Are You Afraid To Launch Your Stuff?
For example, one dude I was talking to recently said he's been spending all of his time learning for the past year. I asked him what he was learning and he said, "different formulas".
Well, if he was learning the basic fundamentals of direct response marketing, that would be fine to learn for a year I guess, but formulas?
If you spend a year learning different formulas... and wait a year to finally implement those formulas... then what you learned a year ago might not work anymore. I mean, the Internet changes fast and things I did a year ago have changed drastically.
... Not the fundamentals, but formulas often do.
Besides, why would you learn for a year or more before taking any action or implementing anything? The more I think about it, the more I think it's best to just simply implement.
Maybe spend 10 or 15% of your time learning... maybe 25% max... but the rest of your time should be implementing stuff you learned. I brought this up recently in a group session and asked questions. I mean, some have been at this forever and still dont implement things.
Basically, the type of answers I got were:
-- I dont feel I'm ready
-- I dont know what I'm doing yet
-- People will not believe me
-- I'm not an expert
-- I have not been able to connect all the dots fully
And so on.
One person answered and I know for a fact, she has created a lot of stuff. She's showed me and asked me to look over her copy, etc. Therefore, I've come to some conclusions...
I think tons of people work... and perhaps work hard... on their online businesses. But, those ideas and busineses are stuck on their computers lacking any kind of promotion whatsoever. Heck, I even have products and ideas sitting on my computer not fully finished. Some are years old.
Why do you think YOU... or others out there... dont launch things? Why do they not put themselves out there? Why do they not actively promote their stuff to earn money? Or, why do they not implement things?
I'll hang up and listen.
Eric Louviere
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The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. ~Muhammad Ali
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The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. ~Muhammad Ali
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