I'm giving away another two memberships to the War Room..

82 replies
Closed, winners have been chosen


I could't just decide on 2, so chose 3

I've just been having a nose round in there and I must say it seems to have improved a great deal

The War Room is an excellent forum for learning, those in the right mindset can get a huge amount from it

With this in mind, I've decided to sponsor another 2 warriors for War Room membership.

Just reply to this post stating why you think you should become a war room member by taking advantage of one of these sponsorships, (preferably in words of more than two syllables) though I don't want a long essay either purleeze.

I'll make my decision on Wed 21st. (Give folks the chance to get stuck in)

#giving #memberships #room #war
  • Profile picture of the author steven-brandon88
    Hello Kim,

    I would like to be a member of the war room because there are many experts and business leaders that are themselves war members.

    To be able to interact with the brightest, to discuss ideas with the experienced and to learn from the best would be a privilege that will save me years of mistakes and trial and error.

    It is great to see someone that is giving warrior members the opportunity to join the war room.
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    • Profile picture of the author treevee
      How thoughtful of you, seriously! I come to WF about once every other week when I start to feel that I need something - like encouragement, inspiration, direction, hope, a grab-me-in-for-the-right-price product in hopes that my 9 month's worth of internet marketing and still broker than broke will take a 180 turn, or for looking for that something that might make the dim light bulb above my head to grow brighter than bright. This morning was no different.

      Although when I do come here, I actually feel somewhat intimidated with all of the successful people and their discussions. So, I mostly just read and try to get some inspiration and knowledge, without asking too many questions. It would be so good to be able to join the War Room and just readReadREAD to learn all the tricks of the trade and hopefully manifest some money in my pocket!

      I actually came on today to see how much the War Room was. I read so much about it and it sounded like a good deal. And there this thread was!!!

      Now, my story, short and sweet:

      Because of this fallen economy, I lost my biz of 9 years as a licensed massage therapist in Florida. My fiancee lost his biz, too. We sold everything and moved back to PA and are now living in the basement of my mother's house. Thank God for my mom!! On top of that, I developed a condition called agoraphobia alongside of my panic issue. Not being able to venture too far from the house, I decided with much enthusiasm to go the internet marketing route. My income through state aid is very, very minimal. (And, they think that you can live off of this?) I've mostly been doing article marketing because of my low funds, but have not been successful. After 9 months of working non-stop for many hours each day and only profiting $23 is truly sad (and I ain't exaggerating!) I cannot give up as this is the only chance I got (at least at this stage of my life) to be able to bring in some cash.

      Now this may seem like a sob story to get to your heart and choose me. Not so - I believe everything happens for a reason and I'm able to look at this downfall of mine to have a good purpose. I'm also headstrong that IM is the road I should be taking. I just haven't gotten the right direction or something!!

      I would love to be able to join the WR to pick the brains of the experts and learn all that I can, but $37 to me is like hundreds to most people. I think that this is a superb opportunity you are offering people! I thank you for this offer and hope the best for everyone who applies! (Sorry for the essay, I guess I'm a little long-winded as you can see! )

      P.S. PICK ME! PICK ME! *<hand waving in the air>*
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      • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
        Hi Treevee

        If you're good at writing articles, have you tried writing them for other people.


        Originally Posted by treevee View Post

        How thoughtful of you, seriously! I come to WF about once every other week when I start to feel that I need something - like encouragement, inspiration, direction, hope, a grab-me-in-for-the-right-price product in hopes that my 9 month's worth of internet marketing and still broker than broke will take a 180 turn, or for looking for that something that might make the dim light bulb above my head to grow brighter than bright. This morning was no different.

        Although when I do come here, I actually feel somewhat intimidated with all of the successful people and their discussions. So, I mostly just read and try to get some inspiration and knowledge, without asking too many questions. It would be so good to be able to join the War Room and just readReadREAD to learn all the tricks of the trade and hopefully manifest some money in my pocket!

        I actually came on today to see how much the War Room was. I read so much about it and it sounded like a good deal. And there this thread was!!!

        Now, my story, short and sweet:

        Because of this fallen economy, I lost my biz of 9 years as a licensed massage therapist in Florida. My fiancee lost his biz, too. We sold everything and moved back to PA and are now living in the basement of my mother's house. Thank God for my mom!! On top of that, I developed a condition called agoraphobia alongside of my panic issue. Not being able to venture too far from the house, I decided with much enthusiasm to go the internet marketing route. My income through state aid is very, very minimal. (And, they think that you can live off of this?) I've mostly been doing article marketing because of my low funds, but have not been successful. After 9 months of working non-stop for many hours each day and only profiting $23 is truly sad (and I ain't exaggerating!) I cannot give up as this is the only chance I got (at least at this stage of my life) to be able to bring in some cash.

        Now this may seem like a sob story to get to your heart and choose me. Not so - I believe everything happens for a reason and I'm able to look at this downfall of mine to have a good purpose. I'm also headstrong that IM is the road I should be taking. I just haven't gotten the right direction or something!!

        I would love to be able to join the WR to pick the brains of the experts and learn all that I can, but $37 to me is like hundreds to most people. I think that this is a superb opportunity you are offering people! I thank you for this offer and hope the best for everyone who applies! (Sorry for the essay, I guess I'm a little long-winded as you can see! )

        P.S. PICK ME! PICK ME! *<hand waving in the air>*
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        • Profile picture of the author treevee
          Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

          Hi Treevee

          If you're good at writing articles, have you tried writing them for other people.

          I thought about it, for a second. Problem is, even though I have a lot of free time, I'm not good at all at writing! --- It takes me forever to write just one article! It wouldn't be too profitable considering how much time it does take me! But, thanks for the advise.
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          • Profile picture of the author David Jackson
            Originally Posted by treevee View Post

            I'm not good at all at writing! --- It takes me forever to write just one article! It wouldn't be too profitable considering how much time it does take me!
            Writing is like anything else. The more you do it, the better (and presumably) faster you get at it. Of course, that only applies if you enjoy writing to begin with.

            David Jackson

            Powerful, Free Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business!

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  • Profile picture of the author Trapped
    I wanna peek in, see what there is and what I can use from the war room
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  • Profile picture of the author Raptors
    I would very much like to join. I am new to internet marketing but have been trying to read (and in some cases watch) as much as possible from the Warrior Forum (particularly SEO) and other sources. The people from the Warrior Forum are very helpful and knowledgeable and I very much enjoy reading there posts and highly appreciate there answers to my questions. I have heard many Warriors rave about the War Room and think it would be great to learn from the of the top minds in internet marketing and SEO. I'm sure I would utilize a membership to the War Room to its utmost capabilities, reading and digging in to everything in it. And I'm sure eventually I will learn enough to become a valued contributor to the Warrior Forum and help new people out like myself.

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  • Profile picture of the author avandrunen
    Hi Kim

    I have been around for a bit and have dabbled in a number of different IM arena's.
    I have purchased a number of different guides/WSO's and have come upona block that I believe the War Room might help with...motivational wise that is...I have lots of info but feel the War Room could provided some of the finer points of what I am missing.

    Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to all who apply
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    • Profile picture of the author coky
      Well Lets say I am a LOOSER
      Joined the forum, trying to be open and silly, but it seems some members got offended with it ,and called my lazy , with a bad attitude ,got a warning, and many other things....
      All I want is to learn, of course I know it is not easy, but some have already open the path to follow the steps
      I have joined The Challenge 2010, mainly as a learning tool
      So ,if you think it is a waste of time and money to sponser me into the war room, then thank you for just reading this here post
      But you know I am also an optimist person
      Have a "PURA VIDA" Day
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  • Profile picture of the author christopherNV
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    • Profile picture of the author JaySchmidt
      I'm sick and tired of being beaten up, and I heard there's no fighting in the war room.
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      • Profile picture of the author EternalIncome4U
        Regardless of who you choose, Thank You for your generosity Kim!

        As you can see, I've been a member of Warrior Forum for quite some time, and although I read many articles back then, unfortunately I never really took advantage of this wonderful and amazing resource until very recently.

        Without going deeply into my long and, I'm sure, not uncommon story, I stepped into the IM arena a few years ago bright eyed and puppy tailed and promptly proceeded to make ALL the classic wrong moves and mistakes. I quickly became overwhelmed and directionless and then, to top things off, suffered a physical trauma that, combined with everything else, dovetailed into an emotional tailspin that I have only, finally, come out of in the past six months or so.

        The past few 'dark years' left me with a situation I have been working hard to overcome. And I have been, little by little and step by step. But I am ready for some Big Steps now and I am eager to get fully back on my feet and then Flying free and flying high. Without doubt, IM is the best way I can and will do this and with this in mind I am now taking full advantage of every good resource at my disposal. And the Warrior Forum is most certainly one of the very tops on that list.

        I won't mind if you pick someone over me, as I am sure there are many others who need and deserve to benefit from your generosity just as much as I do, and I am always happy for the success of others and will do whatever I can to help. I know and believe that there is Always More Than Enough to go around. There's no such thing as Not Enough. And I know that, one way or another, I Will make it on my own if I have to.

        But I can promise you this. If you do choose me as one of the people to be the recipient of a free War Room membership treevee it will be appreciated, and utilized, to the fullest extent.
        I am well aware that one of the best routes to success is to copy the steps, and practices of those who have tried and failed themselves, and then got right back up and did not stop until they reached their goals. Achievers who never stop that process of always reaching higher and giving a hand up to those who are climbing with them. I will follow those who have paved the path to happiness and good fortune ahead of me and do the same for those who come after me. And I know the War Room is filled with people just like that. If you choose to Pay It Forward to me, I will continue to Pay It Forward to all those who I can.

        I wish all a fantastic day and the greatest success in all of your endeavors.

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  • Profile picture of the author Landis
    Im just going to cut the bull**** out and say I want to join the WarRoom to increase my income from internet marketing. Im not going to tell a sob story or kiss ass just to get sponsored into the room, I think thats just weak. Also, I believe my extensive knowledge and experience in SEO can be leveraged by other members of the warroom so others will have a chance to increase their income as well.

    buying bulk warm seo leads (PM me)

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  • Profile picture of the author drybones
    Would I like to join the warroom? Does a bear have hair? Does a big wheel roll? (I got that from an old Conway Twitty song). There are more qualified people on this forum than me. Actually, this is my first post. I am 65 years old and still want to learn. I haven't been able to break through yet. I know that you will make the best choice of who should be allowed in for free.

    Over my laptap there is a sign that says, "Do it NOW!". Abraham Lincoln said,
    "If you give me eight hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first six hours
    sharpening my axe." My axe is sharpened, now I'm ready to start chopping.
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  • Profile picture of the author Patri
    I would like to be a member of this exclusive club as I am determined to be myself, learn lots of cool things and as my Uncle said just before he died..Oh **** a bus!
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  • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
    Kim is at it again! Kim, I appreciate you for your good heart.

    My advice to warriors that have not joined the war room to take this offer very seriously because the war room is where the untold and uncommon secrets of success in this world of internet marketing are uncovered.

    However, please don't come here thinking that your sugar-coated or sympathetic story would be enough to make you win the offer. I know that Kim would like you to show how much you have contributed in this forum and how much effort you have put in in your bid to succeed in your chosen niche.

    Happy weekend.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam.
    There's a saying that says, if you want to get somewhere in life you gotta find someone who is already there and learn from them.

    Good Mentoring is the backbone of future success. It's always better to learn from others who have been there and done that.

    Interact with successful marketers and some of it will rub off on you. If you can accomplish that under someone's sponsorship what a blessing.

    Pay it forward to me! Many thanks.


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    • Profile picture of the author mcmahanusa
      I'm not a candidate for this generous offer (there are others far needier than I), but kudos to you for making it. Just shows the giving spirit that lives within so many terrific people on this forum.

      Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become - Jim Rohn

      Visit our beautiful gardens

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  • Profile picture of the author aaallday2010
    Yes, this was very nice of you.

    Okay, let's see...

    Since its inception, I have heard great things about the WAR ROOM and always wondered what could possibly be in there that isn't already talked about in the main discussion forum.

    After digging a little deeper, I came to the conclusion that the WAR ROOM is almost like a secret society where great minds come together to share ideas that they wouldn't otherwise do in the main discussion forum.

    I feel that I too could offer a great deal of information as well. Sometimes I am a little hesitant to do so in the regular forum because too many people might see it. But in the WAR ROOM, there are only a select group of people I would love to share information with. I mean, these are real IMers who know what they're doing.

    I would absolutely love to be apart of that inner circle.

    And thanks again for the opportunity Kim.
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  • Profile picture of the author pureadvantage
    Kim I would really appreciate if you would pick me. I am new to internet marketing and trying to learn as much as I can. My plan is to provide a better life for my family and spend more time with them. I currently work 3 different jobs just trying to make it and find time for IM. I work as a manager of a Christian bookstore, worship leader at church and teach guitar lessons on the side of all that.

    I would hope that being a member of the war room I could learn and take action on those things to reach my goals.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michele Buch
    Hi Kim,

    I have a passion for learning and am ready for action.

    I know I'll be successful.

    Down the road, as I help others, I will let them know how you, Kim, helped me.

    I was just thinking how beneficial a War Room membership would be,
    and then here is your offer. I'm learning to harness the power of the Law of Attraction.
    It's exciting!

    Thank you for the fun and thrill of maybe winning.

    With appreciation,
    (PS: If you choose me, you would be helping a widow with daughters.)
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  • Profile picture of the author humbledmarket
    Wow, that's very rare... Just wanted to say it's very valuable already considering the free products other members share in the war room... and this kind lady has offered to give it FREE?
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom L
      I've looked at the main board but can feel in my gut that there is a lot of fluff here and advice that should only really be taken if you have money and time burning a hole in your pocket.

      I've made small amounts of money from various internet sources but never took it seriously enough. I think that I put too much emphasis on making my hobby successful instead... but that's another story.

      I might eventually join the private forum anyways, but if I was chosen for a free membership that's another story. I tend to stay away from people that are not successful, but am basing my estimated worth of that membership based on what I see on the other parts of the site. It's only been around a week since I joined so I'm not much of a lurker. I prefer to do things my way, and not waste much time at anything.

      Thanks for sharing the wealth

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  • Profile picture of the author FusciaPhoenix
    Hello Kim,

    I would truly appreciate a membership to the War Room. I wanted to join myself as soon as I learned about it, but frankly right now I simply cannot afford it. It was difficult for me to even purchase the domain names I have and auto responder service to get started. I have been pouring through the regular threads here and learning what is available, but I also have the feeling that some of the information contained in the War Room will be necessary for me to begin my career as an Internet Marketer.

    I'm not a quitter, so even though I am new, your help won't be eventually lost down the road. I'm in this till it works!

    Whether you pick me or not I still wish to say that I do appreciate your generosity in offering this to us newbies. I'm grateful that there is still charity going on in this world.


    “To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear
    ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up”. Ralph Bunche

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  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

    I've just been having a nose round in there and I must say it seems to have improved a great deal
    You always were nosy!

    Good luck to everyone. Kim's being really generous here... and the War Room is worth far more the couple minutes you spend writing a reply to this thread. In fact, to those who reply and don't win, I'd encourage you to spring for your own membership. It was worth more than $37 the day the virtual doors opened... and it's worth a whole lot more, now.

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  • Profile picture of the author tommydesmond
    Hello Kim!

    My name is Tommy. I am an entrepreneur that has made internet marketing my primary study over the past several months. I have read quite a bit and watched many tutorial videos, but have yet to really get a solid return from my marketing efforts.

    I would say I'm moving from the initial baby steps and am starting to get my sea legs, even though I have yet to see any real income. I recently purchased market samurai and have conducted several PPC campaigns (Yahoo, Google and Facebook). I have one fully functional e-commerce site live and am currently working on the second. I have a pretty solid technical skillset, with html/css/ajax/php/mysql development as a part of it.

    While I have not had much success thus far, that will not last forever and I have every intention of seeing success at some point.

    I have lurked at the warrior forums for quite a while, but as of yet have not really posted. In truth, I have never really gotten involved in any online forums, as the discussions tend to devolve to flame wars, of which I am not a fan (let alone a participant). WarriorForum.com does seem to be a little different though, so I guess you're one of my first contacts to say "Hi" before I start to interact with the community at large.

    So.... "Hi!"

    I had been a reader to the War Room before it's recent return to paid status. I would very much appreciate an opportunity to access that resource again. Though this posting wasn't expressly a solicitation for a free membership, it wouldn't be bad either!
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  • Profile picture of the author kswr123


    Wow, guys! Kim is being really generous here, and I'd encourage you to go for this whole-heartedly. The War Room is actually the 'Holy Grail' for your architypal IM newbie. Broke, out on a limb, only got $10 left.

    Once you get in there, though, be careful. It's easy to spend a day or so just perusing, not taking action.

    Here's a piece of advice: TAKE ACTION!

    It's (IMHO) 75% of making money. Taking the actual action. Findone method that looks turn-key and cheap. Do it, do it well, do it to the letter. Take action non-stop until its done.

    Then sit back and enjoy the war room in all its splendour...

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    • Profile picture of the author MandoThrasher
      Givers gain! It's a philosophy that I live by.

      If you pick me, you can be ASSURED that:
      - I am MOTIVATED and chomping at the bit to take action. In fact, I'm meeting with a video producer tomorrow to start filming for the product I'm developing.
      - I will absorb and follow the advice and valuable info and put it into ACTION.
      - I will FOLLOW your example and offer 2 free memberships to the War Room as soon as I've made my first $74 in IM. This will be my way of giving back. Hopefully this will start a new tradition.

      Take that to the bank and PICK ME! What are you waiting for? Here's your chance to say "I helped create an IM guru!"

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  • Profile picture of the author iownmylife
    Thanks Kim, for the opportunity to sponsor 2 WF members into the war room. I am an absolute newbie in the Internet Mrketing space but so hungry to learn and apply.

    I got into the Internet Marketing business less than a year ago and was taught to market offline. I did all that I was taught but did not get the kind of success I was sold on. I also felt found the prospecting process (offline) to be unsustainable, as I had exhausted my pipeline of friends. So I stepped away to reasearch alternative ways of marketing.

    Then I googled. joined every possible group promising to teach online prospecting and I read books too, and subscribed to mailing lists. I wanted to learn. About the same time, in May 2010, a Google search led me to the Warrior Forum where I saw an "ocean" of knowledge materials and a community of people willing to lift others up. I visit here quietly and read through the forum posts to increase my knowledge.

    Access to the War Room would give me the opportunity to learn from the Senior Warriors, and get needed mentorship which I would implement to move my business to the next level. And hopefully, prove myself worthy of a Senior Warrior's mentorhip.

    I have now learnt some basics necessary to set me up to marketing on the internet and I have have just made payments for my domain name, hosting, autoresponder and a few books. Warrior Forum membership is on my list of "To Dos". However, for available funds at the momnet, I am constrained to register at the moment.

    Your offer would enable me tick off "War Room membership" as done in my To Do List.

    I hope that you find me a fit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fermina
    I don't know if i am worthy of this or not but this is an opportunity. And as I mention opportunity here are the reasons why i should become a war room member:

    - Opportunity to learn from accessing the private rooms that a newcomer needs
    - Opportunity to earn from home(which everyone strives for) but i need guidance
    - Opportunity to exchange ideas with the pros
    - Opportunity to have a scam free trades since most War room members are trustworthy
    - Opportunity to find the best Internet Marketing for me (niches,CPA, ebooks etc..)
    - Opportunity to grow and improve my knowledge by conversing with other war room members
    - Opportunity to be heard and be responded with the right kind of mind
    - Opportunity to help others just like myself who is just starting(and their are alot of us)
    - Opportunity to be successful and independent in Internet Marketing

    And now i would like say thanks to you for this OPPORTUNITY you have given me.
    Selling these Domains
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  • Profile picture of the author PTaubman
    Hi Kim -

    Thank you for your offer!

    I am new to IM and relatively new to the Warrior Forum. I have a few posts under my belt, once which already got me thanked! I am grateful for that! It pleases me to know I was already providing value to another member.

    I have read a few comments about the sacred War Room and never bothered to look for it. I figured I was/am too new to be ready for 'advance' top-dog strategies. When I saw your post, it prompted me to search around and see what this would cost!

    I was expecting it to be $100s/year. When I finally saw it is only $37 for 20 years I immediately thought it is a no brainer! I think of all the marketing and 'Special Reports' that we all spend money on - what difference is $37 going to make? What a bargain! What a steal!

    Anyone who is serious about IM should be able to save $37 for the price of the membership. I look at all the value I received from the FREE forums and I realize that I would be happy to invest less than $40 for a membership.

    With that said, by midnight tonight I will be a full-fledged, card carrying member :-)

    Thank you for your offer!

    Be Well.
    Fantastic WordPress Training!

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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelAppleton
    Hi Kim, thanks for opening this up and the 2 warriors who get this will undoubtly benefit greatly from the war room. I have heard nothing but great things.

    The reason I believe I deserve the sponsorship is based on the action I have been taking recently. The website currently in my signature is the one website I am working on. Like so many others I suffered information overload, working multiple websites and moving onto the next shiny thing. Now I am taking the advice other marketers have been preaching to me since I started out in IM, pick a plan and stick to it.

    I would use the war room membership to study and implement list building strategies inconjuction with my current project as I am sure there is still alot to learn about list building.

    I will also follow in your foot steps by paying back the community that has help educate me on this long path by also sponsoring two members with war room memberships with my first $74 earned from this project.

    Again I would like to thank you for the opportunity and wish you all the best.

    Michael Appleton.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michele Buch
    Hello Kim,
    It's me again--the one who begins posts in purple.

    I've been thinking since I last posted. Here's an outline of my idea:

    -*- There can be a Kim Standerline Internet Marketing Educational Foundation

    -*- You gift as you see fit (such as randomly give a WarRoom membership to someone)

    -*- As your giftees become successful, as a token of appreciation, they make a donation to your Foundation

    -*- Other successful Internet Marketers see what a great thing your Foundation is.

    -----*- They make a cash contribution (at least the required minimum amount) and some other gift, such as one of their products

    -----*- As a thank you to them, you give each space in the Our Contributers section of your Foundation site

    -----*- The contributers, within your guidelines, can use their "space" to promote

    -*- You design a special gif image that means Kim Standerline IM Educational Foundation Contributer

    -*- Only the contributers to your Foundation may proudly display this image. It can be part of their signature and on their webpages.

    -*- You have a Success Stories section. This is for people who have been gifted by you to tell what their gift was and how they succeeded. It also gives a forum for publicly thanking you.

    -*- As product launches are done, the creator may want to gift two copies--one to your Foundation and one to you (so you can help the giftee if need be)

    -*- This will enable you to personally grow in keeping abreast with the latest techniques, tools, and marketing strategies.

    -*- You might have a Free Resources room at your Educational Foundation. This way, everyone can have at least a free token gift. This will also increase traffic and buzz.

    -*- Generous marketers with specialized skills, such as CPA marketing, may offer to set up a "free to visitors" training room, complete with video and pdf text instruction, at your Educational Foundation

    -*- You probably could get tax write-offs.

    -*- You probably can get grants to grow your Foundation.

    Kim, what you are doing is wonderful.
    Do what you love and the money will follow.
    You enjoy giving, so...

    Thank you for what you do.

    To our success,
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  • Profile picture of the author mekap04
    I would like to go ahead and apply for this as well as I would love some guidance from the War Room. To be honest, I have been at this for a little over a year now off and on and right now I am trying to go at it at full force but I am still drawing blanks every once in a while and questioning my way of doing things. You know after a year you should have learned enough to be making a decent income from internet marketing but I am not there yet and the War Room may just be that something that will put all the missing pieces of my IM puzzle together for me.

    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Marketer In Training
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  • Profile picture of the author halfbakedrew
    wow didnt know you could get a chance to win a prize as great as a free member ship to the best room ever. One of my friends is a member of the war room and I have to say it sounds great. The only thing is there is a price, for me it could be $10,000 for I do not have the spare change as others do. Even if its for something that could change that for me. If I could just get in there I would be happy as a school boy finding out that the cooky monster isnt real lol. Someone like me thats a fast learner and could use any help that could be give would be more then greatfull for a chance of a life time. I belive someone like me could use the free member ship to the war room where dreams come together.

    Alot of poeple say they cant start they're business because of the lack of money so I have started a company that works with you to get started on your online business
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  • Profile picture of the author FleeceHEAD
    Hiya Kim,

    My reasoning for posting up in here is pretty simple. I'm in need of help.

    I'm not an IM like the rest. I'm an entertainer smart enough to know where to come for advice when it comes to promoting myself online. Everyone else just sits around waiting for it to fall in their lap. I want to aggressively learn how to promote my 2 entertainment sites and the off-topic forum that links up with them.

    My knowledge is so far off the beaten path from what many here do I'm just starting to realize it may be of a lot more usefulness now than when I signed up in '07. Mostly I deal with audio/video and with that side of IM now being so much more prominent there is a new avenue where I can help and "give back" for all those nights I sat online here until 3-4am reading about SEO or Articles, changing from a simple html site to a wordpress, etc. It seems every night I spend here reading it's another 2 weeks of late night work and updates I end up doing to the sites I'm just starting to actually put all of these things into motion and that last bit of knowledge is what I think can help push me over the edge.

    Whomever you decide on I think it's cool that you're giving back to the community. Good stuff!


    Hello <name>, welcome to my horrible marketing email.

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  • Profile picture of the author kswr123
    Kim, you seem to be amassing quite a fanbase
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOExpert104
    This is nonesense! Kim has only gotten "2 likes" , and 1 from me, and look at what she is doing, I believe she deserves more than "100" thanks.

    It's really great how you are helping people Kim, bet you'll be a mod soon

    My point of view of the War Room;

    so cheap, so much, there are stuff worth at least a couple of thousands in it, I've seen a WSO which I wanted badly, didn't have cash at that time, and I go to WR, and boom, it's there for free, many many free stuff, when I bought it, I got stunned. WOW!

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    • Profile picture of the author kswr123
      Originally Posted by denomardin View Post

      Like I said, Kim...

      A fanbase.

      Bagsies being a groupie
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    • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
      Originally Posted by denomardin View Post

      bet you'll be a mod soon
      What a horrible thing to wish upon Kim... what did she ever do to you?




      Just kidding. (But modding the WF ain't no walk in the park. )

      Carry on, folks.

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      • Profile picture of the author Tomiwa
        I think as a newbie into internet marketing and as one that has not start generating cash from the internet,i need to acquire as much knowledge as i can in order to develop myself to become a great internet marketer like you.

        Moreso,i'm africa we people don't have much skill in internet marketing.I would be glad if i can be opportune to be a winner of this sponsored program.
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    • Profile picture of the author treevee
      Originally Posted by denomardin View Post

      This is nonesense! Kim has only gotten "2 likes" , and 1 from me, and look at what she is doing, I believe she deserves more than "100" thanks.
      I never knew that you could thank people!! Now I see the little button! Thanks for the heads-up on that, denomardin!
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  • Profile picture of the author tommydesmond
    If I was in the running for the sponsorship, pass it along to someone else, I just upgraded. It's really true, for the nominal amount they're charging, it's well worth it. $37 for a resource like the War Room is totally a sound use of the money.

    In all honesty, if you don't have $37 to drop for learning tools, you don't realistically have much of a chance to make too much marketing anything, online or off. IM, like anything else worth your time, is a business that has certain costs. We're all just lucky that the cost for something like the War Room is so low.

    In truth, I assume that upcharge is more to dissuade casual users than to generate profit. I don't think the people behind WarriorForum.com are relying too heavily on that $37 to buy their retirement homes, something tells me they have more than enough real coin rolling in from their IM efforts.

    If they didn't then this wouldn't be the resource that it is anyway!

    Good luck everyone, get out there and make that money.
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  • Profile picture of the author JennyBizz
    I love to learn and I think that the War Room would be a great place for me to do just that. I have been building blogs and trying my hand at affiliate marketing for about a year. I am making some money, but I want to scale up. WAY UP!

    I know that with the expert knowledge that I can gain in the War Room, I will be able to take my business to the next level and really make a full time income with it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Norma Rickman
    Hi Kim,

    Yes, I'm brand new here, but I'm at a point in my short IM career that my earnings are starting to lift off and I could really benefit from the experience and teachings of those who have forged their own path and struck it big. I've been working hard, and it's all coming together.

    I would really like to find some female mentors as well! Us ladies have a different vision than the guys do in IM and I've been playing in a forum that is about 90% guys. The opportunity to network with other women and see what their business models entail would be just invaluable to me.

    Besides, my husband does IM too, and we are very competitive with each other. He is already in the War Room and I am sick of having to sneak in and read posts under his log in. I can't let him get the better of me, now can I?

    Winning my own War Room membership would increase my knowledge, help me find mentors and as the ultimate bonus, one-up my husband.

    Thanks for considering me, Kim! This is a great gift for the winner, and good luck to all.


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  • Profile picture of the author Hoopatang
    Kim I sure don't begrudge you the job of having to choose 2 out of all of these different responses.
    What a great opportunity you're offering - my virtual hat's off to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author abednego
    Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

    I've just been having a nose round in there and I must say it seems to have improved a great deal

    The War Room is an excellent forum for learning, those in the right mindset can get a huge amount from it

    With this in mind, I've decided to sponsor another 2 warriors for War Room membership.

    Just reply to this post stating why you think you should become a war room member by taking advantage of one of these sponsorships, (preferably in words of more than two syllables) though I don't want a long essay either purleeze.

    I'll make my decision on Wed 21st. (Give folks the chance to get stuck in)

    Hey Kim!

    Thats pretty generous of you.

    Even though I'm fairly new - I joined this forum in late 2009, I feel that I have done my best at contributing (much like you).

    Pick me!

    But if not, pick someone else who tries to help around here

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  • Profile picture of the author John Cornetta
    Please please please pick me! I am a serious Internet Marketer AND..... It's always been a dream of mine to meet both President Obama AND WOLF BLITZER! OMG I will not sleep until the 21st! Serious pick me
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  • Profile picture of the author Yin Ryu
    I'm newbie here and i've lot to learn before moving to war room. But i think someone else who wants to take benefit from war room for their service or product immediately should get a chance instead of me.
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  • Profile picture of the author amenwolf
    Cheers Kim,

    First to congratulate myself to be this lucky registering 1 day before your deadline for this submission. Cheers to that!

    I'm not sure whether I should try writing a sales letter to sell myself to you? Or to just simply write why I want to be sponsored by you?

    Anyways, newbie to IM, can't quite catch on most of the "terms" in this forum and can't seem to find a newbie section for it either...

    Well, the big WHY? Should I become a war room member.
    To quote; "preferably in words of more than two syllables"

    More than 2 syllables? Hmmm..

    Why not me? <-- that's 3 =)

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  • Profile picture of the author reillymary56
    Hi Kim,

    I would really like to become a war room member because I want to learn and the war room is the ultimate place to do it.

    I accidently stumbled across interent marketing a short while ago and since then it has steadily becoming something of a passion of mine.

    I sit in the evenings boring my other half with my ideas on how I could market the most obscure products, I have now become more interested in the advertisements between Coronation Street than the actual show itself, as I sit scribbling down keywords to search for later on.

    I think that by giving me the opportunity to join the war room I would be able to make use of the vast information available from the talented people that reside there and hopefully I will be able to put this information and the new skills that I intend to learn into practice to make me and my family a bit of extra income.

    Best Regards,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2364310].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jason Hunt
      My wife has spent the last several months working to lose weight, and while she has always been the most beautiful woman to me, she wanted to put in the immense time and effort to continue to not only improve her own confidence, but make herself more and more beautiful to me.

      What does that have to do with this offer? Having the right mindset.

      I was blessed with lightning fast metabolism, so I can't show how much I appreciate what she's done and is doing by having me lose weight for her, as so many husbands do, but what I can do is give her the best life I can possibly provide.

      She has had the determination to do this for me, so I have the determination to succeed at this for her (and my future children!).

      I not only want it for her, I want to have the knowledge to give back to the Warrior Community once I've succeeded.

      I am also on the cusp of making this work, I need a push in the right direction to find true success. I made about $135.00 last year in internet marketing, so I know I can do it. I just need that little extra that I know I will find in the war room.

      Hope that's not too long! Best of luck with your choice Kim, and thanks for the opportunity!
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  • Profile picture of the author ash2611
    I joined the WF last year and tried many WSO's, learned good things but I never reached to the results I wanted till now. Whenever I'm in the forum and see the red triangle on the right of my screen I wonder if there are information that are valuable enough to make them private, will it make that difference to me?
    I've never been in something like that before. I wish to be inside that "red triangle" because I feel that it will shorten the distance to my goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    I'd love this War Room membership as I'm far to rich to be bothered with finding $37 to pay for membership .

    I'm not sure if I need this thing though as I seem to be one of the few people finding their own money making techniques rather than just copying everyone else's ideas.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Sussman

    You are so cool

    What a lovely offer.


    "He elicits the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victorias funeral."

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  • Profile picture of the author smokee
    Thanks Kim for the wonderful offer.

    Maybe I am not good at writing articles, or earning money from IM but I have this confidence that If I'd ever get an real-time opportunity of learning IM, I know I'll be creating my own footsteps for the people to follow.

    This might not be the best entry but Who knows Kim, If one day I reach on your level I'll sponsor more then two memberships.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
    Just to remind everyone

    I'm closing this later today so if you want to be in with a chance please post here your reasons why you think you should have the membership

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  • Profile picture of the author cajun600
    Hi Kim, thank you for offering this lottery. The reason I should be picked is one word: FRESHMEAT!!! I'm such a noob when it comes to IM and getting my feet wet, I want to spend all my dollars (which is about 100) on all the fancy methods and products out there, but no idea where to start. Everyone keeps telling me to goto the War Room. If you pick me, I promise I will use the War Room and not waste 100s of dollars on worthless products!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author eQuus
      Someone in the War Room owes me money. I want to go in there and choke the dough out of him -- or her. Well, it was dark when I gave them the money. :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    Hi Kim,

    I would love to be able to come up with something that "stands out from the crowd". But, the bottom line is....everyone has a story and everyone would benefit from your generous offer. I'm no different. I've been an entrepeneur in the offline world for the past several years. I entered the IM world a couple of months ago and am hooked! I've finally moved on from researching to developing a plan and moving forward. The expertise available in the War Room would definitely help me along the way. I'm a big believer in team support. I have learned so much here already and have even helped a few people along the way. I would be thrilled to receive your sponsorship and assure you I would use it wisely!

    Thanks for your consideration.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
    Hi Guys

    Thanks for the submissions, I wish I could have chosen everyone

    As it is, I've decided to extend it to 3 people


    I'll contact Tom on support to sort your memberships in the morning, I've got my 4 year old grandaughter here at the mo complaining she has tummyache and needs calpol (The little junkie)

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    • Profile picture of the author FleeceHEAD
      Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

      Hi Guys

      Thanks for the submissions, I wish I could have chosen everyone

      As it is, I've decided to extend it to 3 people


      I'll contact Tom on support to sort your memberships in the morning, I've got my 4 year old grandaughter here at the mo complaining she has tummyache and needs calpol (The little junkie)

      Awesome, Thank you Kim!!

      I will make you proud or at least frighten people with my own ways of how I attack problems! This thread inspired me to grab my 1 niche site (it actually started out as a joke one night out with friends when someone got sick and told me way too much info) that is unrelated to all my other crazyness and sit down, make a plan, and act on it. So that ended up going completely overboard and now I've got 4 health care information sites i'm building into their own little network on top of what I already work on every day. It's hard for me to write on serious topics but I'm working on it Nobody can say I'm not busy that's for sure lol!!

      I'll see ya on the other side


      Hello <name>, welcome to my horrible marketing email.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Daniels
    Hi Kim,

    Please consider me for sponership purely as this is my first post ;-)


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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Daniels
    Doh! You awarded the places as I was reading the thread haha
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  • Profile picture of the author FusciaPhoenix
    You get another Thank You and a big smile from me! I'm a softee for random acts of kindness!

    “To make our way, we must have firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear
    ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up”. Ralph Bunche

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    • Profile picture of the author iownmylife
      Congratulations to the lucky 3. Kim, once again, thanks for the act of kindness.
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  • Profile picture of the author mfusionxl
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    • Profile picture of the author eQuus
      Congratulations to the winners, and thank you Kim for a great Warrior Spirit.
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      • Profile picture of the author Caitolly
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        • Profile picture of the author treevee
          THANKS! ..... A TON! Much appreciated, Kim. You're the bomb! See ya on the other side!!!
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        • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
          I've deleted the original response I made to your post because it was probably a tad over the top.

          Needless to say I didn't appreciate it. You've made yourself out to be a poor loser.

          I took a while to make my mind up on whom I wanted to sponsor and I certainly didn't take into consideration any "sob" stories. I basically liked the tone of all 3 I chose


          Originally Posted by Caitolly View Post


          You gotta be kidding!

          Geez Kim, you must have voted for Obama!

          Or, I guess I'm glad you don't live in the states.

          Oh well, isn't that interesting.

          You did mention no long SOB stories, I guess I should have told you about the guys I served with who didn't come home, other than in a box with a flag on top.

          Just my opinion,

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2373497].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author garyfromdurham
          Originally Posted by Caitolly View Post


          You gotta be kidding!

          Geez Kim, you must have voted for Obama!

          Or, I guess I'm glad you don't live in the states.

          Oh well, isn't that interesting.

          You did mention no long SOB stories, I guess I should have told you about the guys I served with who didn't come home, other than in a box with a flag on top.

          Just my opinion,


          I think that they would be mortified that you cheapened the sacrafice that they made just because you did not win a $37 prize.

          That comment was disgraceful and you should be utterly ashamed.

          I am ashamed for you!!!

          Gary (who personally knows and is related to people in the armed forces)

          PS. Congratulations to the winners and a big thumbs up to Kim for such generosity.
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          • Profile picture of the author Caitolly
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2376356].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Jason Hunt
              Thanks for the chance and congrats to the winners.

              I bought myself a membership since I figured it was time anyway!
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              • Profile picture of the author kswr123
                Originally Posted by Jason Hunt View Post

                Thanks for the chance and congrats to the winners.

                I bought myself a membership since I figured it was time anyway!
                Yep, it's NEVER too early to get in there lol!
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        • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
          Let me borrow Kim's words: There's always one.

          My friend, you definitely need an attitudinal change. May I quickly remind you that this is a public forum made up, largely, of total strangers and Kim reserves the right to choose anyone she deems fit.

          Originally Posted by Caitolly View Post


          You gotta be kidding!

          Geez Kim, you must have voted for Obama!

          Or, I guess I'm glad you don't live in the states.

          Oh well, isn't that interesting.

          You did mention no long SOB stories, I guess I should have told you about the guys I served with who didn't come home, other than in a box with a flag on top.

          Just my opinion,

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2373913].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author kswr123
          Originally Posted by Caitolly View Post

          Geez Kim, you must have voted for Obama!

          Uh-Oh - I smell a nationalist - let's not make this political, eh? We're here to make money and, in your case, GROW UP
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  • Profile picture of the author amenwolf
    Congratz to the winners!
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  • Profile picture of the author Always-A-Warrior
    hey waite a minute ... I just got my mail today. Please let me in or I'll huff and puff and ... well you get the picture.

    Congrats to the 3 winners. I hope you have a great time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart S
    Can't believe I missed this thread
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelAppleton
    WOW, just got round to reading this thread and would like to say a massive thank you to Kim. You really are an insipiration, I will return this favor and pay back to this community that has given me so much.

    Again, thank you Kim.
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  • Profile picture of the author EternalIncome4U
    Congrats to the Winners! I am sure you will all make the most it.

    And thanks again for your generosity Kim, it's simple acts of kindness like yours that help make the world a better place.

    (and, maybe you could do me a tiny favor? I Just Now noticed my silly mistake in somehow accidentally substituting your name with treevee's name in my original post-I've since corrected it-so the favor is, just to assuage my curiosity, did that mistake have any bearing on my non-selection? Not sure how or why I made that error, maybe because I'm also a massage therapist or maybe because her submission reached me too )
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    • Profile picture of the author Crew Chief
      Originally Posted by Caitolly View Post

      Treevee! You gotta be kidding! Geez Kim, you must have voted for Obama!
      Caitolly, honestly you currently have "5" posts which means you essentially just became part of this community. To start off in the manner in which you did is a total disgrace.

      You apparently attempted to turn a genuine act of kindess into a political hailstorm. As others have stated, there was absolutely no call or cause for those types of comments.

      Anyway, enough said on that issue...

      MODS please, can you delete these politically insensitive, discourteous and incendiary comments posted by Caitolly?

      Originally Posted by garyfromdurham View Post

      I think that they would be mortified that you cheapened the sacrafice that they made just because you did not win a $37 prize.
      Gary, as a man who served in the Armed Forces, USAF, that is a monumental understatement. [Shrugging head]

      For others reading this thread, that conduct is not a representation of the men and women who put their lives on the line day in and day out for our safety and well being.[/QUOTE]

      Now back to the regular schedule programming...

      Kim, first of I want to say, Kudos to you and your amazing spirit of kindness. You reminded me of a quote by a great philosopher...

      "Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light." Albert Schweitzer
      You just fanned the flame of three individuals and now they can learn and grow and become razor sharp Internet Marketers and contributing WF members.

      But most importantly, may they take up the baton of kindness, generosity and the spirit of helping your fellow man and pass that baton and flame on to others!

      Giles, the Crew Chief
      Tools, Strategies and Tactics Used By Savvy Internet Marketers and SEO Pros:

      ProSiteFlippers.com We Build Monetization Ready High-Value Virtual Properties
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