33 replies
Good day warriors!

First off, I would like to say that I'm very glad to be a new warrior!!

I was wondering if there is anyone out there in Warrior Forum that would be willing to mentor a newbie on making money online.

I am hoping I can find someone who has been mentored themselves in their early days and would be willing to help me.

As a return, I will mentor someone when I become successful at it.

Hopefully someone out there is willing to help me.

Thanks for reading and take care!
#mentor #newbie
  • Profile picture of the author groenke
    rty gary know as the gentle mentor it a free class on line but he also has one where you pay but5 not sure what it cost im doing the free one and its pretty good teell him duane sent you
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    • Profile picture of the author Jake Dennert
      Hey Prince2010,

      Just wanted to say real quick that you're definitely going to be successful in your online efforts.

      Can't say when, because it varies for everybody... but the fact that you openly came out and requested assistance from someone with more experience...

      That right there sets you apart from at least 90% of the people that try making money online.

      Most don't have the guts... and honesty to admit that they need some help getting start.

      Good for you!
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      • Profile picture of the author millionpro
        I am new here as well.

        Although I am in a way - a Veteran to forums.

        I have been playing around with affiliate products for over 4 years now and have not made a penny.

        Anyone willing to work with me & teach me what I am doing wrong or what I should be doing?

        Obviously I am doing everything wrong - or I am coming at this in the wrong direction.

        I have not given up, nor will I give up. I know that there is money to be made in this realm. I just keep plugging along & like many on here have said that as a newbie (I still consider myself a newbie since I have not made a penny) - we get frustrated and change directions.

        Please PM if any of you are willing to help.
        My initial goal is to hit $500 a month - starting out small.

        Most IM's that I do see - If they are not making 10's of thousand of dollars within a month or two, they simply quit.

        I currently have access to CB, Amazon and Linkshare
        Right now I have a few blogs - really just started these - I basically am starting out as a beginner. Ive had blogs in the past but never really did anything with them

        I am at your mercy.

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        • Profile picture of the author Lorraine2
          Hi Derek,

          Have you managed to find what you are looking for? I know when I started out last year I found it difficult to make any money doing Internet marketing, but wouldn't give up because obviously people are doing well at it. Well things have changed for me now as I was on a list for a marketer who has created an online mentor programme. i bought his programme and understood what I was doing wrong. One of them was my lack of focus. His programme is very easy to understand step by step instructions. As you have been doing it for 4 years you probably just need to understand how to make it work for you.

          I would be happy to let you have the details if you are interested


          Struggling to make money online? Step by Step system which takes you by the hand, and produces results. http://www.internetbusiness247.com

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      • Profile picture of the author Prince2010
        Originally Posted by Joemlatham View Post

        I like your style. I am always open to help you. What is it your stuck on? I can give you some solid advice. I work for 2 super affiliates. " Magic Bullet" ring a bell.

        PM me and we can talk. You are going to succeed I can tell the way you are thinking. Good stuff man!
        Hi there,

        Thanks for your reply! I'm trying to PM you but it won't allow me.

        Would email work for you?
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  • Profile picture of the author regska
    Originally Posted by Prince2010 View Post

    Good day warriors!

    First off, I would like to say that I'm very glad to be a new warrior!!

    I was wondering if there is anyone out there in Warrior Forum that would be willing to mentor a newbie on making money online.

    I am hoping I can find someone who has been mentored themselves in their early days and would be willing to help me.

    As a return, I will mentor someone when I become successful at it.

    Hopefully someone out there is willing to help me.

    Thanks for reading and take care!
    Hi Prince2010,

    I can feel that you will be a "KING" someday. Anyway, I really like your idea for seeking a mentor here. Most people prefer to do it on their own, where they can have someone help them instead and guide them to the path they want to go. Just tell us what niche are you in, and the subjects of your interests, and surely you will find someone here that can help you.

    If you want to learn how to build your list, I can help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by Prince2010 View Post

    As a return, I will mentor someone when I become successful at it.
    "Hey, Joe? I know this service of yours is expensive, and in demand, and took you a lot of time and effort to develop... but could you just donate that service for my benefit, and I'll pay someone else for it later?"

    "Well, Bob, that sounds tempting... but... okay, wait, it doesn't sound tempting at all. It sounds like you want me to give you something for free so you can learn how I do it and start a competing service."
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2299257].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author AFI
      Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

      "Hey, Joe? I know this service of yours is expensive, and in demand, and took you a lot of time and effort to develop... but could you just donate that service for my benefit, and I'll pay someone else for it later?"

      "Well, Bob, that sounds tempting... but... okay, wait, it doesn't sound tempting at all. It sounds like you want me to give you something for free so you can learn how I do it and start a competing service."
      Now that just made me laugh out loud.

      Learn about Internet Marketing from my dofollow comment blog.....Make Extra Money At Home...
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  • Profile picture of the author danielgb123
    Going through this thread, I am finding some responses quite... odd?

    Sure, it is great to that the OP has come out and openly asked for help; however making claims that he will be BIG in the industry because of this is wishful thinking in my opinion.

    No disrespect towards the OP, but being given methods and ways to make money doesn't show a person is going to make it big. It can however (not that I am saying this about the OP), show they are lazy and and just looking for someone to 'spoon feed' them their way to success.

    I may sound a little harsh but that's just my opinion and I'll probably cop some flack for it.

    I do like the pay it forward idea mentioned at the end of the OP's post, sounds a little different to the usual mentor post. Don't think it will work for obvious reasons such as saturation, but it's worth a shot!
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    • Profile picture of the author rajivkumar900
      100% agree with Daneil, we have to test things and find out what is working and what doesnt, this is the only real way to make your place and make them self stand alone from crowd. I learned in a hard way with doing lots of experiments..I am not a Guru but whateve i learned so far in IM word, you can approach me for further help.
      Originally Posted by danielgb123 View Post

      Going through this thread, I am finding some responses quite... odd?

      Sure, it is great to that the OP has come out and openly asked for help; however making claims that he will be BIG in the industry because of this is wishful thinking in my opinion.

      No disrespect towards the OP, but being given methods and ways to make money doesn't show a person is going to make it big. It can however (not that I am saying this about the OP), show they are lazy and and just looking for someone to 'spoon feed' them their way to success.

      I may sound a little harsh but that's just my opinion and I'll probably cop some flack for it.

      I do like the pay it forward idea mentioned at the end of the OP's post, sounds a little different to the usual mentor post. Don't think it will work for obvious reasons such as saturation, but it's worth a shot!

      Rajiv Kumar
      Skpe ID: ibmjango
      Email id : rajivkumar900@gmail.com

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  • Profile picture of the author manofpeace
    Hi Prince2010, I'm new too, especially in the internet marketing scene.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lorraine2
    Hi Prince,

    Any luck with finding a mentor? When I started in Internet marketing last year I found it to be a bit of a maze. I attended a lot of Internet Seminars and the maze became clearer. Where in the world are you based?


    Struggling to make money online? Step by Step system which takes you by the hand, and produces results. http://www.internetbusiness247.com

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  • Profile picture of the author vijay08
    I think this tread will allow some of us that has not learn how to make money online properly to examine ourselves and find out what is truly disturbing us from achieving our goals.

    Price2010, thanks for this.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2300059].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author psresearch
      Originally Posted by vijay08 View Post

      I think this tread will allow some of us that has not learn how to make money online properly to examine ourselves and find out what is truly disturbing us from achieving our goals.

      Price2010, thanks for this.
      Understood - but it would be a lot more helpful to the OP if they stated. "Here's what I'm doing to try to accomplish "X" - can anyone see what I might be doing wrong here?"
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      • Profile picture of the author FriendlyRob
        If you use this forum correctly, that is all the mentorship you should need.

        See What I'm up to Now The New Blog

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        • Profile picture of the author JWard
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          • Profile picture of the author Prince2010
            Originally Posted by JWard View Post

            Ok Prince2010... lets cut the congrats short and get right to what you asked for buddy...

            Here is a quick start guide I wish I had years ago when I got started.

            1) Learn the definition of Affiliate Marketing and sign up free to ClickBank.com. Choose a product to promote from there (one that pays you $25 or more in commission).

            2) Register a domain name similar to the product you want to promote.

            3) Create a one page minisite (go to nvu.com) with a brief but good review of the program you want to promote. Do a little research on tips for good copywriting for a website salesletter. Keep it simple and include your affiliate link to the clickbank product.

            4) Now that the creative part is done, you want to drive traffic to your site. Go to Leadimpact.com, a pay per click advertising network which is less expensive than Google Adwords and you can bid not only on keywords but also on entire url addresses. This will bring you good targeted traffic.

            To your success Prince2010,

            Thanks for the detailed info Jason!

            Much appreciated!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2301885].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jamespitt
              I can be your 'superstar mentor' just pm me.

              Get your totally free outsourcing guide here..

              Send me a PM if you want to hire top-calibre outsourced staff.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2398364].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Prince2010 View Post

    Good day warriors!

    First off, I would like to say that I'm very glad to be a new warrior!!

    I was wondering if there is anyone out there in Warrior Forum that would be willing to mentor a newbie on making money online.

    I am hoping I can find someone who has been mentored themselves in their early days and would be willing to help me.

    As a return, I will mentor someone when I become successful at it.

    Hopefully someone out there is willing to help me.

    Thanks for reading and take care!
    I might be a little biased but I like Affiliit.com as a mentoring program
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    • Profile picture of the author BlazingSwitch
      I have done mentoring and consulting work for a few years now. Including writing out some tutorials and step by step instructions on things.

      However, most of them are geared for the adult market place.

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  • Profile picture of the author eaglechick

    Although it is good to ask for help - maybe the right approach should be to first try and help yourself. Most warriors will recommend affillo blueprint by Mark Ling - there you will get all the support and mentorship you need. And yes I've used AB myself with success.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by Mr. Goof Off View Post

    online people seem to think that they cannot do mentoring free.
    It's not that we can't, it's that people don't understand the difference between value and cost. If cost = zero, then value = zero and they don't use or appreciate what you give them.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author Prince2010
    Hi everyone, I would like to say thanks for all of your replies to my question. I apologize if I offended anyone by asking for assitance. I really do put value on what you all have to offer and that's why I asked for assistance.

    I will spend more time online and in the forums and try to better understand making money online. The truth is that I have spent alot of time researching the different methods of earning an online income, however, because of the numerous techniques utilized, I'm not sure of which direction to proceed and really wanted to learn from people who are earning a decent income.

    Thanks again for your input and look forward to chatting with you all in the future!
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  • Profile picture of the author moonguy
    does anyone have a good experience in Leadimpact PPV here... i might need some help as a newbie..

    i just a week subscribe this PPV networks.. got 1000's hits.. still no sales..
    did anything going wrong here.. landing pages ?? wrong keywords ??
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  • Profile picture of the author neda30
    Hello everyone,

    Tell you the truth you are going to have more than one mentor in my opinion. I can't count how many people I have learned from because you have to think that one person doesn't know everything. I take a piece of info from each person and master it then I pass it on to someone else. I become the expert/leader. My suggestion is use this forum as a starting point. To name a few people which I'm sure some people will know them and some will not. Mike Dillard, David Wood, Cedrick Harris, Jeremy Schoemaker, John Chow, Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz, Joey Kissimmee, Ray Higdon, Larry Beacham

    Thats just a few of my mentors. Check them out and see what you can learn. I'm here to help as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author warriorkay
    It's not impossible to find someone to mentor you for
    free, but coaching is a different thing,

    It's important to present what skills/abilities you are
    bringing to the table so that a mentor will know what
    they can also get from and get WITH you,

    Kingged.com Coaching and Partnership Program
    Is The ONLY Coaching Program That Does 99% Of The Work
    So they EARN while they LEARN

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3147603].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author moonguy
      thanks.. i'll keep posting until i found my answers for all my questions....

      i'm so sorry if all you warrior found me keep posting the same question in other threads..

      i'll keep posting until i found my answers for all my questions...and i'm knowing of what i'm doing

      thanks again for the tips...cheers all
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  • Profile picture of the author jasons
    I can be your 'mentor' just pm me.

    Want to make money online dropshipping with instagram influencers. If so PM Me

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    • Profile picture of the author moonguy
      Originally Posted by jasons View Post

      I can be your 'mentor' just pm me.
      i just not enough quota to leave yo a PM.. so sorry
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  • Profile picture of the author Beatrice
    As a return, I will mentor someone when I become successful at it.

    ... Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no guarantee in IM....

    If you really want to acquire some skills, I suggest you do the Challenge (free online training) and also another short course (see my signature).
    FREE Video to Build Your Website:

    http://www. createmyownwebpage.net

    This Step-by-Step video guide will show you how to buil your website from scratch!(For FREE)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3148719].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jacked
      Originally Posted by Beatrice View Post

      ... Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no guarantee in IM....

      If you really want to acquire some skills, I suggest you do the Challenge (free online training) and also another short course (see my signature).
      ya this is true, but good luck OP


      Comments, Profiles, Pyramids, Bookmarks, Article Submissions, Web 2.0 Creation, & Much MORE
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3148729].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author moonguy
      Originally Posted by Beatrice View Post

      ... Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no guarantee in IM....

      If you really want to acquire some skills, I suggest you do the Challenge (free online training) and also another short course (see my signature).
      i'm agree with that.. it depends on HOW MUCH RISK WILL BE TAKEN ....

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      • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
        Congratulations on starting a career as an Internet Marketer. Be prepared for a wild and amazing ride.

        There are a lot of different “gurus” and “experts” out there who say that their way is the best. However, that is up to your discretion. I would advise you not to jump from expert to expert. Find one mentor or respected internet marketer and follow that person until you are either successful, knowledgeable enough to do it on your own, or it is clear that the method does not work.

        That being said, I remember looking for someone to help me when I was first starting and I stumbled upon a little blog written by one of the most underrated Marketers on the web today: Grizzly.

        The blog is created specifically for beginners such as you and will teach you how to make money online.

        You won’t have to pay for anything; it is a completely free resource:
        About Grizzly Bears Make Money Online - Make Money Online Guide
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