How I made $10,000 in 72 hours with nothing but the knowledge in my brain. (Blueprint inside)
I am still new here but I am looking to genuinely help others get on the right track to doing what you are meant to be doing.
So rewind back to a day where dark days clouded me everyday. I was broke, in a deep depression and on the verge of being homeless. Instead of being productive with the last dollars I had, I would go buy a six pack and cruise Craigslist for whatever.
Well one morning, the sheriff shows at my door and says I have 72 hours to pay rent or get out. This was the second notice. At this point folks, I was at the rock bottom. I had no cable, running water, electricity or internet at my apartment as everything had been turned off.
It was bad. No one wanted to help me because I wasn't being honest with them and all the negative things that come with tough love.
Well, after a day of "Oh woe is me.." I was kinda scared and I knew I was in the position where it was make it or break it
So, I looked myself in the mirror and I said, “We can do this..!”
Now, a few months later and I have recouped 87% of everything I had lost, many of my family and I reconciled. I started counseling and am building my business stronger than ever. If you are still reading, excellent and thanks. Here is MY EXACT blueprint on how you can make money in a large scale.
Just so we are clear, this isn’t for someone who has a phobia of the phones or you think everything is based on the online.
Using the tools I have learned online and what little assets I had online, I was able to take a site, freshen it up a bit. It was a geo targeted domain, with high traffic, surprisingly. I added several things to make it more appealing such as:
More content (like so much, you’d think I was the dictionary on the topic)
I added either a message board or a forum.
link building.
Twittered the account, social networked and a few other tweaks that would let the world see.
There are many factors that I put into this site. Now on to the nitty gritty bit of bringing home the bacon.
Now my site was pretty decent and I knew that if I set things up accordingly and I sought out the end result, I would have a great cash out.
I set up a pitch that explained why my site would greatly benefit them and what the company would receive in the end. I included that I would help them with further marketing, traffic and some other ideas.
Now, the tricky part was getting the sale. Oh Man! (In some instances, Woman!) You know how many people told me no, or laughed at me or in some instances. I even dealt with a guy tricky enough to try to milk me on how I was doing it. It was super cut throat and time discouraging. I talked to over 70 businesses. I had set my ideal payment thought and I wasn’t going to budge that far off. So, you can imagine how many low ball offers I received and all the miscellaneous thoughts and ideas I had received.
Here is the places you want to avoid when trying to find customers for your online assets, the first page of Google, and large places where your market will be widely received and known. I mean you can try to use them but they won’t do much for you.
There is a place where you can find many small businesses by list and niche. I mainly have found a gold mine in Yelp, Manta and Yahoo Small Businesses. There are an abundance amount of places that you can find small businesses and medium sized businesses. I have a list of places that I use for due diligence.
This company that was struggling to get in the rankings and whatnot saw what I genuinely had to offer and saw this as their opportunity. It was incredible, I am thinking they were caller number 82. So, we haggled almost all day and into the evening. About 8:45 in the evening, they decided that the price I was willing to agree on was acceptable. At the point where agreements, they all of a sudden they spring an idea onto me.
I was thinking to myself, “I must be looking way too authoritative to be presented with this idea.” With the site they bought from me, was a half of the $10,000 dollars that they gave me. The other part of the money was to hire me to make the product that they wanted on the website. It was AWESOME. They wired the money into my account the day I was to be evicted. So you can imagine how humbled I was to be able to restore my power, cable/internet and paying my rent.
In the last several months, I learned many lessons and I saw many opportunities come my way. I have taken some of them and bypassed many. My contact list grew larger and I saw myself creating an income for myself that was lucrative. I have taken on other projects from my list of domains and my bank of ideas and market them to the offline market. Now this isn’t supposed to be a Happily Ever After thought. I still get denied, lowballed and I get side tracked but the income is incredible and I also am in the process of setting up other streams of income.
This is not rocket science but it’s a tedius job, but if you need money. It’s in your resources if you are just sitting there lulling now.
If you have questions, I’d be honored to help you guys and gals. I know how tough it is to get started.
Hope this helps you!
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âThe first draft of anything is shit.â ~Ernest Hemingway
Canadian Expat Living in Medellin, Colombia
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