Awesome benefits from promoting RSS feeds
My method is to submit all the following feeds
- Main blog feeds (one per blog)
- The comments feeds (one per blog)
- The categories feeds (I only do this for main sites to save time)
- My EZA article author feeds
- Feedburner feeds (I burn a feedburner feed for each blog in addition to the in-built Wordpress one)
I submit each feed using RSSBot, but rather than doing all at once I submit to 5 - 10 directories to start with, then do the rest in a second batch a few weeks later. I reckon that will show a slightly more organic pattern to search engines, rather than blasting my feeds at everyone on Day 1.
Results good so far. But I'm only starting.
Any tips or advice would be gratefully received. In any case I'll report back on how this is going for me.

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