Dude, how to make $60k per year online!

13 replies
Here's an easy to understand, time tested, way to generate 60k per year online from home. It's not sexy... but it works. Here's my advise on doing this:

A))) First, spend a good deal of time thinking up a great product or course to give away free. A good way to do this is look at products that are for sale in a niche, and figure out how you can give away something similar for free.

For example, if you see someone is selling a product on "Facebook Advertising" see if you can create a cool product (a sacrificial lamb) to give away free. Treat it like it's for sale, even though it's free. Make it very valuable.

B))) Create a squeeze page that gives that thing away free... where people have to opt in to get your free product.

C))) Set up a OTO offer. Right after they opt in to get your free product, the next page is a OTO that pitches an offer. Say on your OTO the following, "Your free course will be sent to you in just a minute, but while I have you, we are running a special test. Watch the video below and this is the only time you'll ever see this video. If you click away it could be gone forever. On that video (or copy) sell them on a special, special one time offer.

D))) Drive traffic to your squeeze page.

E))) Tweak, test, measure and track.

F))) Continue to give free tips and insights away to your subscribers, but also mix in offers of your own or affiliate offers.

G))) Continue focusing on this system you have. Continue to focus 90% of your time on traffic and conversions. Everything else that takes up your time would be a distraction, or education.

Your biggest question right now (If I had to guess) would be... how do I get that traffic?

Good question, but there should be another question and that's "how am I going to convert that traffic?". If you can convert well, then traffic is an after thought. You'll see what I mean if you actually get off your butt and drive traffic. However, here's how you generate traffic:

1))) You pick one way to generate traffic and you stick to it, master it and become the best at it.

2))) Pick if you are going to focus on free traffic or paid traffic.

3))) For free traffic, my recommended technique is JV Affiliates. Set up that OTO with an affiliate program and go out there and recruit affiliates. It takes having leverage to get them. Spend a great deal of time coming up with your plan to get JV Affiliates to agree and promote your stuff.

Since everyone here is into Article Marketing, go ask an Article Marketer pro here how to do it or buy their products. I dont recommend it myself, but it does work. Up to you.

SEO/BLOG/Articles/Linking/web 2.0/etc all works, but I recommend none of it for traffic myself.

I recommend: JV Affiliates or Paid traffic.

4))) Paid traffic. Ok, Imagine paying $4,000 to get a list of 5,000+ If you knew for certain if you spent $4,000 you'd get a list of 5,000+ would you spend it??

A list of 5,000+ managed correctly could generate $60k+ per year. Imagine spending $4000 and make 60k per year for the next 3-5 years. Would you spend it?

All in all, it comes down to how you are going to generate subscribers. I bet there are plenty of people here who have a list like that just from running WSO's. BUT, do you manage that list right? Because, there's 60k per year sitting there in your autoresponder account.

So, Dude... where's your list?

Eric Louviere
#$60k #dude #list building #make #online #year
  • Profile picture of the author PPC Savior
    I 100% agree with this. Having an email list is just incredibly valuable to have. I see so many marketers not even bother collecting emails and I ask myself why? If you can establish trust with your email list, anytime you create another product, you will always have people beating down the doors to pay for it.

    Full Time Affiliate Marketer and PPC Consultant.

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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    you nailed it. I've been saying it for a long time: all it takes is a sound understanding of the basics.
    oh, and ppc is great way to build a list.

    ppc>opt-in>oto. so simple. I use the oto to cover my ppc expenses, and basicly build a list for free.


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  • Profile picture of the author wwadvice
    Looks like you forgot to add - posting in forums - to get traffic.

    Do you have a marketing plan?

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    • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
      Originally Posted by wwadvice View Post

      Looks like you forgot to add - posting in forums - to get traffic.
      His post about traffic was general in nature, hence the reason for not listing the 1,777 ways to get traffic. Geez Louise, you just can't please everyone in here can ya?

      I guarantee that 98 to 99% of the people reading Eric's post are going to dismiss it because it's not sexy and seems too simple of an outline. I've built an entire company based on what Eric just posted here. I'm still blown at away at how many information marketers do not have a list and at how many affiliate marketers neglect building a list.

      A list is like a mutual fund, except that it can pay off dividends 100x times faster.

      Good post stuD.

      "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
      - Jim Rohn
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      • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
        Originally Posted by Rod Cortez View Post

        His post about traffic was general in nature, hence the reason for not listing the 1,777 ways to get traffic. Geez Louise, you just can't please everyone in here can ya?

        I guarantee that 98 to 99% of the people reading Eric's post are going to dismiss it because it's not sexy and seems too simple of an outline. I've built an entire company based on what Eric just posted here. I'm still blown at away at how many information marketers do not have a list and at how many affiliate marketers neglect building a list.

        A list is like a mutual fund, except that it can pay off dividends 100x times faster.

        Good post stuD.

        Is he saying I'm posting in a forum to get traffic with my post? Or, is he saying, "posting on forums is a good way to get traffic?" Either way, that's funny. Maybe you can make an extra $75.40 that way per month. Not one of my recommended ways.

        As far as sexy strategies, I've seen strategies that say to pass out flyers on here. This one I posted happens to be one that six figure and seven figure marketers use. Nothing sexy about it required. I think what should be understood is:

        The way to earn money as a marketer...

        Is to be a marketer.

        And, that requires:

        Understanding the basic fundamentals of direct response marketing.


        Anyway you slice it.

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  • Profile picture of the author mlord10
    I like your idea, but I would add that the quality of the list is much more important that the quantity. I personally know another internet marketer who is making a great full-time, $12,000+ per month income from a list of about 6,500 people.

    On the other hand, I also have a buddy who is struggling to make $1,000 per month with a list of over 4,700.

    Guy #1 is making almost $2/month per subscriber, while guy #2 is making less than 25 cents per subscriber.

    A list is important, but building a quality list and managing it correctly is just as important.

    Great ideas Eric. Thanks for sharing them!
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
      Originally Posted by mlord10 View Post

      I like your idea, but I would add that the quality of the list is much more important that the quantity. I personally know another internet marketer who is making a great full-time, $12,000+ per month income from a list of about 6,500 people.

      On the other hand, I also have a buddy who is struggling to make $1,000 per month with a list of over 4,700.

      Guy #1 is making almost $2/month per subscriber, while guy #2 is making less than 25 cents per subscriber.

      A list is important, but building a quality list and managing it correctly is just as important.

      Great ideas Eric. Thanks for sharing them!
      I agree with that for sure!

      Open rates and readership of what you have to say means a lot. If you pound your list with nothing but offers, the list can grow stale. I'm not downing "pounding" your lists, as long as you bring in new leads all the time.

      However, mixing in free good quality info can really explode that lists responsivness.

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  • Profile picture of the author Samuel Baker
    Pretty nice blueprint there Eric. If you can optimize the product and squeeze page correctly then the paid traffic method is very very valuable and will convert well. This may take some time to tweak the page etc to achieve a high % of conversions but once done it is very easy. Otherwise you can lose out using paid traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    I think the real wisdom you've exposed here Eric is that it costs money to make money. This is going to be a punch in the gut for a lot of people who dream of building 100K lists for zero money.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
      Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

      I think the real wisdom you've exposed here Eric is that it costs money to make money. This is going to be a punch in the gut for a lot of people who dream of building 100K lists for zero money.
      They can still generate traffic without spending money... and they can make a bunch of money without spending money... but that's called:


      And for most, that E word hurts more than spending money. lol

      Recruiting JV Affiliates does not really costs "advertising" money.

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      • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
        Originally Posted by Eric Louviere View Post

        They can still generate traffic without spending money... and they can make a bunch of money without spending money... but that's called:


        And for most, that E word hurts more than spending money. lol

        Recruiting JV Affiliates does not really costs "advertising" money.

        True... it does take effort, but to be clear, JV sales = a very large chunk of the gross sale of a product. It's most definately not "free". No it's not "advertising" budget but it IS cost of goods sold in the ol' accounting system. (I know I'm not telling YOU anything here hahaha , but addressing the dreamers.)

        And yes, effort is one of the biggest hurdles of all for a lot of people.
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        • Profile picture of the author discrat
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  • Profile picture of the author mattalways
    I'm looking at starting a list... What software are you using? If I go with Aweber, and it's not working for me, can I deactivate the account and not lose all data so I can come back later?

    I have a site getting about 500 uniques/day. Not really sure yet what I will sell to them, but I'd like to start getting them signed up!

    Quit wasting your money! If you need a website, get me to do it right! I'll probably even do it for less! Design/Development/Software, I'm your guy! matt@snidge.com
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
      Originally Posted by mattalways View Post

      I'm looking at starting a list... What software are you using? If I go with Aweber, and it's not working for me, can I deactivate the account and not lose all data so I can come back later?

      I have a site getting about 500 uniques/day. Not really sure yet what I will sell to them, but I'd like to start getting them signed up!
      you can export your leads out of aweber and import them into some other auto responder.

      What is your site about? What do they come there for? What are their demographics? Give them what they are interested in... or find very broad appealing offers that appeal to the masses (like weight loss, dating, making money, entertainment, etc)

      If it's niche specific (like dog training), then you have your answer on what to provide them.
      Always market to demographics. Think of it like this:

      Big giant huge net

      that's a broad market and wide appealing. If I put a banner on CNN.com well, all sorts of different people go there. I could run a banner ad on Diet and get a large variety of people. A wide net.

      Small, tiny aquarium net:

      Very specific, very targetted, niche specific... (they like to play the game of pool, or like remote control airplanes, are collect stamps, or love bass fishing).

      Market accordingly

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  • Profile picture of the author alaakhassa
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