Found a Hot Niche, need help deciding best way to work it

22 replies
Hi I am looking for some advice please, if anyone can help me.

I have found a niche keyword that has 47,700 searches a month and only 9000 competing pages. I have checked them out and none are authority sites. I can even get the .com.

Obviously this is a good place to be and its a highly sought after area.

Being new at this I don't know what kind of site would be the best approach.

Do I do a review site of products and sell them?
An adsense site?

Or what?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks Jacqui
#deciding #found #hot #niche #work
  • Profile picture of the author butters
    No one can give you a worthwhile answer here with out knowing the keyword and since it would be bad to post it, do what you think is best.
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    • Profile picture of the author schabotte
      About the only thing I can suggest is asking you if there is a proven buyer's market surrounding that keyword.

      In other words, are there any adwords ads for it?

      Are any of the first page organic results for products related to that keyword?

      Does your market research suggest that people would be typing in that keyword as part of their buy decision?

      and lastly...

      Does your market research suggest that there are enough buyers to make it worth the time investment?

      Just a few things to think about...
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  • Profile picture of the author GarryMSayer
    Originally Posted by jacolden View Post

    Hi I am looking for some advice please, if anyone can help me.

    I have found a niche keyword that has 47,700 searches a month and only 9000 competing pages. I have checked them out and none are authority sites. I can even get the .com.

    Obviously this is a good place to be and its a highly sought after area.

    Being new at this I don't know what kind of site would be the best approach.

    Do I do a review site of products and sell them?
    An adsense site?

    Or what?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks Jacqui
    Hi Jacqui,

    What I'd do as a niche Infoproduct Creator is find out of there are Infoproducts being sold in that niche. I do that by checking out clickbank, paydotcom and rapbank.

    I'd also check for physical books being sold online at amazon.

    If the results are positive then I'd look into this niche further.

    Also check to see if there any google adwords ads showing up in the google search engine. if there are then you already have an established market so you may have some backend potential for JVs and affiliate offers.

    Consider some offline research too. Why not pop down your local supermarket and check the magazines aisle. are there any magazines in your niche? If the answer is yes then your niche is definitely a niche accustomed to spending money which is the kind of niche you want.

    There's other stuff you can do but this is a good start for you.

    You mention reviews sites. well if the above research ticks the right boxes then heck why not? Why not create a wordpress blog, research and learn your niche, post fresh well-informed content and become an authority figure in your niche?

    Anyway ... nuff said ...

    Don't want to give you info-overload.

    Hope this helps a bit.


    P.S. Most importantly please don't sit on this idea and do nothing. Procrastination and Info Overload can be close friends if you let them. Do your research and if it yields positive results then take some massive action. Document each step you take to act as a reminder (consider screen shots too and save them as .JPGs - I love Digital Scrapbooks) and maybe for a future WSO. Anyhow this is P.S. far too long. Good Luck. See Ya.
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    • Profile picture of the author jacolden
      Thanks for the advice.

      I have been checking it out. It's definitely a buyers market and very, very targeted. There are products out there. It could potentially offer itself to an authority site.

      I guess I want to get the most out of it.

      I think I just can't believe that others haven't done something with it.

      I made a list of all the things I needed to check out about it and I don't feel it would be a waste of time as people are definitely buying. So I will make a start on it this weekend.

      Quite exciting really.

      Wish I could share it with you. :rolleyes:

      Thanks again Jacqui
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      • Profile picture of the author MagicAce
        Originally Posted by jacolden View Post

        Thanks for the advice.

        I have been checking it out. It's definitely a buyers market and very, very targeted. There are products out there. It could potentially offer itself to an authority site.

        I guess I want to get the most out of it.

        I think I just can't believe that others haven't done something with it.

        I made a list of all the things I needed to check out about it and I don't feel it would be a waste of time as people are definitely buying. So I will make a start on it this weekend.

        Quite exciting really.

        Wish I could share it with you. :rolleyes:

        Thanks again Jacqui
        I am very happy for you. I hope I will too find a hot niche. I hope you get the most out of it.
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      • Profile picture of the author GarryMSayer
        Originally Posted by jacolden View Post

        Thanks for the advice.

        I have been checking it out. It's definitely a buyers market and very, very targeted. There are products out there. It could potentially offer itself to an authority site.

        I guess I want to get the most out of it.

        I think I just can't believe that others haven't done something with it.
        Sometimes research can be great fun and incredibly rewarding!

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      • Profile picture of the author werner77
        Originally Posted by jacolden View Post

        Thanks for the advice.

        I think I just can't believe that others haven't done something with it.

        Hi Jacqui

        There are still a million other keywords/markets like that out there. You just need to practise to find them. Then when you have found a market/keyword follow Garry's advice. If you can see there is a good market. Start work on it ASAP.


        Good luck with the niche!! hope it works out well for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author activetrader
    It really depends on the niche and the keyword. Some keywords have excellent CPC for Adwords but at the same time do not have products you can sell. This includes legal and many medical terms.

    Other keywords are the opposite - very low CPC and available products you can sell - than you definitely want to build a product site AND promote it on adwords.


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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2256719].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author activetrader
      Originally Posted by Bill_Z View Post

      Tough to say...PM me the keyword and I'll have a look
      yeah, right....


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  • Profile picture of the author CJ.Online
    I'd do both! Haha, If there are no authorities, make yourself more than one authority, and whichever works out better for you, whether it's adsense or a review site, you can convert the other site once you know!
    Two teens made 129K IN 8 MONTHS, and now you can! I put together THE 7 DAY SECRET that shows you EXACTLY how they made their fortune. I'ts free and the system is solid! Check out THE 7 DAY SECRET.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2256736].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author airbusbarkley
      If the niche is that "open" take several approaches and compete with yourself. It will be a win-win. Make an authority site, a micro-site, PPC etc. whatever you have the skill set and funds to support. I would scale it though so you are not putting all of your eggs in one basket.

      Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vogin
    Don't think so small, try different approaches..
    Signature - PPC agency

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  • Profile picture of the author GarryMSayer
    Originally Posted by Richard Odell View Post

    Test it out on something like Squidoo and judge the response. In fact try it out on any of the free sites in different variations and when you hit the sweet spot, buy a domain related to the keyword and use all the free site to back-link.

    You then have no wasted effort and are using the proven route.

    Sound and proven advice but it sounds like Jacqui's found the 'sweet spot' already.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      I would make a list of the products being sold in this niche, and then look them all up one by one to see if there are affiliate programs for them. I would also then see what the bidding price is for adwords.

      If the bidding price for the word/words is really low, it may not be worth it to put adsense on the site as the clicks will pay you pennies and may distract from the actual sales you can make directly through the affiliate programs (which may have higher commissions).

      In the worst case scenario you can always slap on some adsense in the end if the products themselves do not convert.

      Is this a niche you can get to sign up for something? Like a discount coupon or a free report? If so you may want to consider setting it up to collect names early on. This way you can sell related items down the road.

      Good luck.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author wealthydon
    I will suggest you use your
    best of judgment to monetize
    your site for the keyword and/or

    You know revealing your keyword is
    like telling your password. You are at
    his mercy.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2258272].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jacolden
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

    I have been at work all night and in the quite moments, making lists. I may well do two or three different sites as I have found a couple of other keywords that aren't quite as good but have potential so I shall get it from all angles!

    Who knows this could be the one I can give up work for. Perhaps there's a bit of wishful thinking in there but I can hope.

    I have even found affiliate programs but most are independent and not with clickbank etc.

    I shall keep you all posted.

    Going away for my anniversary this weekend. I wonder what will get my attention more, my other half or my website!!
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  • Profile picture of the author sousen
    If you start keep in mind as REview site that case you can get two type of benifit product sell as well adsense profit but you need to post Good content
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricky Parker
    Originally Posted by jacolden View Post

    Hi I am looking for some advice please, if anyone can help me.

    I have found a niche keyword that has 47,700 searches a month and only 9000 competing pages. I have checked them out and none are authority sites. I can even get the .com.

    Obviously this is a good place to be and its a highly sought after area.

    Being new at this I don't know what kind of site would be the best approach.

    Do I do a review site of products and sell them?
    An adsense site?

    Or what?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Thanks Jacqui
    What is the keyword?

    From there we can see what would be the best approach to take with the site.

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  • Profile picture of the author matty-81
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    • Profile picture of the author Ricky Parker
      Originally Posted by matty-81 View Post

      If you really want to make the most of it, here's what you should do:

      1. Set up a squeeze page offering a free report related to the niche.
      2. Write articles and send all of your traffic to the squeeze.
      3. Use Squidoo, Hub, World Village, Bukisa, etc to drive traffic.
      4. Set up an autoresponder series and market a Clickbank product to your list.

      If you can get lots of organic search traffic to your squeeze, you'll have a goldmine on your hands.
      you should have sold this info as a WSO man.

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