Do I post all spun articles on my blog?

7 replies
Hi Warriors,

I have read a nice portion of this Article Marketing thread and quite frankly I was blown away about how advanced some people's knowledge level has become about the subject.

I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel by any means, I just have one question about posting your own articles on your own website.
When spinning articles (i.e. 10 separate articles) manually do I post all of these individual articles on my website's blog, or just one of them?

The reason I ask is because if you have 10 articles that are extremely similar spins of the initial article it might look like spam in your own blog to post all of these articles. But if you don't post them in your blog and don't make a giant link page pointing to each individual article (i.e. Six Ways To Make Ice Cubes 1, Six Ways To Make Ice Cubes 2, Six Ways to Make Ice Cubes 3 etc...) I don't know how the robots will find them so you are likely listed higher in the search engine results for the article than someone else?

Do I just post the primary I'm thinking and let others benefit from the spun versions since it will ultimately still help generate traffic?
#articles #blog #post #spun
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisDouthit
    I would post just one of them on your blog. If I came to your blog and started to read several post and they all said the samething I dont think I would come back.
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    • Profile picture of the author schabotte
      The whole point to spinning is to give you a big body of articles about the exact same topic that you can spread around the web. Putting them all on your blog would definitely degrade the user experience and may cause the search engines to raise a red flag on the site.

      Now, an interesting way to use spun articles on your blog or website is to tell other folks at the end of the article that they can post the article on the website.

      You then have them click a link "Click here to get your copy of this article."

      And then a little script pulls out one of the spun copies (with an appropriate resource box at the end - which can also be one of a selection of several) and feeds that to the visitor for use on their site.

      It is a great way to keep your article on the blog unique on the web but also get it spread around.
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      • Profile picture of the author Rikki_Fawkes
        This is what I do - I create one article per unique keyword phrase and submit it to six or seven article directories.

        I then spin this ONE article, using the same keyword phrase, and put it on my blog.

        I rinse and repeat for each new keyword, so in the end, I only have two articles per keyword phrase - one for each article directory, and a unique one for my blog.

        If you reuse keywords, make sure you don't just rehash the same topic you wrote about the last time. There's a lot of different view points you can take - take a different one.

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      • Profile picture of the author Piyush
        That's a great tip schabotte!!! This will also help your article get viral and syndicated all over the net. Just make sure that the spun articles have a link to your website/blog that you want your prospects to go to.

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  • Profile picture of the author m100k
    Your blog should always get the best quality content possible. You shouldn't be posting spun garbage on your bread and butter blog. Your blog is more likely to stand the test of time than an article directory or a spam web 2.0 network.

    You are better off rewriting an article for your blog so that you can slowly gain authority with google which will result in higher rankings down the road.

    And with the recent google caffeine update, posting unique content regularly to your blog is important to gaining and maintaining rankings in google. Google wants their searchers to have new and fresh content regularly.

    Sometimes you might even see twitter updates ranking in google
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  • Profile picture of the author franamico
    I would post just one article in your blog and the other ones on all major article directories.
    You can use article submitters that do all the work semi-automatically.
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  • Profile picture of the author ActionToCash
    Thanks everyone - I appreciate the insight! Great info from the Warrior Forum as usual!

    Happy Marketing!!!

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