Ezine Traffic Stats Bunk???

1 replies
Any ideas

MY aritcle from today shows 10 views 8 URL clicks.

I go to my statcounter which is working and it shows only 2 from ezine?

Is this common?

Super pumped to have 10 views and 8 URL clicks on day 1. I only had 2 signups today and I don' think any came from Ezine.

My opt in page converts at @ 30% so I seem to believe stat counter as opposed to ezine.

Any ideas?
#clicks #ezine #statcounter #url
  • Profile picture of the author Robert Brauer
    I've had some of the same problems. I wouldn't trust everything Ezine tells you. If you're not getting the opt-ins that should indicate that you're not getting many visitors, unless they bounce quick.
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