Managing multiple social media accounts

by veeco
10 replies
Hello, currently i have couple of social media account.. i would like to have reference which apps that recommended to manage multiple social media account/profile ?

i googled and found couple of such apps like mediafunnel, buzzom, etc.. does this kind of service can be trusted ? because i will provide them the username and password of my social media...

please share your experience...
#accounts #managing #media #multiple #social
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  • Profile picture of the author veeco
    going to check it out now... i don't find their pricing page.. is it free ?

    i work on web consultant and creative agency in indonesia..

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  • Profile picture of the author SteveHunter
    I'm not paying any money for it.

    as per there FAQ's HootSuite can handle multiple Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Page, LinkedIn, MySpace, and Foursquare social profiles. Currently, there is no limit on how many profiles you can manage through HootSuite.
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  • Profile picture of the author JonAlfredsson
    Hootsuite is for free and it would be your big advantage to use it to manage your social media accounts.
    If you are willing to spend some money you can outsource this task or go to fiverr instead. There are people who would do anything for you for $5 only.
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    • Profile picture of the author SledgeHammer
      Originally Posted by JonAlfredsson View Post

      Hootsuite is for free and it would be your big advantage to use it to manage your social media accounts.
      If you are willing to spend some money you can outsource this task or go to fiverr instead. There are people who would do anything for you for $5 only.
      But how can we make sure that the folks at fiverr will do it truthfully ?
      Mithun on the Web
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  • Profile picture of the author Danielle Zack
    I also highly recomment hootsuite. It's free and an extremely helpful tool. There's a lot of stuff you can do with it. Definitely check it out if you haven't yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author veeco
    Thanks for great info !

    i work on web consultant and creative agency in indonesia..

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  • Profile picture of the author veeco
    Hello Guys, last month hootsuite decide to charge.. their pricing tag is quite expensive.. do you find any alternatives for hootsuite yet ?

    i work on web consultant and creative agency in indonesia..

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  • Profile picture of the author Devon Brown
    Tweetdeck is free and also manages multiple accounts. It's pretty easy to post on all of them too, with a click of a button. It also ties in FB, Linkedin, etc..
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