38 replies
... Reading an ebook to review on a site, but the problem is that I'm halfway through it (it's less than 60 pages) and it totally sucks. I can tell the writer is either outsourced, or that this was a rushed job- the only other alternative points to the person knowing this is a crappy product.

Anywho, I don't want to bash the product, but I need to be honest. How can I write about this book, when I barely can find a positive in it, especially when Ezines doesn't "allow bashing" :rolleyes:
#ebook #sucks
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295438].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kaitlyn Aliano
      Originally Posted by KenStrong View Post

      Why do you HAVE to review it? Is this a paid assignment?
      I'm wondering the same. If the eBook isn't worth your time, why continue reading it? Do you HAVE to post a review on EZA?
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  • Profile picture of the author Monika Mundell
    Originally Posted by RaquelleMVP View Post

    ... Reading an ebook to review on a site, but the problem is that I'm halfway through it (it's less than 60 pages) and it totally sucks. I can tell the writer is either outsourced, or that this was a rushed job- the only other alternative points to the person knowing this is a crappy product.

    Anywho, I don't want to bash the product, but I need to be honest. How can I write about this book, when I barely can find a positive in it, especially when Ezines doesn't "allow bashing" :rolleyes:
    How about giving an honest (bash-free) review? There is much you can do with subtlety to drive the point home without being brash, or overly critical.

    If the eBook is so bad that even a subtle review won't do, you might just have to move on to the next project.

    Good luck
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295451].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Winlin
      Originally Posted by Monika Mundell View Post

      How about giving an honest (bash-free) review? There is much you can do with subtlety to drive the point home without being brash, or overly critical.

      If the eBook is so bad that even a subtle review won't do, you might just have to move on to the next project.

      Good luck
      Yes ... bashing is actually against the protocol at Warrior Forum. Good solid reviews on the other hand are considered good stuff...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295459].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
      Originally Posted by Monika Mundell View Post

      How about giving an honest (bash-free) review? There is much you can do with subtlety to drive the point home without being brash, or overly critical.

      If the eBook is so bad that even a subtle review won't do, you might just have to move on to the next project.

      Good luck

      All you need when reviewing products is honesty. The more open and honest you are with your reviews, the more that your niche will respect your opinions..

      Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author RaquelleMVP
    I review products before I "endorse" them on my site. It's not that I "have" to but I choose to and I feel that it's always nice to build honest credibility by sharing whether or not the product is worth the purchase. I dislike the idea of promoting a digital product that I know very little about, especially when my niche is in a particularly sensitive area relating to health.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295462].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kaitlyn Aliano
      Originally Posted by RaquelleMVP View Post

      I review products before I "endorse" them on my site. It's not that I "have" to but I choose to and I feel that it's always nice to build honest credibility by sharing whether or not the product is worth the purchase. I dislike the idea of promoting a digital product that I know very little about, especially when my niche is in a particularly sensitive area relating to health.
      If the product is awful, why would you endorse it on your site? That goes against the honest credibility that you are attempting to build. And then, if you don't plan to endorse it on your site, there is no need to write a review. Thus, no need to continue reading. Am I right?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295475].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RaquelleMVP
    I understand bashing isn't a good thing to do. I'm looking for tips on being honest that would be considered just that - honest - and not bashing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295463].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      As you can't "endorse" this product - why write about it at all?

      On the other hand - a review that isn't a "rah rah" review adds credibility to a site sometimes. Try to think of "someone" who might be able to use this info or try to bash it in a gentle way. "I can't recommend this" is so much more professional than "this ebook sucks"....;-)
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295474].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RaquelleMVP
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        As you can't "endorse" this product - why write about it at all?

        On the other hand - a review that isn't a "rah rah" review adds credibility to a site sometimes. Try to think of "someone" who might be able to use this info or try to bash it in a gentle way. "I can't recommend this" is so much more professional than "this ebook sucks"....;-)

        My site is highly niched, so the products available are limited. I choose to write about it, because good or bad, I want to at least give people who are spending lots of money on these products to know whether or not the product may be for them. If I make a sale or not isn't important if ethically speaking, the material isn't worth it. I also have a natural interest and passion in the niche, so it does matter to me what my readers and people who visit the site will say.

        Thus said, like you stated, this would be for the credibility. I'm not looking to destroy the company's name, I just want to find a way to make an unfavorable review appear honest without looking overtly negative. I didn't like another product I reviewed, but I was able to find the positives and spin it, which has resulted in a sale. However, a $40 product with bad spelling and no coherency? It's highly difficult to find a high point in it. Lol
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295487].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
          Originally Posted by RaquelleMVP View Post

          Thus said, like you stated, this would be for the credibility. I'm not looking to destroy the company's name, I just want to find a way to make an unfavorable review appear honest without looking overtly negative. I didn't like another product I reviewed, but I was able to find the positives and spin it, which has resulted in a sale. However, a $40 product with bad spelling and no coherency? It's highly difficult to find a high point in it. Lol
          Actually, if you don't already know how to write an honest review, you probably shouldn't be writing reviews at all.

          To be clear, you are not allowed to bash the product here on the WF, but if you want to write an honest review on your own site, muster up some honesty and write it.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296340].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author KenJ
          Originally Posted by RaquelleMVP View Post

          My site is highly niched, so the products available are limited. I choose to write about it, because good or bad, I want to at least give people who are spending lots of money on these products to know whether or not the product may be for them. If I make a sale or not isn't important if ethically speaking, the material isn't worth it. I also have a natural interest and passion in the niche, so it does matter to me what my readers and people who visit the site will say.

          Thus said, like you stated, this would be for the credibility. I'm not looking to destroy the company's name, I just want to find a way to make an unfavorable review appear honest without looking overtly negative. I didn't like another product I reviewed, but I was able to find the positives and spin it, which has resulted in a sale. However, a $40 product with bad spelling and no coherency? It's highly difficult to find a high point in it. Lol
          Why don't you produce your own product in your niche.
          You seem to have a strong grasp of the information needed.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296361].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Monika Mundell
      Originally Posted by RaquelleMVP View Post

      I understand bashing isn't a good thing to do. I'm looking for tips on being honest that would be considered just that - honest - and not bashing.
      With all due respect Raquelle, honesty is not something you can learn from a tip. You either have it, or you don't.

      What you probably meant to say is how you could review something so bad without losing credibility. If that's the case, please follow my earlier advice. You could review the eBook with a pro vs con type of approach, and then sign off stating the obvious.

      Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Malik.A
    most stuff online these days is utter and complete junk. just got to deal with the junk by getting a refund and placing it in its rightful place, the recycle bin
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Tell people why you don't like it.

    Explain that it is your opinion.

    Be fair. Be honest.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295486].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Online Bliss
    I would just move on,
    Many e-books were sold for pennies years ago on ebay
    and if they were distributed with Private Label Rights
    a fancy cover and a new title may make it look new but
    it could be old trash.

    Maybe you could find one with a similar subject that you actually like,
    then review it and state that this new book is the only jewel
    amongst a pile of garbage.
    You've got it Made
    with the Guy in the Shades!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295491].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
      Originally Posted by Online Bliss View Post

      I would just move on,
      Many e-books were sold for pennies years ago on ebay
      and if they were distributed with Private Label Rights
      a fancy cover and a new title may make it look new but
      it could be old trash.

      Maybe you could find one with a similar subject that you actually like,
      then review it and state that this new book is the only jewel
      amongst a pile of garbage.
      I thought of that, too, but then I figured Raquelle has already invested time in reading it...so why not review it?

      The return on the investment will be a review that not only increases credibility, but offers a writing challenge that will improve her overall skill.

      All the best,

      "Ich bin en fuego!"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295505].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    "While I wasn't able to find anything of value due to the constant deciphering of the poor spelling and grammar, I suppose it is possible that some people may get something out of it. If you want to check it out, be my guest, but don't say I didn't warn you."

    Just a thought.


    "Ich bin en fuego!"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295495].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RaquelleMVP
    Please replace "endorse" with review. It's about discussing a highly searched product that only has "this book is great" search results because the sales copy is pasted on different sites with different links. If I don't agree, I won't endorse it but I'm going to review it and discuss it regardless. The fact that I struggle to find a positive aspect to discuss is more my issue.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295497].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RaquelleMVP
      Originally Posted by Online Bliss View Post

      I would just move on,
      Many e-books were sold for pennies years ago on ebay
      and if they were distributed with Private Label Rights
      a fancy cover and a new title may make it look new but
      it could be old trash.

      Maybe you could find one with a similar subject that you actually like,
      then review it and state that this new book is the only jewel
      amongst a pile of garbage.
      OB, that's a good idea. Like another poster said, I'll work on developing pros and cons and discussing it that way, but your idea is also helpful. Thanks.

      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      "While I wasn't able to find anything of value due to the constant deciphering of the poor spelling and grammar, I suppose it is possible that some people may get something out of it. If you want to check it out, be my guest, but don't say I didn't warn you."

      Just a thought.

      Michael I like that a lot. I think I'll definitely use those lines. Thank you so much.

      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      Tell people why you don't like it.

      Explain that it is your opinion.

      Be fair. Be honest.

      All the best,
      Lol, I will, and I'm not going to lie. Thanks.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295508].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Seattle Mike
    Just give the details.


    My Take:
    I gave this book a good look. If you are interested in this subject, you would get a lot more out of this "other product". It goes into a lot more depth and is much easier to read and learn from.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295568].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
    Originally Posted by RaquelleMVP View Post

    ... Reading an ebook to review on a site, but the problem is that I'm halfway through it (it's less than 60 pages) and it totally sucks. I can tell the writer is either outsourced, or that this was a rushed job- the only other alternative points to the person knowing this is a crappy product.

    Anywho, I don't want to bash the product, but I need to be honest. How can I write about this book, when I barely can find a positive in it, especially when Ezines doesn't "allow bashing" :rolleyes:
    You do know ezines has no control over what you bash on your own site, don't you?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295587].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TCrosby
    Either don't "endorse", review, or show it on your site


    Give it a negative, but respectful, review, saying you do NOT recommend it. By giving this kind of review, it adds more credibility to future positive reviews of other products, because it shows that you do not just endorse anything.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2295693].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    Screw that, don't try to sugar coat things. Be honest. To many people are afraid to step on toes, which I understand to an extent...But me personally if I'm reviewing a product on MY website for MY readers I'm going to do my readers right and tell them the truth...

    1. I want my readers to know that I really do care about them, this helps our relationship...

    2. Taking the opposing view can be a good thing, don't be a blind sheep...

    3. Offer to re-review the product when the creator fixes it up...maybe that will motivate them not to produce crap...

    Much love,
    Daniel D.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296356].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    Originally Posted by RaquelleMVP View Post

    ... Reading an ebook to review on a site, but the problem is that I'm halfway through it (it's less than 60 pages) and it totally sucks. I can tell the writer is either outsourced, or that this was a rushed job- the only other alternative points to the person knowing this is a crappy product.

    Anywho, I don't want to bash the product, but I need to be honest. How can I write about this book, when I barely can find a positive in it, especially when Ezines doesn't "allow bashing" :rolleyes:
    ....I'm not entirely sure what "totally sucks" means....does that mean that their is absolutely no hope for the eBook, and that the product/concept should be completely scrapped, while a new one should be pursued? Even if it was outsourced, does the writer have a funadmantel basis that could be worked with and built upon?

    How abou their table of contents, at least? Honestly, the degree of 'effort' should/may be palpable....and, everything is relative though....the person could have worked their tail off writing their first eBook, but they may have a horrible mastery of English or how to effectively organize their thoughts....

    I tend to give people the doubt, by providing constructive criticism that they can really take back to their product, and help guide it along to becoming a better product. Sometimes, people just don't understand how VALUABLE that information is...be honest, but don't be mean....give the writers some tangible pointers and advice that they can apply to making their eBook better. If their TOC of was good, at least highlight that, and they can build on that.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296453].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
      Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

      ....I'm not entirely sure what "totally sucks" means....does that mean that their is absolutely no hope for the eBook, and that the product/concept should be completely scrapped, while a new one should be pursued? Even if it was outsourced, does the writer have a funadmantel basis that could be worked with and built upon?

      How abou their table of contents, at least? Honestly, the degree of 'effort' should/may be palpable....and, everything is relative though....the person could have worked their tail off writing their first eBook, but they may have a horrible mastery of English or how to effectively organize their thoughts....

      I tend to give people the doubt, by providing constructive criticism that they can really take back to their product, and help guide it along to becoming a better product. Sometimes, people just don't understand how VALUABLE that information is...be honest, but don't be mean....give the writers some tangible pointers and advice that they can apply to making their eBook better. If their TOC of was good, at least highlight that, and they can build on that.
      This is a good point...For me personally I still wouldn't sugar coat things but it's really important that if you're going to dig at someones product you definitely want to try and point out solutions or ways they can improve the product, this way your criticism is at least constructive.

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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296537].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author CPA
    Do you really have to review this, like being forced to and stuff? If you do, be honest but don't totally bash everything in it. If not, simply don't review it man.

    Edit: I didn't really notice but you reviewed it already in your title.
    Article writing services still available!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296547].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
      I do think the eBook writer SHOULD be given the benefit of the doubt....like I said, they MAY have outsourced it for very cheap production, however, how do you know? Assuming that would be jumping to conclusions....the writer could very well have alot of great ideas, yet, be from another country where English isn't his/her native language....

      Rather than say that a product "sucks"...personally, I would ALWAYS err towards providing at least some constructive feedback so that the writer can go back to the drawing board and make their product better. I'm a bit of a 'glass-half-full' (optimist) type guy, so, I'd like to think that, even the worst product, has some gems that could reinforced and built upon, EVEN if they have to strip their product down to a few highlights on their TOC....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296552].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
        Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

        I do think the eBook writer SHOULD be given the benefit of the doubt....
        I agree that they should be given the benefit of the doubt as you read it, but if the eBook is bad enough, then that benefit is gone.

        like I said, they MAY have outsourced it for very cheap production, however, how do you know?
        And why should you care? That's not the reader's problem, it's the seller's responsibility.

        Assuming that would be jumping to conclusions....the writer could very well have alot of great ideas, yet, be from another country where English isn't his/her native language....
        Which would just be a different conclusion being jumped to. So, the only thing you can base your conclusion on is the written words you have in front of you. Even if it's a problem of a language barrier, then the product creator should hire a proofreader in the target language (whatever it is) to make sure the intended audience can make sense of it.

        Rather than say that a product "sucks"...personally, I would ALWAYS err towards providing at least some constructive feedback so that the writer can go back to the drawing board and make their product better.
        I would agree if it was the author asking for a review, but this is a product that Raquelle purchased with the intention of reviewing it on her site. In this case, feedback would be for the benefit of the author, and the review for the benefit of her readers and potential readers.

        Furthermore, you do not have to say it "sucks", but you can point out why it isn't any good. It happens all the time with movies, music and "real" books, so why not an eBook? If it warrants a bad review, it warrants a bad review. It's not Raquelle's fault it sucks, BUT it WOULD be her fault if she misled her readers.

        I'm a bit of a 'glass-half-full' (optimist) type guy, so, I'd like to think that, even the worst product, has some gems that could reinforced and built upon, EVEN if they have to strip their product down to a few highlights on their TOC....
        But, being an optimist doesn't mean you have to sugar-coat things and never point out anything bad or shun constructive criticism. Sometimes the best thing you can do for somebody is let them know how much improvement they need. Otherwise they keep doing what they're doing.

        Also, if you think about it, if all you said was "The best part of this eBook was that the table of contents was clickable and formatted nicely." That would be quite a devastating review.

        Now, I am NOT claiming to be perfect, and I'm NOT asking anybody else to be perfect. Not at all. But if the eBook is filled with good ideas that can't be figured out because of super sloppy writing, then it's as if those good ideas aren't really there.

        I haven't seen the eBook in question, and maybe it's not as bad as she says, or maybe it is, BUT that doesn't matter either. Why? Because it's Raquelle's reputation that's on the line with EVERY review she writes. Her readers (I assume) trust her, they know her - and by writing some falsely positive review, she would be letting them down.

        Again, give the author the benefit of the doubt. No problem. But remember that such a benefit can be unearned, if that makes sense?

        All the best,

        "Ich bin en fuego!"
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296694].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author WritingMadwoman

          If like you said there are limited products in this niche, I would definitely review the book simply because a lot of people might be tempted to buy it and be disappointed with it.

          Personally, I think I would approach it like this. I would start off by saying that I'm going to try to be constructive with my criticism, and I would list the things I didn't like about the book - poorly written, unclear terminology, inaccurate information, bad advice, dangerous advice (if applicable) -- then, I'd try HARD to find ANYTHING positive that I could say about it. Like, "Overall, while I found this book quite painful to read, I did notice that the author shared some pretty decent tips that I know from experience are effective..." "I did like how the book was laid out - it flowed pretty well from chapter to chapter..." "There was one exercise that I found very creative and helpful..."

          Anything positive at all that I could think of, I'd add it - simply because you aren't trying to purposely bash it and want to provide a balanced review as much as possible. (And if there truly aren't ANY positive comments you can make, say so.)

          Then at the last part of the review I'd sum up whether I think the book is worth the money or not. You could also say something like, "Personally, I don't think this book is worth the money for most readers - unless you are very new to ________ because the information is quite basic." (If there is a group of people who would benefit from it, mention that, etc.)

          Hope that helps - I think it's very possible to be kind while also getting the point across that you just wasted an hour of your time reading a worthless book.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sparhawke
    I have absolutely no problem telling the truth, if something is crap, full of spelling and grammar mistakes, full of inconsistencies and is obvious that the writer does not have a clue what he or she is writing about then I will tell that as it is if asked for a review.

    Telling people that they should only even focus on the positives when there plainly aren't any is wrong, and is the whole reason why people can keep getting away with crap products, if no one is allowed to tell anyone about them.

    Lets face the facts here, if someone is paying someone for a review of their product they are never going to put a bad one on their front cover, and they are never going to put an honest one there either so if someone asks then tell the truth, just do not go out of your way to do it.

    I was asked to beta test something here a while back, 3 months later and still the same mistakes are there...

    Am I supposed to tell people that it is a wonderful product when they do not even care about sorting out glaring obvious errors that would take 2 seconds to fix?
    “Thinking is easy, Acting is difficult
    And to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world ~ Goethe”
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296626].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
      Originally Posted by Sparhawke View Post

      I have absolutely no problem telling the truth, if something is crap, full of spelling and grammar mistakes, full of inconsistencies and is obvious that the writer does not have a clue what he or she is writing about then I will tell that as it is if asked for a review.

      Telling people that they should only even focus on the positives when there plainly aren't any is wrong, and is the whole reason why people can keep getting away with crap products, if no one is allowed to tell anyone about them.

      Lets face the facts here, if someone is paying someone for a review of their product they are never going to put a bad one on their front cover, and they are never going to put an honest one there either so if someone asks then tell the truth, just do not go out of your way to do it.

      I was asked to beta test something here a while back, 3 months later and still the same mistakes are there...

      Am I supposed to tell people that it is a wonderful product when they do not even care about sorting out glaring obvious errors that would take 2 seconds to fix?

      "Telling people that they should only even focus on the positives when there plainly aren't any is wrong, and is the whole reason why people can keep getting away with crap products, if no one is allowed to tell anyone about them."

      I guess it's up to you to determine your approach to this. I'm not saying that you should ONLY focus on positives, but you truly believe that even some not-so-good products don't have areas that are at least somewhat positive and could be built upon?

      ....You can tell if someone is making a real genuine effort, and I think a review should reflect that. Perhaps, I have a wrong perception of the entire industry, but I'd like to think that people at least tried to create a decent product....especially if they approached me about doing a review.

      Yes, I do like to give people the benefit of the doubt....Of course, no horrible experiences have tarnished my viewpoint quite yet, although, I am well aware that the info product industry is filled with some absolute garbage. I'll treat everything on a case-by-case basis, but, being the positive guy that I typically am, if I can see that someone is make a real genuine effort, I'd be more inclined to give a review that is HELPFUL and constructive to them....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296680].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Sparhawke
        Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

        "Telling people that they should only even focus on the positives when there plainly aren't any is wrong, and is the whole reason why people can keep getting away with crap products, if no one is allowed to tell anyone about them."

        I guess it's up to you to determine your approach to this. I'm not saying that you should ONLY focus on positives, but you truly believe that even some not-so-good products don't have areas that are at least somewhat positive and could be built upon?

        ....You can tell if someone is making a real genuine effort, and I think a review should reflect that. Perhaps, I have a wrong perception of the entire industry, but I'd like to think that people at least tried to create a decent product....especially if they approached me about doing a review.

        Yes, I do like to give people the benefit of the doubt....Of course, no horrible experiences have tarnished my viewpoint quite yet, although, I am well aware that the info product industry is filled with some absolute garbage. I'll treat everything on a case-by-case basis, but, being the positive guy that I typically am, if I can see that someone is make a real genuine effort, I'd be more inclined to give a review that is HELPFUL and constructive to them....
        I am usually very forgiving too when it comes to grammar and spelling, as well as the occasional thing that does not make sense the first time I read something, but when someone is expecting to release a product at whatever price they are and are simply looking for a review of their "finished" effort then the gloves must come off.

        Once they ask for a review then they have stated that it is ready, I find the occasional spelling mistake in professional writers novels sometimes and can generally ignore it, but if I am finding them every second paragraph I will start to wonder why I wasted my money.

        Someone who asks for a proofread a month or two before a release is serious, people who ask for reviews when it is plain as day they will only choose those that show themselves in a good light (as opposed to honest reviews) can go find the nearest window as far as I am concerned :p

        Can honest reviews on products really exist though if the publisher has absolute control of what goes there?
        “Thinking is easy, Acting is difficult
        And to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world ~ Goethe”
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  • Profile picture of the author Mini Michael
    Originally Posted by RaquelleMVP View Post

    ... Reading an ebook to review on a site, but the problem is that I'm halfway through it (it's less than 60 pages) and it totally sucks. I can tell the writer is either outsourced, or that this was a rushed job- the only other alternative points to the person knowing this is a crappy product.

    Anywho, I don't want to bash the product, but I need to be honest. How can I write about this book, when I barely can find a positive in it, especially when Ezines doesn't "allow bashing" :rolleyes:

    Winstan Churchill, once said:

    Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.

    Write a honest review and feel good that you may save some other sucker from wasting their money.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2296643].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    Being honest will not convert anything in this case...pick another product, one you are truly enthusiastic about...
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    • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
      Originally Posted by thebitbotdotcom View Post

      Being honest will not convert anything in this case...pick another product, one you are truly enthusiastic about...
      Being honest might not convert right now, but it will display to your niche that you are fully prepared to review with honesty...

      And that will convert later, trust me.

      Bare Murkage.........

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      • Profile picture of the author RaquelleMVP
        Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

        Being honest might not convert right now, but it will display to your niche that you are fully prepared to review with honesty...

        And that will convert later, trust me.

        Thank you! And THAT, JayX, is exactly why I want to review this product.
        This niche has 2 ebooks... 2. The first ebook wasn't great, and I reviewed it with honesty and have done okay. This second one had good intentions and really bad delivery. The table of contents doesn't exist, the images are favorable, and the syntax is off. I can tell it was more than likely outsourced. The person also is targeting too many audiences but not giving the exact information needed.

        I CAN write whatever I want on my site, and it's not about wasting money. I'd rather know that I back a product and know how the product is and how it performs before I put it on the site and say "Hey buy this!"

        To me it's about being honest. I can write:

        "This book is @#%#@$%^ stupid!" or I can write, "This book personally isn't the best source of information and here's how/why"... I can only find - after sleeping on it - a positive aspect in the fact the concept of the book means well, but that's about it. The information should be rewritten - especially at it's price - by someone with a better eye for how to organize points and arguments.

        I'm going to write the review, but I am just BLOWN away by how poorly people look over their products before they sell them to the public.

        Thanks to all of you who truly understood where I was coming from and responded.
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