Any Vitamin Affiliate Programs Where You Don't Have To Shell Out Money And Carry Inventory?

13 replies
Title says it all.

I can't seem to find any.
#affiliate #carry #inventory #money #programs #shell #vitamin
  • Profile picture of the author sanhal
    Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

    Title says it all.

    I can't seem to find any.
    Have you tried ?

    ClixGalore have vitamins too.

    What about JoeBucks? I don't think you have to pay for that.

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  • Profile picture of the author domainarama
    Markethealth is a comprehensive program and offers a lot of good stuff to affiliates. Yesterday I got a mass email from them claiming that Google will no longer allow you to link directly. You have to set up your own site blah blah blah to get around Google's new restrictions. Anyhow, if you can do what they want Markethealth seems a reasonable answer to your question.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    There are some in Commission Junction. Most pay 8-12%.
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  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

    Title says it all.

    I can't seem to find any.
    Depends on what market your targeting Steve. Are you
    targeting generic products like say "Vitamin C" as opposed
    to brand names.

    The Life Extension Foundation offers high quality products and
    a decent affiliate program which I think is now run via CJ.

    MarketHealth, different kettle of fish, they do the free trials
    type stuff mixed in with other bits and bobs, teeth whitening,
    they had ****, etc, you catch my drift.

    I did a search and came up with stuff like this:
    eVitamins - Affiliate Program

    There's plenty more, some even have lifetime commisions.
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    • Profile picture of the author grayambition
      I don't actively promote them, but I highly recommend Vitacost. They run their affiliate program through Linkshare.

      I don't know the details of the affiliate program because it's changed since I checked it, but I do know that Vitacost has the best prices for brand name supplements and other health-related stuff. I get all my supplements through them.

      They also have their own line of high quality supplements that are even cheaper than the brand names. I take a lot of Co-Q10, and I haven't found it at anywhere close to Vitacost's price (and believe me, I've looked).

      So my recommendation is as a consumer, not an affiliate, but if you want to push a quality product, this is it imo.

      Jan Weingarten
      Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very"; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain

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      • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
        Originally Posted by grayambition View Post

        I don't actively promote them, but I highly recommend Vitacost. They run their affiliate program through Linkshare.

        I don't know the details of the affiliate program because it's changed since I checked it, but I do know that Vitacost has the best prices for brand name supplements and other health-related stuff. I get all my supplements through them.

        They also have their own line of high quality supplements that are even cheaper than the brand names. I take a lot of Co-Q10, and I haven't found it at anywhere close to Vitacost's price (and believe me, I've looked).

        So my recommendation is as a consumer, not an affiliate, but if you want to push a quality product, this is it imo.
        I have found VitaminShoppe beats Vitacost at least for the things I buy. Great customer service and fast shipping. They have an affiliate program but I have never used it. As a consumer I have saved tons of money over the years.
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        • Profile picture of the author grayambition
          Originally Posted by JMS View Post

          I have found VitaminShoppe beats Vitacost at least for the things I buy. Great customer service and fast shipping. They have an affiliate program but I have never used it. As a consumer I have saved tons of money over the years.
          Different strokes and all that

          I've used Vitamin Shoppe, but in general have not been as happy with their quality as I am with Vitacost's. And Vitacost has great customer service, too. So there. Wanna duke it out? :p

          Jan Weingarten
          Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very"; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain

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  • Profile picture of the author Lawrh
    There are several at ShareASale

    “Strategy without action is a day-dream; action without strategy is a nightmare.” – Old Japanese proverb -

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamian
    Hello Steven

    How about give a shot for this site.
    Natural PMS Relief from Period Vitamin

    Best Wishes!
    Affiliate Marketing explained for beginners >> <<
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Market Health has done well for me. I've also tried Joe Bucks.
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