Who Do You Trust?

by 13 replies
Forget about newbies. Even experienced marketers continuously suck up information hoping that it will help them in making more money online.

The problem is...there are different points of views. Fair enough.

But the bigger problem is...many marketers pretend to be knowledgeable and post information/results which they haven't tested themselves.

This creates havoc. It stops hard working individuals in achieving their goals. It confuses them and they may go down the wrong path wasting valuable time.

I'm sure this applies to a lot of people.

But there are definitely marketers who know what they're talking about and genuinely want to help people. Of course they want to make a profit as well.

Who do you know that provides good, valuable info on a consistent basis?

Any marketer in particular who you really trust and carry out their suggestions?

Will be interested to know.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #internet marketers #trust
  • I would definitely be interested in knowing this considering i dont want to be wasting my time on methods that havent been tested. Im surprised i havent seen any testimonials here and furthermore, im surprised i havent seen any "false" testimonials trying to talk up an individual selling higher priced WSO's
    • [1] reply
    • You can only trust yourself at the end of the day. Trust your own testing, everything else is a risk. Over time, you can develop a rapport with some people and increase your honesty quotient, but IM does not lead itself to full disclosure. Also, some people are always willing to offer untested theory for dollars and some others don't even mind straight up lying. The bottom line is you won't know who is telling the truth until you test it out for yourself. With that said, some of the best advice and programs I have received have been ones that would appear at first to be low value so you can't always judge a book by its cover either.
      • [1] reply
  • I have a ctach all answer. There's a guy called Ken McCarthy. He holds seminars every year and the best of the best get invited there to speak: Perry Marshall. Tim Gorman, Drayton Bird, those guys. I find if I follow people who have his seal of approval I don't go far wrong.
  • Dr Mani and Kevin Riley get my vote. They are both great guys and also provide no fluff real information on how to build a successful business. It takes time to create a good business but it is worth it if you follow a good mentor or two and actually listen to what they say...and then the secret ingredient....take action!
  • Trust has to be earned.

    Once in a while you read of IM ideas that sound perfect. You often read of IM ideas that sound plausible. You often read of IM ideas that sound implausible. Sometimes you read of IM ideas that sound just stupid.

    However, until you test them or see them in action you have no idea. Once someone has come up with a couple of ideas that work, then begin to trust their ideas, but still test them prior to committing huge resources to a project.

    That's my view anyway.


    P.S. There a very few people who I really trust in IM.
  • This is a bit of a mine field as it's down to personal perception much of the time.

    I know people here who talk a good game but are not doing what they say and I know a lot of people who are and always offer genuine advice.

    As soon as you start a list - you leave people out and others put on people you would leave off so it's always going to be a personal thing.

    I have people PMing me about their new WSO which is based on an idea they had about what might work - but then you see their wso and it reads like they're making it work and are sharing their secret with you.

    My shortlist would include:

    John Taylor
    Martin Avis
    Paul Myers

    I'll leave it there because I'll get slapped by people I forgot otherwise

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    • Some interesting recommendations.

      Embarrassed to say that there are a few I haven't heard of.
      Will do my homework and check up on their websites.
  • Chris Daffy. Not really a marketer, but a Customer Service GURU.
  • Oh, And......ME!
  • Oh and one more thing. Even if you respect an internet marketer very much...if they mess up once such as recommending a really poor product that they haven't seriously looked at, all that trust diminishes.

    Sadly that trust doesn't fully return. People have really good memories of your mistakes.
  • After reading all the replies, i think the most trustworthy person in this whole world is only yourself. Its better to trust yourself and try some new techniques, no matter if you fails but what matters is that after doing many bad experiments finally you'll come up with that one great technique or idea which has the potential to change your life. So there is nothing bad in having trust on others but don't trust everyone and start following his techniques because its quite true that many people who considers themselves a webmasters and start giving knowledge to anyone but in reality they are not helping them, they are just misguiding them all.

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  • 15

    Forget about newbies. Even experienced marketers continuously suck up information hoping that it will help them in making more money online. The problem is...there are different points of views. Fair enough.