How to open a US bank account as a non-resident?- Agents any expereince?

16 replies
Does any one have any expereince working with any agent who help USA non residents, non USA citizens,open a Bank account in the USA, for eg (google search)
How to Open US Bank Account for Non Residents USA United States

I have read other threads & know about going direct to the top ranked us banks - Citibank & Hsbc offering offshore USA accounts but at huge deposits of 10000$ to 25000$.

Agents above refer to small to medium banks who don't charge, any experience with agents ( identity thief's & scammers abound on the net)or any one who is banking with these smaller to medium banks who are ready to open accounts without the individual having to come to USA. (KYC -know your customer norms can also be fulfilled by validating with local US embassy here in my country or even correspondent bank here in my country.)

#account #agents #bank #expereince #nonresident #open
  • Profile picture of the author Edk
    Tony Shepherd who is on this forum once had a product along these lines. Send him a PM
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  • I opened an account with Citibank Las Vegas by going to a Citibank branch in my local city, confirming all my paper work with them, and have them fax the "OK" to my contact person at Citibank Las Vegas.

    It was a little bit of a pain, but it worked.
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    • Profile picture of the author gautam42
      AA- What was the deposit that citibank required from You. Their website mentions 25000$ minimum deposit for offshore accounts or they will charge you monthly maintainence .
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    There is an easy method. I have a USA virtual bank account which support to withdraw funds from paypal and any CPA network who supports ACH. Payoneer give a virtual account if we have at least 3 payments from the vendor. They have a very cheap service charge $20/year.

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    • Profile picture of the author gautam42
      lots of complaints against payoneer on google search under payoneer scam.
      I want to work with a bank which insures my money under FDIA for $100,000.
      I am looking for a solid long term business solution.

      Thx for the insight.
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    • Profile picture of the author tamalanwar
      Originally Posted by blog8491 View Post

      There is an easy method. I have a USA virtual bank account which support to withdraw funds from paypal and any CPA network who supports ACH. Payoneer give a virtual account if we have at least 3 payments from the vendor. They have a very cheap service charge $20/year.
      If you need a bank account in USA to accept/ send ACH payments and you are not living in the USA, then Payoneer is a good solution.

      To apply for this, you don't even have to deposit 10,000s of dollars. Because it is a virtual account and works like a real account.

      Go to any payoneer partner site and apply for a car (odesk) when you get the card you will need at least 3 loads to be able to apply for the US account. Then you apply here: feedback [at] and hopefully you will have an account at the cost of $20/ year + 1% of total transfers.
      Tamal Anwar C.
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  • There are plenty of absurd complains that Payoneer or Paypal are scams. Too many stupid people out there posting stupid comments on the net. They are both multi-million companies.

    Payoneer is an excellent (alas expensive) way for using a virtual US account abroad.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2299804].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      There are plenty of absurd complains that Payoneer or Paypal are scams. Too many stupid people out there posting stupid comments on the net. They are both multi-million companies.

      Payoneer is an excellent (alas expensive) way for using a virtual US account abroad.
      Well said! Still I get the full service from Payoneer. In everywhere we see some people talk about the bad side for anything.

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  • Profile picture of the author hamlak
    There is a solution that I know which is a great substitute for anyone looking for a US bank account as a non resident - the best you can get as far as solving your need for a US bank account as non resident.

    In fact I provide the service and you can contact me. Want to assist as a member of this great forum.

    By the way, this is no Payoneer.

    Learn How to Invest in Gold Now! Free Gold Kit for You.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2394828].message }}
  • Incorporate in Delaware (real cheap to setup) and have a friend who is a US resident be a Director for a week and have him set up the bank account for the corporation. Then remove him as a Director and replace him with yourself. Done!

    Sig removed, pending resolution of a WSO question

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  • Profile picture of the author MarkAse
    No good solutions from me, but given I have family living outside the country I can attest to the difficulty opening accounts in any country you don't actually live in.

    I do wonder if you're planning on storing anything close to 100k, if a trip for a couple of days to the states would be worth the time and effort. Not sure if they require residency papers, or just proof of who you are (like a passport).

    My current project, the Uncorked Ventures Wine Club. More coming soon, here.

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    • Profile picture of the author A Bary
      First, don't pay anyone who posts here telling you that he has something to offer...

      eTrade is a great option, you need something like $1000 as an initial deposit, and it works fine with PayPal, ClickBank and you get a debit card you can use anywhere in the world...

      DON'T BUY ANY REPORT OR GUIDE regarding etrade accounts, you don't need this, forms are available for free, just contact them and they will help you....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2395897].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
        Originally Posted by A Bary View Post

        First, don't pay anyone who posts here telling you that he has something to offer...

        eTrade is a great option, you need something like $1000 as an initial deposit, and it works fine with PayPal, ClickBank and you get a debit card you can use anywhere in the world...

        DON'T BUY ANY REPORT OR GUIDE regarding etrade accounts, you don't need this, forms are available for free, just contact them and they will help you....
        I thought etrade as out dated one. Most of people abused that one and now we have a difficulty to get that USA bank account.
        Still Payoneer USA account is the best solution even it's a virtual one.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tony Dean
    Agents for setting up Delaware corporations do what you require. It cost a lot but the only way if you don't 'front' the bank yourself. An agency employee acts as 'nominee director' in your corporation, they 'front' the bank with their own i.d. and set up the account for you. After a couple of weeks they 'front' the bank again and put you as a director of the company with photocopied i.d. from you and send you the 'signature card' for you to sign and send back. You are then a co-signatory to the corporation bank account. After about four weeks the nominee director goes to the bank and takes his name off the corporation as director just leaving you the sole signatory.


    You now have a bank account in the USA. Cost from $5,000 to $15,000

    Just lookup Delaware incorporation agents in Google.

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  • Profile picture of the author hamlak
    Originally Posted by gautam42 View Post

    Does any one have any expereince working with any agent who help USA non residents, non USA citizens,open a Bank account in the USA, for eg (google search)
    How to Open US Bank Account for Non Residents USA United States

    I have read other threads & know about going direct to the top ranked us banks - Citibank & Hsbc offering offshore USA accounts but at huge deposits of 10000$ to 25000$.

    Agents above refer to small to medium banks who don't charge, any experience with agents ( identity thief's & scammers abound on the net)or any one who is banking with these smaller to medium banks who are ready to open accounts without the individual having to come to USA. (KYC -know your customer norms can also be fulfilled by validating with local US embassy here in my country or even correspondent bank here in my country.)

    I can assist. Get in touch with me.


    Learn How to Invest in Gold Now! Free Gold Kit for You.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I once had a US bank account and I live in australia.

    OMG they wanted my first born and blood in a vial to set that bad boy up. If I had my time again I would not do it. But As I have finished reading this thread, there seems like some good value for money and some good ideas to do it safely.
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