Using Ebay and the new Ebay Classifieds to Sell

5 replies
I was wondering if I can get some tips or suggestions on selling my product on Ebay and the new classfied section.

The link to the Spare Fuel product is in my sig if you need to look at what I'm offering.

Basically, a physical ship of a bottle of fuel.

Currently, sold in US and Canada.

I am using One shopping cart for checkout right now.

Should I use ebay to sell it through their system, or is there a way to list it and get traffic to my shopping cart while still following the rules of ebay.
#classifieds #ebay #sell
  • I don't know the answer to your question -- but wanted to say that is a nice/slick website design. You did that? Did you use clipart, or some kind of fancy modifications in photoshop to achieve that effect for the cars?
    Pick a product. Pick ANY product! -> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Shaw
    hah, thx; I have a guy in India that makes my templates from scratch in photoshop
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  • Profile picture of the author traffmag
    Originally Posted by traffictipsnow View Post

    I was wondering if I can get some tips or suggestions on selling my product on Ebay and the new classfied section.

    The link to the Spare Fuel product is in my sig if you need to look at what I'm offering.

    Basically, a physical ship of a bottle of fuel.

    Currently, sold in US and Canada.

    I am using One shopping cart for checkout right now.

    Should I use ebay to sell it through their system, or is there a way to list it and get traffic to my shopping cart while still following the rules of ebay.
    Hi traffictipsnow

    Have you heard of Socrates, he has a site called (resellrightsfortunedotcom) and on that site he tells you how you can build your list using ebay classified ads.

    Hope it helps you
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  • Profile picture of the author simonlcroft

    People tend to get more success in using ebay classifieds as a leads generating machine than actually selling products i.e. get them to subscribe by offering a free, related product to the one that you are marketing.

    I agree, Socratese's product is very good at showing you how and worth checking out.

    Good luck

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    • Profile picture of the author Zero
      can any1 give tips on how how to use ebay classifieds properly? I much prefered the older system.wher eu could just pay. It was far less complicated. This new one..confuses me somewhat
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