Where Am I Suppose to Use My Articles First?

27 replies
I don't know the best place to first of all use my articles, should it be my wordpress blog or the article directories like EZA and the rest.

For example if i use my articles on article directories first and later publish them on my blog, wouldn't that be bad for my off page SEO (duplicate).

#articles #suppose
  • Profile picture of the author SeanyG

    You shouldn't use the articles on your blog that you will be posting to directories! If you do this enough then Google will penalize you for double content.

    Write quality blog posts separately from your quality articles! Or write blog posts and get someone to spin them for your articles.

    I recommend writing high quality articles (not spinning) because a high quality article will encourage more click throughs!
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    • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
      Put them on your blog first.

      It's not true that Google will penalize you if the same article appears on your blog and article directories.

      Just make sure that the articles in the directories link to your blog.

      You might want to check out this thread (though it's quite long):

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    • Profile picture of the author ActionToCash
      Originally Posted by SeanyG View Post


      You shouldn't use the articles on your blog that you will be posting to directories! If you do this enough then Google will penalize you for double content.

      Write quality blog posts separately from your quality articles! Or write blog posts and get someone to spin them for your articles.

      I recommend writing high quality articles (not spinning) because a high quality article will encourage more click throughs!
      Thanks for the info Seany, I was wondering the same thing myself.
      Kind regards,


      Happy Marketing!!!

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      • Originally Posted by SeanyG View Post


        You shouldn't use the articles on your blog that you will be posting to directories! If you do this enough then Google will penalize you for double content.
        There is NO SUCH THING as a duplicate content penalty.

        Originally Posted by Sara Young View Post

        Put them on your blog first.

        It's not true that Google will penalize you if the same article appears on your blog and article directories.

        Just make sure that the articles in the directories link to your blog.

        You might want to check out this thread (though it's quite long):

        I agree with Sara. When writing articles ALWAYS post them on your blog first, then on article directories. NOW, I would advise changing at least the headline or title and maybe a few words within the article. This helps maximize the number of articles that get indexed. BUT, as Sara said do make certain that EVERY article points to your blog in the resource box.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Thanks Sara, taking a look at the link you provided. Meanwhile, more opinion are welcome.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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      • Profile picture of the author pube12
        Own site first. Make sure the article is indexed before distributing. If you're the originator of the article then you won't get hit w/ dup content.
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  • Profile picture of the author warriorkay
    About duplicate content penalty - it doesn't exist,
    but a "filter" does. If you put the exact same article
    on hundreds of places, only a couple will show up,
    the others have been "filtered" (not penalized, )

    So, while I own lots of article directories and should
    say you should submit your articles to directories
    like mine, - you should first submit it on your site,
    then rewrite/spin it into hundreds of other versions,
    then submit the rewritten/spun versions to 100s
    of other article directories, like mine.

    But when it comes to article spinning - a word of
    caution here - article spinning has been given a
    horrible name because of the many folks out there
    who don't want to spend the time to get it
    done properly. Article spinning, if done right, is
    critical to the success of article marketing,
    especially if you want to submit to more places
    than one.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    You shouldn't use the articles on your blog that you will be posting to directories! If you do this enough then Google will penalize you for double content.
    NO, google will not penalize you for duplicate content but it is possible that your site may get "filtered" (but it has never happened to me BTW).

    I hate embedding this video once again but seriously I can't help it:


    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author Oleg Cherkasky
    I will give you some practical advice.

    Start with writing articles on your blog, 10-20 articles are enough.

    After that start writing on ezinearticles.com they have to be original, not the same stuff from your blog.

    Update your blog once a week, the rest of the time send articles to ezinearticles, after that you might want to expand to other traffic sources.

    I just got 20 people visit my site through ezine articles in a day, before that I would get 1 person per day.

    Originally Posted by johnben1444 View Post

    I don't know the best place to first of all use my articles, should it be my wordpress blog or the article directories like EZA and the rest.

    For example if i use my articles on article directories first and later publish them on my blog, wouldn't that be bad for my off page SEO (duplicate).

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    • Profile picture of the author neodarth
      Originally Posted by Oleg Cherkasky View Post

      After that start writing on ezinearticles.com they have to be original, not the same stuff from your blog.
      I don't know about that... I use the ezine articles plugin for word press and all my blog post are published as articles It doesn't matter the duplicate content. Check Here for plugin

      If one person read your article and click on it, then he will be sent to your blog... ok... he will see the same article he just read... but also he will see many more articles and good information in the same niche, and he will see your offer and click, and cashing!
      ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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      • Profile picture of the author Cezar R Abadiano
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        EZA does not require original content.

        It's a complete myth.

        As long as you own the article (wrote it or had it written for you) and you submit it to EZA in the same name/pen-name as the one under which it's published on your site/blog, and it complies with their editorial guidelines, they will publish it.
        I was wondering about that because we submit to EZA and as far as I can remember we never had to do any changes to it even when we have it posted in our blog(s).
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  • Profile picture of the author JimmyS
    Start first with your own blog before submitting it to directories. Change the title every once in a while. Also, if you want to submit them to EZA article, use the same name/pen name in your own blog. Hope this helps. Goodluck.
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    • Profile picture of the author infohog
      With the 15 replies to this thread so far you've answered 25 of my questions. This really is a great forum.

      Obviously with so many experienced article marketers reading this thread - do you believe in article submitting software? If so, which is the best for the least amount?

      Again, thanks all!
      Matthew D.

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      • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
        Here's what I do:

        1. Write the article
        2. Submit to EZA, ArticlesBase, GoArticles, EasyArticles, ArticleFactory, IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER!!
        3. Rewrite the article once
        4. Put the rewritten article on my blog
        I NEVER use the same article on my blog as I do the article directories. But these article directories DO allow duplicate content. The only you have to be careful with is Buzzle - they don't allow articles published anywhere else first, but you can publish with them first and then submit everywhere else once they approve it.

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  • Profile picture of the author BCJason
    This is great. The exact thing I was working on comes up in this thread. I love it! How does this sequence look.

    So, I submit my article and url to EZA first to speed it's acceptance then post it onto my blog with a link back to the article on EZA. Does this make sense?

    Thanks for the info.

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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      • Profile picture of the author emmy01
        you heard it all your blog first
        thanks all
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    Two of the most successful marketers and bloggers on the Internet Brian Clark of Coppyblogger and Yaro Starek of Entrepreneurs Journey have collaborated on an ebook: 'Article Marketing'

    These are direct quotes from their joint ebook:

    From Yaro Starak - Entrepreneurs Journey
    Internet Marketing Blog - Entrepreneurs-Journey.com by Yaro Starak

    "What About the Duplicate Content Penalty?

    The duplicate content penalty is a major concern when republishing content. Remember Google (and other search engines) may penalize websites that produce duplicate content by removing the page from its index or reducing its search ranking.

    Now my understanding is that the original source of the article, as in the first place that Google finds the content or the version it deems as the oldest, won’t be penalized.

    This is not a verified claim, I’ve heard counter arguments against it and in some circumstances if your source content is found after it’s republished somewhere else (which can often be the case if your site is not regularly indexed in search engines and the site that republishes your work is), then it’s your site that risks the penalty.

    The answer of course it to modify your article before submitting it to Ezine Articles or similar directories so it’s not a direct reproduction of the article on your website.

    In my case I reduced the size of most of the articles I submitted so they were not exactly the same as the originals, although they certainly would have shared paragraphs so I probably didn’t do enough.

    I’ve yet to notice any penalization but there are a lot of forces in play here so if you are really worried, take the time to modify your articles or only submit original content."

    From Brian Clark - Copyblogger
    Copywriting and Content Marketing Strategies | Copyblogger

    No Duplicate Content

    "If you’re blogging, it’s very tempting to simply submit your posts to the directories. I stay away from this. I think it’s debatable that the search engines will penalize you for having content on your site that is also published elsewhere, but there is definitely some risk.

    From a practical standpoint, simply having what you blog republished can hurt you with people who click through from your resource box.

    When I read a good directory article, and then click though to the blog only to see the exact same content, I leave. Fair or not, I’m not feeling the value of spending more time there.

    Anecdotally, I’ve simply had the best results when there is no duplication of content.

    Often I will promote a free resource, such as a tutorial or other content that is delivered by email.

    The articles drive traffic to the resource and help it rank in the search engines, and I get a chance to start a recurring relationship with that visitor. The syndicated article was the first unique step in creating that relationship."

    End of quotes.

    The above from was from their free report with permission to republish the excerpts.

    If you would like the entire PDF please send me a PM.

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  • Profile picture of the author BCJason
    Hi Alexa
    I did read the thread and I found this comment
    "However, it may be quicker and more convenient with EZA to give it to them first and put it on your own site after they've accepted it."
    Or is it my linking that doesn't fit?

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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      • Profile picture of the author BCJason
        Oh man. OK. site first. got it. That thread is like 650 posts.

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  • Profile picture of the author GregGarrison
    Post them to EZA first. I write my articles and let them pull in as many visitors as possible. Once the articles fall out of sight, you can either put up a Squidoo lens and point it to your articles trying to get them back up in the ranks, or better yet, write some original content for your blogs and then point the articles to your blog. The saying that content is King is half right. Original content is King from my experiences.
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  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    Ezine articles and other article directories are against duplicate content period.

    But duplicate as in submit the same article twice, most of these sites has some strict policies against PLR articles. They don't like to receive the same article over and over by the same user, or the exact same acticle over and over submited by thousands different users, that's spam. and that's not allow.

    But if you are the author you can publish the same article in every single article directory that you can possibly find.
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author m100k
    Because google wants to return a good "searchers experience" you are going to want unique content on your blog that is different from the article directories...this is if you want to rank for a highly competitive term.

    Sometimes you might see similar content ranking...google is not perfect.

    But as soon as there is more unique content available, the junk copy content is immediately gone off the first page. And also with unique content on your blog you wont have to worry about competing against yourself when you are trying to rank your articles and blog on the first page.
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