Your Mailing List Will Make or Break You - Handle With Care and Use These Tactics

12 replies
Handling your list is like handling an egg. If you
jerk it around too much, it will crack. I started
this thread so that we can discuss ways of keeping
egg off of your face. I'll get things rolling
and I hope that you will chime in with your two

Why did people join your list?

People joined your mailing list because they liked
what you had to offer or they just plain liked you.

Maybe you had a snazzy pitch page or maybe they heard
that you had a good reputation. It doesn't matter why
they joined your list, all that matters is that they
stay on your list.

So, how do you keep them on your list?

The best way to keep a person on your mailing list
is to give them value with every email. When they open
an email from you, they are not going to remember why
they joined your list, but they sure will remember
that there is an unsubscribe button at the bottom
of that email. They are gong to judge you on
what they are seeing at that very moment.

Your mailing list has a "what have you done for me
lately" attitude, so every email should "do something
for them".

Don't get egg on your face by sending out crap

A lot of IMers are quick to take a JV offer from anybody
willing to do a swap with them. They simply copy and
paste the ad copy that the JV partner sends without
ever bothering to check out what they are sending to
their list.

Don't get egg on your face by being greedy

If every mailing to your list is a link to some
affiliate program that you are a part of, they will
quickly recognize that and opt out quicker than my
senior prom date slipped out of her dress after prom.

Give your list some value by sending out tips and
tricks every once in a while. Don't include any links
at all in these mailings. Make it known that you are
not selling them anything, just giving them something of

Don't get egg on your face by being lazy

When you do send out ad swaps or affiliate offers, make
sure that you put your own personality into it. Don't
just copy and paste the pre-written ad copy and send it
as is. Your list will recognize that and feel as if your
emails are nothing more than paid advertisements.

Your list is made up of a bunch of living, breathing, and
thinking people. They are not as dumb as you want them
to be.

#break #care #handle #list #mailing #make #tactics
  • Profile picture of the author Marian
    Saved as a great reminder. Thanks for these useful tips.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Don't wear out your welcome.

    Because I invite a friend over to my house doesn't mean I want them to come over every day. There isn't anyone I want to see every day. Even my wife and I take little breaks from each other.

    Translation: Don't be the unwelcomed guest and hammer your list with emails every day, or multiple times a day. Nobody likes you that much.

    Originally Posted by E. Brian Rose View Post

    If every mailing to your list is a link to some
    affiliate program that you are a part of, they will
    quickly recognize that and opt out quicker than my
    senior prom date slipped out of her dress after prom.
    That's so sad. I'm really sorry you had to wait until the prom was over before your date slipped out of her dress.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      I'm really sorry you had to wait until the prom was over before your date slipped out of her dress.
      She was worth the wait... although you should see her now!

      Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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    • Profile picture of the author kiopa
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      Don't wear out your welcome.

      Because I invite a friend over to my house doesn't mean I want them to come over every day. There isn't anyone I want to see every day. Even my wife and I take little breaks from each other.

      Translation: Don't be the unwelcomed guest and hammer your list with emails every day, or multiple times a day. Nobody likes you that much.
      Seconded! Don't e-mail me everyday, because if you do, I'm going to think you only have hype to offer and nothing of actual value to me. I'm just going to delete your e-mails without even opening them.

      I signed up for a few lists recently, just out of curiosity, using a throw-away e-mail account. Been busy, so today was the first time in about 10 days I checked that account. There was something stupid like 240 e-mails in there, 80% of which were from the same 3 - 5 people.

      Come on now, that's just stupid...
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  • Profile picture of the author revenue27
    Great tips, well subscribers are human too, not a bot lol ....... so treat them with care and respect, and give valuable content only. We are try to do the best, but it's their decision to stay or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    I am totally agree with u.
    nowadays, people just send promotions to their lists and the result is :
    few sales (if lucky) and much unsubscribers
    a very good point, my friend
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  • Profile picture of the author Danielle Zack
    Love the pic!

    I am new to list building and just getting my list going so this is great information. I think the one I would have to agree with the most is do not just send a ton of affiliate promotions. That's what turns me off the most from lists I get on, they never give me value, just more products to look at.

    Thank you so much for your tips!

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Great advice here.

    List building is about providing value. Don't blast your list with shoddily-presented emails. Provide content on a consistent yet evenly spaced out basis.

    Ryan Biddulph
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author zenji
    Awesome post. Am yet to start building a list but I guess its down to laziness but your tips are great

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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    • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
      Originally Posted by zenji View Post

      Awesome post. Am yet to start building a list but I guess its down to laziness but your tips are great
      Don't put it off another day. One day will lead to another and pretty soon you will regret the fact that you never started!

      Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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