WordPress Themes For A Membership Site

16 replies
I'm planning a membership site and wondering if a "specific" type of theme is best for it.

I plan on using wordpress as a CMS. That is I want to have a number of pages (as in a regular site) and also have a blog section.

Based on your experience is this the best way to set it up? Do you envision any problems with this type of setup? Any recommendation for WP themes (I have my eye on one at Theme Forest)?

While I have you here.... I've been looking at WP membership plug-ins and will probably go with Memberwing. Truthfully, I don't see much of a difference between it and other plug-ins but I'm open to suggestions based on your experience.

#membership #site #themes #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Any theme should work however I would use a popular theme as you dont want it to break when you do upgrades etc.

    You may like to look at s2member as it is free and used a lot. Very powerful.


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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
      Thanks Quentin,

      I didn't know that one was out there.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
    I'll give s2member a thumbs up. I just switched Video PLR Monthly over to use it.
    I like that you can sell multiple levels of membership and specific page access all at the same time from the members option pade. Like this:

    Membership Options Video PLR Monthly – Members Area

    This increased my revenues big time in only 36 hours.
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  • Profile picture of the author EthanDenney
    Hi Kevin,

    Regarding which type of theme to use for membership sites. I like to use themes for my membership sites that have a pages section, blog section and portfolio section.

    Having a theme that incorporates those 3 sections allows you to use different page and post styles, giving different areas of your membership site different looks.

    You can find lots of themes like these at themeforest.com

    Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author jacetang
    for the s2membership can be applied in any themes? I am using free themes but it seems like its not working, can anyone help?

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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    Funny, I just updated the Wordpress PPC Theme to use salespages (pages) in the front and a blog (posts) in the backend.

    Now I create squeeze pages/landing pages in the front with pages... but maintain a blog backend for content and video delivery in the membership site with posts.

    Works *beautifullly* for me. Check my sig.


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    • Profile picture of the author netkid
      I like and use the Inova theme. You can download it from the Wordpress site below:

      WordPress › iNove Free WordPress Themes
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      • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
        Originally Posted by netkid View Post

        I like and use the Inova theme. You can download it from the Wordpress site below:

        WordPress › iNove Free WordPress Themes
        That is a good theme for a membership site. Membership site themes should be plain. You already have the people there, so there is no need to be wowed with razzle and dazzle. They want your information. Give it to them without a song and dance.

        Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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        • Profile picture of the author netkid
          @Brian, that is why I always look out for the simple theme. No need to get complex with the designs. It costs way too much money and wastes too much time to maintain.

          One other advantage is that, the simpler the theme, the faster it loads too.

          Keep it simple "sam." (KISS)
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  • Profile picture of the author sparkingproducts
    I really like Headlines from Woothemes for content oriented membership sites.

    Is there a reason you aren't going with Wishlist Member? I am a certified Wishlist Member developer and firmly believe it is the best solution out there that connects into wordpress. Especially for the price.

    An example of a Wishlist Member membership site using headlines: WLM Insider|Premium Training, Resources and Community for Membeship Site Owners

    I hope this helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author sparkingproducts
    Also, if you ever decide to have someone help build your site, PM me and I most certainly can work with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author ADG
    Which is better for a membership site, s2member or wishlist member?
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  • Profile picture of the author sdalby
    Wishlist member but s2member also offer a great service too.
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  • Profile picture of the author tac88
    I like OptimizePress ! It has a ton of other helpful stuff inside.
    A Simple Formula For Online Success
    This is what's putting money in my pocket Right Now!

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  • Profile picture of the author zumamoney
    I like themeforest.com. Goodluck

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  • Profile picture of the author johnlagoudakis
    Theme forest (karma theme) is nice but lot's to configure before you use fully well the theme. For the membership I suggest you need to use wishlist member plugin since I have used it and everything is works for me.

    I hope this helps

    John Lagoudakis
    Need help getting more leads and sales? *** Click here to work with me ***
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