Calling All Successful Warriors!

29 replies
Did you work your a$$ off to make it online?

I mean, did you become obsessed and relentless and would not quit no matter what?

Did you work so hard, you skipped dinner with the family, skipped playing with your kids, skipped taking showers, skipped activities, skipped television, etc?

Did you work so hard your butt hurt from sitting at the computer, and your eyes bled from pushing yourself? Did you FORCE yourself to succeed by escaping comfort zones... working hard to where you could barely stay awake you were so tired?

Then, once you made it and the money came rolling in... and your systems were all set up and functional... your foundation solid... then you relaxed, took lots of time off, enjoyed your new freedom... but still worked hard because you wanted more and wanted to prove to yourself that you could become better and better... reaching the next level... onwards and upwards?

How hard did you work? How hard do you work?

Let's let all the newbies and frustrated people know that many of us worked our fricken a$$es off to get where we are... and that to do the same things... hard work and effort is what's needed, not magic buttons or pies-in-the-sky... but real business. real effort. real productivity... results.

Some may say, I work my butt off, 12 hours per day in front of the computer and STILL dont make money. Well, if that's you do this:

Take out a sheet of paper and write at the top of that paper: "Make $5,000 Per Month Online". Then, put the following below that title:

___ My website

___ My salescopy/salesvideo

___ My auto responder emails

___ My affiliate program for my product

___ My traffic

etc etc

And, each day, when you "clock-out" from working on your online dreams of a business... mark off how much time you spent on the tasks above. You might find that you spend almost none of your time where it really matters. You might find by doing that experiment, that you actually start getting things done -- because you know that you have to fill out that little form before you "clock-out".

There's working... busy time... spinning your wheels... and there's "productive" time. And the two are not the same. And, before you say, "well, everyone says how easy it is"... well duh. That's what sells. But, that's also why so many are brainwashed into thinking this business is easy, passive, magic button like, lazy, etc etc.

Maybe you're reading too many salesletters, instead of writing those salesletters for yourself. Think of that. Ok, so successful warriors... how hard did you work? Give it up.


Eric Louviere
#calling #successful #warriors
  • Profile picture of the author GCostanza
    The irony here, of course, is that people that are currently reading this post (including myself) should be working instead.

    Anyway, great post, and I like the 'time clock' idea.


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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
      Originally Posted by GCostanza View Post

      The irony here, of course, is that people that are currently reading this post (including myself) should be working instead.

      Anyway, great post, and I like the 'time clock' idea.

      breaks are important too, and so is education and learning, but it should only be a small percentage of your time. However, many are here because of many other reasons besides breaks, or education... many here have full time businesses that are run based on depending on the warrior forum. Therefore, they are here a lot. Branding, plugging their WSO's, lists, etc. Nothing wrong with any of that, I"m just saying there's a lot of reasons why people are here... and that's fine and all, but productivity is king... and some never produce anything, much less results.

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  • Profile picture of the author 1960Texan
    Originally Posted by Eric Louviere View Post

    And, each day, when you "clock-out" from working on your online dreams of a business... mark off how much time you spent on the tasks above. You might find that you spend almost none of your time where it really matters. You might find by doing that experiment, that you actually start getting things done -- because you know that you have to fill out that little form before you "clock-out".
    Exactly. When I started tracking my time by putting pen to paper I was astonished to see just how much time I spent dreaming rather than doing.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    Please don't skip your showers, that's nasty

    EDIT: Ok let's put the jokes aside.

    Yes I worked really hard when I started off. Yes I used to spend 10-12 hours or more every single day (while I had school) on my computer and still didn't make any money.

    But here's where the problem was. I was not working in the right direction, I was too spread out, I was working too many things at the same time, I was looking for the magic button, I was buying every single course out there, I was reading too much using not nearly as much.

    Simply put, I was a mess.


    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
      looking for magic buttons is part of our DNA (human nature)... so we are almost ALL programmed to look for the easy way... the path of least resistance... the "magic buttons". We are all like that... chasing shiny objects... running ourselves thin... we all have tendencies to do that.

      The difference is those who actually realize that, diagnose it, and STILL produce results. I know plenty of millionaires who are ADD... so they battle chasing shiny objects all the time too.

      Hey, look a chicken.

      sorry, got off topic for a second. Anyway, thanks for sharing. good stuff
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      • Profile picture of the author Sonomacats
        Originally Posted by Eric Louviere View Post

        Hey, look a chicken.
        Now that's funny!

        I've put it on a big sticky on my computer so that when I start following the next interesting bit of something or the next shiny doo-dad, I'm going to say, 'Hey look! It's a chicken!"

        My cats will go chasing it and I will get back on track.


        Writing as Kieran McKendrick
        You can find the first prequel to my Purgatory series (How Blended are Dust and Fire) on Amazon and Smashwords.

        Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. -- Henry Ford

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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    Some days I am just spinning my wheels and others are more productive ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucky500
    I am still not as successuful as I want to be, but you you are dead right about writing how much of your time you actually spend working. One of the great things and at the same time the worst thing about Internet Marketing is the unlimited venues of how to make money. Be it Affiliate, Adsense, flopping sites, CPA, building your name it and there is people making money off of it. But the people that are actually making money decided to work in one area first and become successful at it. Focus and productivity are hand in hand, so to be at the top of your game, master one subject before you jump to something else.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
      Working in corporate America with vacation, benefits, expense account, spending most of my day in meetings now that was cushy. That's the real easy button. And I hated it.

      When I quit I worked more hours in my online business than I did at my corporate gig. So yea must work no matter what the latest, greatest sales letter claims. But it's more enjoyable than working for the man!

      When I first went IM full-time, I thought man with all this time - watch out world! Yea right... I was spinning my wheels big time. Just because you're on the computer for 14 hours doesn't mean you're working. Accountability and focus are key. Great post!
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  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    I agree, Lucky.
    Focus on one area. repeat. take profit.
    then try other areas. make more profit.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Everybody here knows my story so I won't repeat it in all its gory detail, but
      essentially I worked my butt off 14 hours a day for years.

      Took me a long time, but I made it.

      Today, I don't have to work nearly as hard, so it paid off.

      Now, gotta get back to the entertainment over at that other thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbode
    Yup, you described almost exactly what I went through, that's probably why 90%+ don't become successful (sorry for the negativity)

    Focus and stepping outside my comfort zone where the hardest (and still are) for me all pays off in the end though - just have short and long term goals and make sure you leave some time for fun, family...
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  • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
    I put in a LOT of hours. When I was still working my day job, I would get up at 4 a.m. to work on my business before I went to work for da man. I caught a lot of flack from my wife for the hours I put in then, but she's happy now about the growing income and me being at home.

    In addition to the focused work on tasks that generate income, I definitely think that relationship building needs to be on that list. In my old day job life, I can't think of more than a couple of jobs I landed that weren't a direct result of knowing someone who had leverage with the hiring decision maker. And my current online income is largely a result of relationships I've built on the journey to where I am today.

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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Yikes, want to talk about working long hours and busting some tail.

      For the last 5 years of my military career while I was still on active duty I would routinely go to work by 6:30AM and arrive back home by 8 or 9PM spend a few hours with the family and then work my online business from 10 or 11 PM to 2 or 3 AM.

      Mind you I loved that IM accelerates your generated income at a much better rate then a traditional job but let's be honest. It can be downright painful writing and submitting articles on subjects like acne prevention, debt relief, insurance topics, treadmills, elliptical trainers...etc at 2 in the morning.

      The reward however, was that I was able to retire from the military during one of the worst economical times that our world economy has faced.

      There is so much hard work that goes into setting the foundation for a profitable online business that it breaks many folks before they actually ever get done priming the well pump for the gushing water it can produce.

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      • Profile picture of the author John Rogers
        Originally Posted by TimG View Post

        The reward however, was that I was able to retire from the military during one of the worst economical times that our world economy has faced.
        Ditto. It's a good feeling to walk away in your own time and on your own terms while most others are hanging on until their time is up and being scared to death at the bleak employment prospects.
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      • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
        Originally Posted by TimG View Post

        Yikes, want to talk about working long hours and busting some tail.

        For the last 5 years of my military career while I was still on active duty I would routinely go to work by 6:30AM and arrive back home by 8 or 9PM spend a few hours with the family and then work my online business from 10 or 11 PM to 2 or 3 AM.

        Mind you I loved that IM accelerates your generated income at a much better rate then a traditional job but let's be honest. It can be downright painful writing and submitting articles on subjects like acne prevention, debt relief, insurance topics, treadmills, elliptical trainers...etc at 2 in the morning.

        The reward however, was that I was able to retire from the military during one of the worst economical times that our world economy has faced.

        There is so much hard work that goes into setting the foundation for a profitable online business that it breaks many folks before they actually ever get done priming the well pump for the gushing water it can produce.

        Tim knows hard work.

        That's like the old Bo Jackson commercials "Bo Knows ____"

        I figured some successful people like Wags and Tim and others would chime in and clarify that THIS THING TAKES HARD WORK! lol

        We are busting the brainwashing people have who think this sh!t is easy-magic-button stuff. rock on
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  • Profile picture of the author krikkod
    It's good to here others having the same problems i have - now i don't feel so bad for going through it.
    For the last 3 weeks i have been using a Diary my GF hooked me up with and it's something i have never used in my life. But being able to plan the day ahead by the hour has really allowed me to stay focused on the tasks that move me forward in my business, rather than treading water (checking out IM products etc.)
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    So I guess you're not interested in the "Wrote it in 2 hours...did minimal promotion...make more than my day job" story, Eric?


    Not promoting right now

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  • Profile picture of the author GrantFreeman
    I worked myself silly, 12 to 15 hour days trying to get my first set of ecovers right. Sometimes getting only 3 to 4 hours of sleep, and they still didn't work the way they should have.

    I worked through the thanksgiving AND christmas holidays.. But I never gave up.

    Some will look at the face value of the product and think that the person who created it put forth little effort- or none at all. But behind the scenes, they might be working their arse off trying to get it right.

    You win some, you loose some, and some are just rained out. From what I've learned about Internet Marketing, that's the way it goes. You keep plodding anyway!

    Then there's the Warrior Forum. Here, you find good people that will never give up on you, even after you've given up on yourself. Thanks for another great post Eric!

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  • Profile picture of the author tomw
    I worked my ass for for more than 10 year to build successful traditional marketing businesses. When I switched some of the focus of those businesses to the online channel around a decade ago, I have to say (sorry!) that it was the easiest money we ever made.

    It is so ridiculously easy to make money online.

    The difficulty for most appears to be in acquiring the necessary business skills to develop a coherent business plan that adequately exploits the channel.

    I've said this time and time again:

    everything anybody will ever need to be successful in this business is right there in front of their very eyes.

    But few ever listen.

    Instead of spending the necessary period researching and planning, most seem to jump in head first following that age old nonsense of "just take action!"

    Would anyone *really* attempt to set up a business in the real world without those things?


    They would expect to fail.

    So why assume that following such a path would be successful online?

    It's such a tragedy.

    All marketing activities, within metric determined tolerances, are predictable and predictably scalable. The internet even more so for obvious reasons. They are also replicable. Optimisable. Improvable. Stupidly so.

    Making money online can be as easy or as difficult as you choose to make it. It's that simple.

    The planning decisions you make at the outset are the determinants.

    Failing to plan is, as the saying goes, planning to fail.

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  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    You don't have to work long hours to get success; you just have to spend your time on work that actually produces results.

    Don't just cut out the bad habits and proscrastination, cut out the things you work on that don't or won't produce worthwhile results. Cut out the things that are wasting your time that could be spent elsewhere for better returns.

    Why create a brand new website for the sake of it when you could get an immediate 25% gain by optimising a landing page in a fraction of the time? Why focus on getting a keyword from #40 to #10 when you could spend your time getting a keyword already at #10 to #1 for a quick 50% increase in traffic?

    Think about your work and why you are doing it and you won't have to bust your arse to get results.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
      Just wake up... log in online... be smart... do smart things only... only do fully optimized production stuff in only a smart way... work smarter not harder... and be smart.... and you can click buttons and make money very-very easily without working hard, right?


      Most people have no clue how to work smart, or exactly how to do ya'lls easy-avenue for wealth online. Most people came from working a day job, like at a department store or office job... they dont have the 10 years experience running a small business... or the hours spent learning how to get that site from #10 to #1, etc.

      Most people have no idea how to "work smart" because they have yet learned how to work at all in this industry. When someone says making money online is easy, it's because it's easy for them.

      If I said, here's this jet airplane I own, here's the keys... fly me to the UK... and you dont know how to fly a plane... you arent going to just click some buttons and away we go.

      You're going to have to learn it, study it and PRACTICE.

      Making money online is simple, but it is not easy as you two make it out to be for most people. I'm certainly not saying for people to work hard doing stupid stuff... I'm saying to work hard on productive stuff. But, work hard.

      Those reading this, do not buy into the so-called, all I did was be smart and clicked some buttons and here I am successful as a king. 95% worked their asses off. But, yes, making money online is easier than most offline businesses, because of the reach the Internet provides and the low cost of start up, etc. I certainly agree with that one. it is easy in that way indeed, compared to other businesses.

      But, for most... it's focused hard work. Yes, you can say Smart Hard Work, but I am certain most who succeeded easily online has a background from something else and years of doing so, that's helped them explode fast online.

      Anyway... this sh!t is easy. here, click this dot below and you too shall earn your fortune.


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      • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
        Originally Posted by Eric Louviere View Post

        Most people have no clue how to work smart, or exactly how to do ya'lls easy-avenue for wealth online. Most people came from working a day job, like at a department store or office job... they dont have the 10 years experience running a small business... or the hours spent learning how to get that site from #10 to #1, etc.
        Working smart has nothing to do with the industry you are in. I never said it was easy either - but it isn't difficult.

        • Don't check your emails every 10 mins, replying to them as they arrive. Set yourself a time of day an take care of them all in one go.
        • Avoid forums, news sites, other daily bad habits that ruin your work flow.
        • Ignore the phone.
        • Tell people to stop bugging you.
        • Create a task list and don't move onto the next one until the first is done.
        • Make sure each task is productive and gets you towards your goal.
          • That goal can be learning if you don't know something yet.
        • Make sure you are always working on the task and not procrastinating.
        • Learn one thing at a time.
        • Don't swap between the next big thing.
        • Create a plan to get from where you are to where you want to be. Stay on track.
        Simple things like that can save you hours in your day and applicable to all industries, day job or home business.

        If you have to learn something then learn it. Don't spend your time fooling yourself into thinking you are learning.

        Blueprints are popular in the WSO section because they help people achieve these simple, smart working tips. They set it all out to make it hard to go off track.

        You can do this yourself if you are disciplined.

        If I had to learn to fly a plane I would enrol in a course and learn.

        You do not have to work long hours to work hard and you don't need to work long hours to achieve success. Just cut out the crap that is wasting your time. There will be a lot of it.
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        • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
          tell people to stop bugging you.

          lol, that's a good one. Great points you gave! Thanks
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          • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
            Anything worth having is worth working for. And, the freedom that your own online business gives you is definitely worth working for.

            When I was starting in IM, I was doing a stint at Berlitz. There was another teacher there who wanted to do what I was setting out to do. Every day, between classes, I was grabbing an empty room and working on my business. He was flaking out on the staffroom couch. I soon left Berlitz. He's still there and still dreaming.

            If you want it, work for it!
            Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Ames
    Eric,, thanks for giving us all a kick in the butt. I needed the reminder.

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

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  • Profile picture of the author qualitynurse
    Basically, the hard work, can take months or years. But at the end we can make money online and offline too, is just doing a business plan, as you said, putting our thoughts in order.
    Stephanie G.
    Quality services Solution
    Answering services, customer service,
    appointment settings , lead generation.
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  • Profile picture of the author tomw
    Well Eric,

    As I kind of pointed out in my post, the best advise is to learn the rules of the game before playing.

    You asked for our personal experience. I gave mine. Don't like it? Don't ask.

    As I wrote, yes I was fortunate enough to have a considerable advantage. As I also wrote, it was of my own making.

    Despite this, I didn't charge in unprepared, obviously.

    I'm glad you agree that for those that know what they're doing it can be easy, which is precisely why I offered the advice of learning, researching and determining a plan of focused action.

    Being "smart" and working "smartly." No?

    I have never sold, nor will I ever sell, an infoproduct on how to make money (or anything else) so I'm not offering any "magic buttons."

    Simply genuine business advice.

    However, as an infoproduct merchant yourself, you will be well aware that in such matters,

    "your results may vary."

    Help Us Rescue, Rehabilitate And Reunite Victims With Their Families

    STOP THE TRAFFIK is a growing global movement of individuals, communities and organisations fighting to PREVENT the sale of people,
    PROTECT the trafficked and PROSECUTE the traffickers.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
      Originally Posted by tomw View Post

      Well Eric,

      As I kind of pointed out in my post, the best advise is to learn the rules of the game before playing.

      Yeah, that's a great point Tom. I can certainly see how that would surely lessen the workload, shorten the learning curve, and bring results MUCH quicker. I'm glad you shared that.

      The more you plan, the less time and energy it takes to execute.

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