Where should I submit my free ebook for viral traffic?

by Dayne Dylan Banned
8 replies
Warriors, I have a very short ebook/report that I want to spread out online for people to use as they want. It will be in PDF only to keep my links intact.

What are the best sites to submit a free ebook and also, can I upload it to a site that sells PLR as well for this?


#ebook #free #submit #traffic #viral
  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    If you've not done so already the big boys of document sharing are scribd.com

    Do a quick search for document sharing sites and free ebook sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dayne Dylan
    Any big sites that sell PLR one can submit to that you know of as well?

    Thanks Simon!
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  • Profile picture of the author Coach Borche
    Try tradebit.com they have a huge collection of PLR MRR and for personal use
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  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    Sorry Dayne, not a PLR guy.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewStark
    Have you created a membership site around this free report? All the readers then automatically get an affiliate link, and you can sell the rebranding rights, I assume the report has affiliate links inside it.

    I would recommend that you start with JV Giveaways and other free sources of traffic, and then once you have a list start doing adswaps with other list owners.
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    • Profile picture of the author dougp
      I think a targeted approach would be to email webmasters and ask them if they would like a copy of your report so they can distribute it to their list. If its quality content that is not 50% advertisement, then they may end up promoting it to their list. In addition, you can try popular file sharing websites.
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      • Profile picture of the author FreshMedia
        Hi Dayne,

        I have a site offering free ebooks and PLR content. I can feature your ebook and include it on my next newsletter to my members. PM me if you're interested. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Coach Borche
    You can also make a fan page on Facebook and invite your friends, if they like the ebook it can go viral in few days. And if you are considering doing that i also recommend that you should add a custom tab where you can put your opt in box or a video.
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