their site could rank higher than their competitor with the correct and targeted efforts (that you'll provide of course for a nice fee). You could provide a sheet on Google results of their competitor (what you copied and pasted from seodigger.com)
So the proof will be right in front of them that they are losing alot of business to their competitor by not being high up in google rankings for their keywords. They can check it on Google themselves and they will get the same results.
You also might want to mention that you can only work with ONE business in your town for these keywords. Limit the supply and you should be able to negotiate a nice price for your efforts.
So this tool just makes it easy to arm yourself when you are dealing with skeptical local business owners. Hope that idea sparks some action!
jkt777 -
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