How To Create Short Info Products In Under 2 Hours

2 replies
Give Me Just 8 Minutes And I'll Guarantee You That After Watching This Video, You'll Have The Ability To Create Hot Selling Info Products In Under 2 Hours!

Hey what's up warriors,

It's been a while since I've posted something useful on the forum. So I figured to just share this video I just made right now.

I was going over one of my old note books and found some notes I had taken. This is all about creating hot info products in under two hours. This could have been turned into a WSO, but why? There's a lot of people that just come here to "sell" rather then give good info.

So I decided to film it and upload it, and share it with you guys for free.

Hope ya'll enjoy the video!

#create #hours #info #products #short
  • Profile picture of the author goindeep
    I like it. A friend told me something similiar a while back when i was writing a "How To Reduce Stress" ebook, i was stick for content and he said 'look, you dont write a book from start to finish, you write the chapters first, and THEN just fill in the blanks'.

    I dunno, but i think this fits.
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    • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
      Originally Posted by Andrei Rotariu View Post

      I like it. A friend told me something similiar a while back when i was writing a "How To Reduce Stress" ebook, i was stick for content and he said 'look, you dont write a book from start to finish, you write the chapters first, and THEN just fill in the blanks'.

      I dunno, but i think this fits.
      exactly! - You'll wreck yourself if you don't start with the outline first.
      You'll end up unorganized.
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