Question about Bob Serling's Million Dollar Licensing 2.0

5 replies
Does anyone know or have the correct Joint Venture forms for a tollgate joint venture. I'm trying to do what Bob say's in his free video and I'm ready to act. The only thing holding me back is no having the correct paperwork. Any suggestions will surly be helpful. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds!
#bob #bob serling #dollar #licensing #mdl 2.0 #million #million dollar licensing #question #serling
  • Profile picture of the author Tom B
    Originally Posted by macoent View Post

    Does anyone know or have the correct Joint Venture forms for a tollgate joint venture. I'm trying to do what Bob say's in his free video and I'm ready to act. The only thing holding me back is no having the correct paperwork. Any suggestions will surly be helpful. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds!
    Purchase the course or hire a lawyer.

    Asking for a copy won't sit well with most here since we do create our own products like Bob does.
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    • Profile picture of the author HOMELESS BUM
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      • Profile picture of the author macoent
        Hold up people wait a second! Did you not read what I asked for carefully????? I'm asking for JV papers that I could use to do a JV for free. If you haven't been to Bob's NEW website lately, he now has a product called Million Dollar Licensing 2.0. On his website he gives you 3 FREE videos that basically give you an outline on how to do a tollgate JV deal for FREE. You can buy the course but he gives you the option of trying it on your own first before you buy the course. All I need is the correct forms to use to do a deal the right way or at least a suggestion on what I should use. I'm not asking for anything illegal. Please read carefully next time. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
    Originally Posted by macoent View Post

    Does anyone know or have the correct Joint Venture forms for a tollgate joint venture. I'm trying to do what Bob say's in his free video and I'm ready to act. The only thing holding me back is no having the correct paperwork. Any suggestions will surly be helpful. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds!
    Actually that's not correct. What's holding you back are your beliefs. I made a lot of money on one of those deals on a handshake alone. If you can't put the deal together on a handshake you need to rethink the value presented to the other parties. Either that or you don't fully understand what you're bringing to the table.

    Am I saying you don't need contracts to do business? No, that's not the point. They certainly have their place, but not as a reason for holding you back.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom B
    Originally Posted by macoent View Post

    Does anyone know or have the correct Joint Venture forms for a tollgate joint venture.
    Yep, I read it perfectly.

    You want the forms, you buy the course.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dexx
    Thomas is correct...the videos WERE the free information to go out and make the money...if you want HIS material that he spent time and money having created...well then you know what you'll have to do =P

    You're essentially paying for a convenient copy-and-paste system for a reason =)

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