Do you think that the people who post 10 or more times per day on the Warrior forum are marvelous?

54 replies
I don't know where they find the time or how they get stuff done but I see some Warriors post in excess of 10 times per day almost EVERY day.

I watch them in awe and with a hint of jealousy while I look down at my massive 'to-do' list while they seem to have all of the time in the world and make numerous posts throughout the day.

I need to review my schedule.

How many people are like me and how many people are like these superbreed of Warriors who have oodles and oodles of free time?

Must another 42 things to do today before lunchtime

#day #forum #marvelous #people #post #times #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Sara Young
    Hi Gary,

    You shouldn't be jealous of people who post a lot. You should be jealous of those who seriously focus on their goals and use their time wisely.

    Just my 2 cents.

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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    I suspect it's because many people are like me - I sort of surface for air every hour or so and need something different to think about. Like, I've just designed a site for someone. Now I need a break before my brain re-engages. So here I am!
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  • Profile picture of the author affilcrazy
    I would hazard a guess that you could split these Warriors into different categories:-

    - Those who would like to create as much exposure to their signatures as possible. i.e. they are promoting an IM related product, WSO, or additional traffic for their sites and lists

    - Those who actually only spend an hour here a day, but think and write (and possibly organize their time) far better than you or I could ever hope for.

    - Those who believe that hanging out on a forum and upping their post count is considered part of their research and working day (although they may never actually take any action) - I believe the saying is "all mouth and no trousers"!

    - In addition to the first point, those who actually make a full-time income solely from this forum (WSO, Warriors for Hire and offer IM related services). If they are not on hand to speak to their potential clients throughout the day, they may risk losing business.

    Do I think their marvellous?

    Some yes...some not so much!

    Anyway what does my opinion matter, I haven't even managed to average a post a day over the last 20 months!

    "There is no fixed teaching. All I can provide is an appropriate medicine for a particular ailment" - Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do (on Zen)
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  • Profile picture of the author petr_ind
    I think because they have focused in internet marketing.
    You know, forum like this can be very good for earn money. By building good reputation on lot of forums, you can do internet marketing easier.
    If you can't post a lot, maybe it's because you have to do something else which more important.
    For them who make lot of posts, they think it is more important than another.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Grannum
    Some of the posters may have products on sale and want to monitor to answer any questions that may arise.

    Personally, I am like rosetrees and visit throughout the day for a break between tasks.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      I think people who post here a lot need to get a life.
      <---------- (check post count)
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I jump in and out during the day in between tasks or when I'm tired or bored. Can answer questions or make a comment quickly - but I seldom start a thread.

      Sometimes I have a signature- sometimes not. I don't count being here as "time worked" but I do often find it entertaining.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    I drop by at various times throughout the day, not every day, but some days.

    I can honestly say, I have never even thought about how much time somebody else is spending here.. well, until now I haven't anyways..

    Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Peters Benn
    Steven - you crack me up.

    What's great about you is that you don't just talk the talk (over 14,000 times), you also walk the walk.

    What bothers me is when someone who has been a member for a very short time posts some massive diatribe about how to do this or that but is waaay off base. Sometimes there is a case of the blind leading the blind, but never with Wagenheim I'm glad to say - the forum could do with more posters like him...
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  • Profile picture of the author Midas3 Consulting
    I use it a 2 min breather between work, often find something
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      All kidding aside, and if you really think about this, it makes sense.

      If you are REALLY running an efficient business, you don't REALLY need to
      spend a lot of time on it. I work maybe 4 hours a week now and spend most
      of my time in the recording studio. I made 4 CDs of original music this year

      Now, let's see how long it would take to make 10 posts even if they were
      only as long as the one I'm making now. It's probably somewhere between
      2 and 3 minutes per post.

      So if you make 10 posts in a day, you're really only spending 20 to 30
      minutes out of your day posting.

      It takes me longer to eat my lunch (Yes, I'm a slow eater)

      People make a big deal about post count, but really, if you're organized
      and have a system, it doesn't take that much out of your day.

      The ones who DO have trouble with posting, meaning they don't get
      anything else done, are the ones who aren't organized and probably
      shouldn't be here posting at all.

      It all comes down to priorities and how well you can manage your time.

      I don't have a problem with that and right now I am averaging 11.64
      posts per day.

      It really isn't all that much when you think about it.
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      • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        If you are REALLY running an efficient business, you don't REALLY need to
        spend a lot of time on it.
        Quite an assumption you're making there, don'tcha think?

        Depends on the size, nature and needs of a business.


        I could run a small six figure business easily, but going beyond that and the "free time" you get becomes much more difficult to achieve. Depending on the nature of your business..


        An expanding business will need more active involvement to grow, than a stagnant business would.

        It all comes down to priorities and how well you can manage your time.
        This we can agree on



        Bare Murkage.........

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        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

          Quite an assumption you're making there, don'tcha think?

          Depends on the size, nature and needs of a business.
          Touche. Though not sure why James gets a thanks for his assumption
          and I get a lecture. Whatever.

          But you're right. The larger the business, the less free time you have.

          I don't want to run a large business. I worked hard for my free time and
          don't want to give it up. I make enough to keep me happy.

          If I do decide to put more time into something (like a side project I am
          working on now outside of the IM niche) it will be because I want to and
          NOT because I have to.

          In fact, this little project may be the most fun I've had in a long time.

          No, I don't look at it as work because it's something I really want to do.

          But I guess that's another thing that we can debate, whether something
          is work or not.

          Another time maybe.
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      • Profile picture of the author reynoldscorb
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        If you are REALLY running an efficient business, you don't REALLY need to
        spend a lot of time on it. I work maybe 4 hours a week now and spend most
        of my time in the recording studio. I made 4 CDs of original music this year
        Agreed. I get my work done, and then I check out the Warrior forum. It's pretty easy to get sidetracked in here with all the threads going, but if you're efficient with your work, it shouldn't be a problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author pearlydean
    I post when I am having a break from building my business as I work on my own mostly so it is a welcome break sometimes to pop here rather than watching TV or gazing out of the window!

    Also it's useful for gaining information or helping other people if you see a post where a warrior is having a problem and you have the knowledge to fix it.
    SEO and Reputation Services

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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Well, we all need some free time to socialize, network, see whats new in this always changing business.

    You miss a week here and there is a new algo, new products, new methods, UFFFF!!!
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author fadhlibiz
    I think some of the posters who are always here and posting and being very active are maybe people who have online businesses themselves. They can also squeeze in a minute or two to reply to posts.
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  • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
    Can you blame us all? This forum is addictive I blame Allen for creating an addictive machine!!
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    • Profile picture of the author James Schramko
      ten posts a day is a sure sign of a distracted marketer unless the entire business revolves around the forum in which case you have a dangerous position.
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Originally Posted by James Schramko View Post

        ten posts a day is a sure sign of a distracted marketer unless the entire business revolves around the forum in which case you have a dangerous position.
        Quite an assumption you're making there, don't you think?
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        • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
          I don't always post 10 times or more a day - but I do believe I am marvelous.

          "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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        • Profile picture of the author TheNewGuy2010
          Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

          Quite an assumption you're making there, don't you think?


          I thought the same thing.
          Retired Internet Marketer.
          Gone Fishing....
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    dont you keep a couple ofwindows or tabs open?

    So, as another poster related, when done with one TO DO, a break maybe the WF.

    And if you are "tracking" certain posts or people, or if you are involved in a thread, it would not be uncommon to post several times a day.

    I do think it has to do with, as S. Wags says, organization of your business model and time.

    I really don't notice what other people are doing here. I look for PEOPLE and/or intersting threads.

    Now, I've got go go post 9 more times today. Bye.

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Originally Posted by garyfromdurham View Post

    I don't know where they find the time or how they get stuff done but I see some Warriors post in excess of 10 times per day almost EVERY day.
    It must take up some of your time keeping track of how many posts people are making. I never gave it a thought. Probably why I have more time to post.

    I work at home ... by myself (with 2 dogs), so it's nice to take breaks and see what's going on and make some posts and connect with a few people. Really doesn't take much time.
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    • Profile picture of the author jbento
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      It must take up some of your time keeping track of how many posts people are making. I never gave it a thought. Probably why I have more time to post.
      I think it takes a lot of time to count how many posts each people make everyday, track that people to see if they're posting daily or weekly... I prefer to use that time to make some comments if I find the thread interesting.

      I work at home ... by myself (with 2 dogs), so it's nice to take breaks and see what's going on and make some posts and connect with a few people. Really doesn't take much time.
      Work at home too and yes, sometimes just feel good to come here for a 30 minutes break and see what's going around... and sometimes I post in some threads.


      Resources, Tools and Strategies for Starting Your Own Business In the Internet

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      • Profile picture of the author WritingMadwoman
        I'm one of those people who pops in numerous times a day in between tasks. I'll work for an hour or two, then come here to read and post (if I feel like posting, sometimes I just read) and then go back to do more work. Then come back, then more work...LOL

        Why can't we socialize, have fun, learn new things AND get our work done for the day? All work and no play makes....

        (LOL @ Jill - we all think you're marvelous too!)

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  • Profile picture of the author blogrev
    Sometimes I get so busy I don't have time but I think I should make time
    because there is so many knowledgeable people here.

    Take Care
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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    I post here often, maybe not 10x a day (every day) but I do post here.

    When you work in an office you have the water cooler. This is my virtual water cooler

    That + I have staff to do my dirty work LOL.
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  • Profile picture of the author meph
    It helps to read and contribute to forums like these as the information is not easily shared outside.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Then
    I admire one person who had made over 14,000 posts and has an average of 400+ words each post, and 90% of those posts are very helpful and insightful.

    Guess who?
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  • Profile picture of the author andrew_writes
    Originally Posted by garyfromdurham View Post

    I don't know where they find the time or how they get stuff done but I see some Warriors post in excess of 10 times per day almost EVERY day.

    I watch them in awe and with a hint of jealousy while I look down at my massive 'to-do' list while they seem to have all of the time in the world and make numerous posts throughout the day.

    I need to review my schedule.

    How many people are like me and how many people are like these superbreed of Warriors who have oodles and oodles of free time?

    Must another 42 things to do today before lunchtime

    How do you define marvelous?
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  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
    10 posts a day? Phfftttt... chicken feed.

    You should have seen Steven's post count on his first
    couple of days on the forum.

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

      10 posts a day? Phfftttt... chicken feed.

      You should have seen Steven's post count on his first
      couple of days on the forum.


      It's a miracle I wasn't tossed out of here on my backside.

      I think the mods were just in too much of a state of shock to know what to
      do with me. :confused: :p
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  • Profile picture of the author DukkyMan
    I realize I don't have many posts, but I find this site to be a great place to take breaks. I post if its appropriate, and if not I at least learn something in the process.
    For better Response rates, Lead Generation, Real Time Analytics, Integrated Social Sharing Capabilities in Over 280 Social Networks - Email - and SMS
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    I'm averaging 2.51 posts per day and that is sure to grow now that I have free time (thanks to outsourcing )

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
    i dont thinsk that anyone that can post 10X a day if they did it consitantly for over a year or more could not make money .... ther reason i say this is because every post had a therad reading becaus ethey read the thread they hope fully learned something small taht could be 10 small things learned a day .... but I doubt anyone who posts just for their post count not to add value or get value will be able to sustain it for too long....

    So i too respect longterm 10 a day posters
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by nashelver View Post

      So i too respect longterm 10 a day posters
      You need to be very careful and not just judge someone based on post count.

      Some of us are just yapolicious, and have way too many opinions. (just made up a new word hee hee)

      I also wouldn't assume someone is successful or knows what they are talking about just because they have a lot of posts.

      I have seen plenty with post counts higher than mine (when I first joined) who were still wandering the halls aimlessly.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

        You need to be very careful and not just judge someone based on post count.

        Some of us are just yapolicious, and have way too many opinions. (just made up a new word hee hee)

        I also wouldn't assume someone is successful or knows what they are talking about just because they have a lot of posts.

        I have seen plenty with post counts higher than mine (when I first joined) who were still wandering the halls aimlessly.
        Very true Jill. Post count means nothing, other than maybe what I pointed
        out in my first reply to this thread.

        Yes, some people really DO need to get a life.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
        Im sorry if someone has spend 3000 posts doing nothing but posting and not made money In away i still respect their tenacity ; and maybe they are not great doers but that much time spent on here i am sure they know the theory behind every thing IM so i would still respect them for that .... I think for that it would be very sad to know one has spent so much time on a money making forum with so much valuable information and not used it for your own good.

        As a very new warrior (using my husbands old account ) i have been doing it for maybe 2 weeks ... what is the first thing i noticed when i saw a Steven W, post was that post count... so yes that should not be the only judge of a persons knowledge but i have posted maybe 40 times in 2 weeks myself and i have learned ALOT!!! imagine afte 1000,,,3000,,,15000 posts.

        P.S i hope i get to read the 15000th post from Mr Wagenheim ,

        Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

        I have seen plenty with post counts higher than mine (when I first joined) who were still wandering the halls aimlessly.
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        • Profile picture of the author TheNewGuy2010
          Forum marketing is a big pat of my marketing. I am active on several forums.

          Why does it matter how many times someone post?

          I don't know about you but 3000 posts from me on other forums equals lots of traffic and sales.

          Originally Posted by nashelver View Post

          Im sorry if someone has spend 3000 posts doing nothing but posting and not made money In away i still respect their tenacity ; and maybe they are not great doers but that much time spent on here i am sure they know the theory behind every thing IM so i would still respect them for that .... I think for that it would be very sad to know one has spent so much time on a money making forum with so much valuable information and not used it for your own good.

          As a very new warrior (using my husbands old account ) i have been doing it for maybe 2 weeks ... what is the first thing i noticed when i saw a Steven W, post was that post count... so yes that should not be the only judge of a persons knowledge but i have posted maybe 40 times in 2 weeks myself and i have learned ALOT!!! imagine afte 1000,,,3000,,,15000 posts.

          P.S i hope i get to read the 15000th post from Mr Wagenheim ,
          Retired Internet Marketer.
          Gone Fishing....
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          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Originally Posted by TheNewGuy2010 View Post

            Forum marketing is a big pat of my marketing. I am active on several forums.

            Why does it matter how many times someone post?

            I don't know about you but 3000 posts from me on other forums equals lots of traffic and sales.
            I find it truly fascinating that anybody even cares how many posts
            somebody has or how much time they spend on this or any other forum.

            There is absolutely NO correlation between post count and success.

            Some people who hardly post here at all are very successful, just like
            some who hardly post here at all hardly make any money at all.

            Same thing with the people who post a lot. Some make a lot of money and
            some make nothing.

            Look at the quality of the posts that the person makes.

            THAT is what you should go by and NOTHING else.
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  • Profile picture of the author naledge
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    • Profile picture of the author Jays80
      This is my 1st post today. i am 10% marvelous today!!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Originally Posted by HypeFree View Post

    The people who post here (like me) don't make any money. How can we, when we are wasting our time posting?
    Boy, the assumptions are just flying all over the place today.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebizman87
    Most of the posts will be complete or partly:

    "BS,BASHING other people thinking that they're expert,rants,solutions for problems and other stuff that will either disrupt the unity of this forum, irritate others or will be pretty useful for members in this forum..."

    To be frank with you,very few WARRIORS have impressed me in this forum ever since I started to visit this site 3 years ago (I became a member after a few months in 2008)

    If people like STEVEN Wagenhaim,Allen Graves,Kevin Riley,Jared Alberghrini, Jeremy Kalsal,Eric Louviere and a few others make 10 posts here,I'll definitely will read and listen to their point as I think they're "marvelous"..Even if one of them make 1 post, I can still find gold in their threads..

    Here's why:

    Steven,Allen and Jeremy have frequently contributed their expertise related to ARTICLE MARKETING many times. Every time you mention the word ARTICLE MARKETING, these are the people that'll come to my mind

    As for Eric Louviere,I like his inspirational posts where he'll motivate others or failing marketers with plenty of hints to start thinking positively and succeed.

    Here's one of my fav posts from him:

    I like Jared due to his technical expertise and every time he posts something here,I'll try to benefit from it somehow.

    Here's why:

    And lastly I like Kevin Riley for his humorous nature and straightforward approach in selling his products. Just check out his videos and you'll know why..

    I've been fans of these people in this forum for a long time here and I always look forward for their posts. Whether it's 1 or 10 posts from any one of them,I still think they're "marvelous"

    PS:I didn't purposely write about those people to impress them but to just point out how much I value their presence in this forum.

    PPS: I also like Sean Donahoe's stuff due to his revolutionary IM products that really impressed and made money for me
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  • Profile picture of the author kyhell
    I make a Very comfortable living online i have multiple income streams and own and operate close to 120 different websites in as many niches. In addition to the sites i still run a huge E-bay business. I Also run two Membership sites. A large majority of it is outsourced. My actual work day consists of 2 hours a day 4 days a week. and because IM is my addiction i spend hours rolling through forums and posting this and that here and there. Im also agoraphobic so i would rather sit here than out there LOL
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I don't post 10 times a day - but I am marvelous, thank you very much:p

      It's not posts per day - but long term, consistent participation that I admire. There are some who post frequently when they are promoting something - and that's fine. There are those who post like crazy with the mindset of getting enough posts to be seen as "credible" and maybe that works for them.

      And some have been posting for years without worrying about what their post count is or what others think about it. I have less than 6 posts a day - but that adds up after a few years, doesn't it

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Rodite Web
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by Rodite Web View Post

      First post on these forums, so here goes nothing:

      I've been around the block a time or two. I've had accounts at all sorts of marketing forums, from Wicked Fire to Digital Point to (forgive me for saying this) Black Hat World, and now here at Warrior Forum. The one thing that I noticed about these forums were that, the people who have the highest post counts are not always the most contributing.

      Take a forum I am a part of, for example. It's called Cheating Network ( This place is a pool of 14 to 18 year old kids (generally) who make their time buying and selling ipods and Xbox games, and trying to find ways to trick GPT sites. I like a lot of the community there, so I made an account, helped out, and stuck around.

      But like a lot of forums, reputation (and/or thanks) is a good way of telling the quality of the member as related to the post count. There is a member on that forum who has over 7,800 posts. He's been a member there for well over two and a half years, and is a frequent subscriber. The thing is, his reputation there is 298, less than 5% of his post count.

      However my account, Rodite, has 250 posts, and a rep of almost 500. I've been there for close to six months, and my presence has shocked that community to the core, started some turmoil, and helped mature the community to the point where several of them, under my guidance, have jumped off of the GPT bandwagon and started into true web creation and marketing.

      Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that it's not the number of times per day that you post (although it appears that regardless of post count, a lot of members here make it a point to make their posts detailed and elaborate), but the quality of the information that is posted.

      Would you rather have 20 posts, one line each, that make no sense and offer nothing to the community, or one post that makes the difference on hundreds of dollars for several members of the community? I believe the question answers itself.

      It's great to finally be a member here, and I look forward to contributing as much as I can to the Warrior Forum community, as well as networking with as many of you as I possibly can.

      Jay, Rodite Web Solutions CEO

      Jay, welcome to the forum. Judging by your first post here, I think you're
      going to become a valuable contributor.
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      • Profile picture of the author butters
        10 posts isn't a lot =/... I am awake 16-18 hours a days, I spend 6-10 of that working, 8-10 hours of free time . Could I work longer, sure but I don't want to :p.
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  • Profile picture of the author IRichie
    No, I do not think so. I am a fan of diff. IM forums, but I do not post a lot. I do not get that much instead. So, there is nothing great in it. If you have time then it is good to help others by posting your stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by garyfromdurham View Post

    I see some Warriors post in excess of 10 times per day almost EVERY day.
    Different work styles.

    Most of the time, I post on the WaFo when I'm thinking about something. Right now, I'm working through the next segment of a video I'm recording, and while I work out what goes here and how it leads into the next bit... I'm here reading and writing posts. It doesn't actually interrupt what I'm doing.

    I generally have the good old-fashioned pen-and-paper in my lap when I'm on the forum. Technology aside, there's no better way to make quick notes and sketches.

    There are still extended periods of time that I need to focus completely on what I'm doing (like when I'm actually recording and editing the video), and I won't be posting during those times. In fact, I'll usually have my browser closed altogether.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author mlord10
    I really don't get too hung up on how many times a person has posted here at WF. What I do admire is the people who consistently post great content on this forum.

    Forums are a great way to brand yourself, there is no denying that. However, I myself try to contribute valuable content when asked. Very rarely do I post one-liners saying "yeah I agree with that."

    It just does not add any value to the forum. Just remember: Don't be impressed by a person's post count, but instead monitor the quality of their posts to see if they are really contributing to the forum.

    Steven Wagenheim and Tim Gorman are two of the guys who consistently contribute valuable contents and insights to this forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author eaglechick
    Yes, I'll come clean - whenever I feel too lazy to work - I hop in here and see what other are up to.

    At first I restricted my forum posting to Sunday evenings
    Then I got busy and didn't post for 3 months (an all time new record)
    Then the addiction set in again and now I'm posting every evening from 10 - 12

    Any "warrior forum" rehab centres you can recommend anyone?

    Please help me!!!!!:confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author Damien Roche
    Yeh, I envy those people who can control this addiction that is the WarriorForum.

    I've started to post more frequently lately, but my post frequency greatly fluctuates. I might post 20 in one day and not post for 2-3 weeks, or I might post a few times.

    I might take the opportunity to help or to have a laugh, to challenge or to simply agree and show my thanks.

    Dunno, guess it just depends on whether the forum is open in the background and I refresh the main index page. Because if that happens - I'm gonna post something! So many interesting discussions going on.
    >> Seasoned Web Developer (CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby) <<
    Available for Fixed Fee Projects and Hourly ($40/hr)
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah Harvey
    Being on this forum is a silent hobby for me. I enjoy reading some of these topics, but otherwise my life does not revolve around the forum.

    Real life and work commitments far outweigh this site.
    "Find the problem and provide the solution."
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