Tip on how to get affiliates?!

12 replies
I made my first sale, so my product is listed in the PayDotCom Marketplace. It just got listed today, so I assume I might pick up a few affiliates there.

Any tricks you guys use to pick up some affiliates?!

P.S. I must be retarded when it comes to using the search function.
#affiliates #tip
  • Profile picture of the author Kerry Finch
    I have an account with Nancaste.com which manages my affiliate program and lists my products in their directory. On my sales pages (at the bottom) I have a link for affiliates. I have set the program up so that affiliates cannot purchase through their own link.
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    • Originally Posted by Kerry Finch View Post

      I have an account with Nancaste.com which manages my affiliate program and lists my products in their directory. On my sales pages (at the bottom) I have a link for affiliates. I have set the program up so that affiliates cannot purchase through their own link.
      I dont understand why you dont want affiliates to pay with their own affiliate code. I have affiliates do it all the time, and it has never bothered me. Quite frankly, I want my affiliates to have t ohave my product so they can tell their affiliates about it. I see letting affiliates by through their link is just a perk of being an affiliate marketer.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmyKay
    This is a great place. Link in your sig. Post in the JV forum.

    Be sure you have lots of great tools for affiliates and stay in contact with them.
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  • Profile picture of the author LondonPaladin
    I buy stuff through my affiliate code all the time. Then I usually end up selling the product as an affiliate anyways. It's just a perk of being on top of your game.

    But if you want affiliates just put an affiliate link at the bottom of your sales page. Provide banners and email templates.
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  • Profile picture of the author RGallowitz
    I didn't really read all the posts.
    Recently I found that 2 tier commissions is a great way to actually get on board jv partners. You just give them a higher 2 tier commission and they'll blast out a promo for you to their list.
    Make INSANE money by promoting PHYSICAL affiliate products.
    The one and only "GALLO Affiliate System" -
    >> Click Here! <<
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  • Profile picture of the author Orator
    Affiliates are interested in one thing, and that is making money. In my experince a good solid commission, and a few extra bonuses never go amiss. There is no really secret strategy, it's just following some basic rules.

    1) Be Generous
    2) Build A Reputation
    3) Deliver Good Bonuses

    It takes time to build a reputation, so you might have to be very generous with commissions to help generate new affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    Although this tip got nothing to do with getting affiliates, I'd recommend to make your page/text narrower.

    It'll say people scrawing left and right on the screen to read your sales copy


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  • Profile picture of the author Metro1
    Thanks for the tip about Nancaste.com, Kerry..
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    • Profile picture of the author Kerry Finch
      Originally Posted by Metro1 View Post

      Thanks for the tip about Nancaste.com, Kerry..
      You are very welcome.
      And the reason I don't encourage affiliates to buy through their own link is that it all too often happens that people, especially IMers, will join an affiliate program for the sole purpose of acquiring a product cheaply, with no intention of promoting it.

      If the product is work promoting, it is worth purchasing - recouping the purchase price through their marketing efforts. If they don't like the product, there is always the refund option.

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  • Profile picture of the author oldwarrioruser1
    Thanks James, I'll work on that in a bit.
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